Mars' 1st shot at the Blueprint

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by zip »

Arms and shoulders.. from what I can see.

Also upper chest/front delts area seems fuller around the collar bone.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah you're definately laying down lots of muscle there. There's just no doubt about it. Fat doesn't move that much more weight either!
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Post by mars88 »

Awesome you guys just made my day!
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Post by mars88 »

GLP 3 Bench! What a solid workout!

190x4 Needed just a touch of help on the 3rd rep and a little assistance on 4th rep.

the 175x4 set felt great coulda did 5-6 reps easily. Cant believe the strength increases!
Felt so good today did a few PR zones.

Pr Zone 1
Incline Dumbell Presses supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
70x7 70x7
70x7 70x7
70x6 70x7
70x5 70x7
70x4 70x7

This was just a great PR zone. I did all 5 sets without a spotter, i kicked up the 70s by myself for each set, this is just great. Up until last week i couldnt even kick up the 70s for 1 set. I will keep using the 70s until i can manage 8 reps a set then i will move to the 75s!

PR zone 2
Widegrip latpulldowns supersetted with barbell upright rows
140x5 80x5
140x5 80x5
140x5 80x5
140x5 80x5

Barbell Shrugs superetted with tricep v pulldowns
225x7 65x7
225x7 65x7
225x7 65x7

After the workout i played ball for an hour or so. Such a good workout i love the strength gains!
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Post by RobRegish »

Beast building before our eyes :)

Way to go Mars!
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Post by mars88 »

GLP 3 Squats

Did not miss a single rep again!

Romanian Deadlift supersetted with leg press
225x6 555x6
225x6 555x6
225x6 555x6

Only did 3 rounds because my lower back was feeling it, didnt hurt it but i thought it would be best to leave it at that instead of risk injury.
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Post by mars88 »

Rob whats plan of attack after i complete my 6th GLP pattern, should i go into cruise for a week or so then take a week off and restart famine again ? Or do i do the blueprint periodic.. i think the 2nd run i may want to recomp just to have the abs for the summer and then do a full out bulk after, im undecided, whats your opinion?
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Post by RobRegish »

Once you run out the GLP and peak, ascertain how much time you have left. If it's 10 days or less discontinue after workout #6 an transition to cruise.

If you have 10 days or more though consider returning to workouts 1-5 template as seen in the first few weeks of Feast. Doing so can and often will result in NEW 1RM's coming off of the GLP. You may have to abbreviate it a bit (skip the de-load, adjust the reps up again, then back down etc.) but try and take a break for at least 10 days from the 90% work and then work back down to a 1RM under HIT one set to failure terms to end the feast.

The return to HIT after the GLP/generous helping of EDT is a nice switch. Your work capacity will drop but it comes up FAST when going back into Cruise and the 5 sets of 5 protocol.

If you'd like to keep those abs for summer than yes, a return to famine will be necessary/tweaking of your last BP cycle before Summer end. Me I just love bulking/power training year round.

Embrace the bloat :)
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Post by mars88 »

Alright so got my update for GLP 4 Bench and Squat

GLP 4 Bench
200x2 needed a touch of help on 2nd rep

Incline dumbell press supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
70x7 70x7
70x7 70x7
70x6 70x7
70x5 70x7

PR zone 2
Closegrip latpulldowns supersetted with upright barbell rows
120x6 80x6
120x6 80x6
120x6 80x6

GLP 4 Squats
Hit every rep!

Romanian deadlifts supersetted with leg press
225x6 555x8
225x6 555x8
225x6 555x7
225x7 555x7

Got a compliement from some guy at the gym on my legpress hes like holy crap thats a nice leg press and hes a bigger guy than me. The great thing is i can push more than 555! My weight was at 155 lbs yesterday, thats 18 pound gain. Def fat gain but 18 lbs gain is just amazing.

I've decided that i want the 2nd run to be a recomp so i can get ripped again for the summer and then bulk again in the fall/winter.

I've got 4 workouts left of the GLP and about 11 days of ebol/tbol trib left which will mark 50 days of feast. At that point can i just take 5 days off and start another famine for recomp? If im doing recomp what do i need to do here just main thing is calories? 100% maitnenance on workout days and 70 on off days?
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Post by sovabrat »

The Key to recomp is cardio and calorie cycling. the 100 on and 70 off worked for me, but not for Hank. You just have to jump in and start trying things. Definitely add the cardio on a fasted stomach. I liked to do both HIIT and long slow cardio. I usually did the HIIT after each workout, and then I did LSS on a rest day with abs and whatnot and then one day of LSS on the weekend.

Again, this worked for ME. You just have to find your groove and run with it. Pay attention to your weight gains/losses and your energy levels day by day. You should be able to tell if its working. The increased cardio and lower calories did cause my lifts to suffer a bit but I was still increasing strength. Nothing close to what you did in this run though, great job.

There are many ways to tackle it, and Rob has probably gathered a lot of evidence from logs and can better tailor something to your n eeds. I can only speak for what I have done. If you have questions on how I did anything feel free to message me.
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Post by RobRegish »

First, outstanding work! 18lbs in that amount of time even if some of it was fat is fantastic. Hardgainer no more :)

At that point can i just take 5 days off and start another famine for recomp? If im doing recomp what do i need to do here just main thing is calories? 100% maitnenance on workout days and 70 on off days?"

A. Jumping back into Famine without a cruise isn't advised. You'd be losing a lot of that hard earned muscle.

Sovabrat's advice is excellent. Calorie cycling is the key, you just need to find your sweet spot! I do favor the 100%/70% split. Believe Hank might have been working with a different % split..

It's what works for you that matters... :)
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Post by mars88 »

Svrobat thx man I was actually gonna MSG u and ask wat u did ur results were great but u beat me to the punch haha.. Wat was ur diet like on 100 percent days versus 70 percent days? Did u do cardio 7 days s week? Liss empty stomach morning and hiit after workout? What was ur carb intake like?

Now rob so u think I shud do cruise wat do u suggest then? After I finish Thr 6th glp then go into cruise for 1 week? Now I want to start cutting/recomping asap so should I just switch calories too 100/70 when I begin cruise then I can do a famine 2 weeks after at which point I woulda have been dieting for 2 weeks already and then continue the recomp in the 2nd run?

Also originally I was going to do the blueprint periodic where there is actually no cruise at all u just do another famine after the glp so then why wouldn't I be able to do famine after glp now and start recomp ?

Also thx for the compliments guys!
Still got about 10 days or so left I would like to hit 158-160 and hopefully cut back down to 148-150
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Post by RobRegish »

Now rob so u think I shud do cruise wat do u suggest then? After I finish Thr 6th glp then go into cruise for 1 week? Now I want to start cutting/recomping asap so should I just switch calories too 100/70 when I begin cruise then I can do a famine 2 weeks after at which point I woulda have been dieting for 2 weeks already and then continue the recomp in the 2nd run?

Also originally I was going to do the blueprint periodic where there is actually no cruise at all u just do another famine after the glp so then why wouldn't I be able to do famine after glp now and start recomp ?

Your goals are somewhat at odds here.

The BP periodic is a mass and strength routine. But you also want abs/strong recomp. I really, really wish I could do this for everyone :)

It's really a matter of what's important to you. Having said that, let's say it's re-comp.

I'd suggest going into the stock cruise template meaning 14-21 days. During ths time, consume maintenance calories the first week. Then during the next 1-2 weeks run with 100/70%.

Now you're in a position where you're a bit leaner, you'll know where your strength levels are at (roughly) and can judge as to what to do next. Assuming you're OK with both and the goal is re-comp, execute another famine week.

I'll show you what to do after that....
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Post by mars88 »

That sounds like a plan Rob. Now inregards to the cruise template, can i do a split like chest/tris monday back/bis tuesday shoudlers/legs wed ?

Also update GLP 5 Bench

Missed the 4th rep of the 185 set and needed help on the 3rd. It was odd because i hit both reps on the final 195 set.

Pr zone Incline Dumbell Press superset with 1 arm dumbell row
70x8 70x8
70x8 70x8
70x4 70x8

Pr zone 2 Closegrip latpulldowns superset with barbell shrugs
130x6 225x6
130x6 225x6
130x6 225x6

PR zone 3 Preacher curls with skullcrushers
85x8 60x8
85x8 60x8
85x8 60x8

Was a good workout cant wait to max bench for glp 6!
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