Redgum's Journey.

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Post by RobRegish »

3 new PR's!

FANTASTIC. Now don't get too used to them.... because more are right around the corner :)

This ended my day just right :)
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Post by Redgum »

Weighed in at 211 lbs, seems to be up one day, down the next, ah well, as long as it settles out when i eventually get to cruising!

Just finished Workout 1 of GLP(Bench) 1RM was 100kg(220lbs) so easy to workout! :D

6 sets

I just scraped the last couple of reps on the last set, I know if you cant get every rep its no big deal, I just thought I'd give it all.

I did some simple Incline Dumbbell presses 6x6, with 33lbs.
Some resistance band work. That elbow/back of forearm is nagging still with any movement bring anything overhead, will watch it..

I'll work out a EDT block for future workouts, I realised I didn't plan properly prior to this workout. Live and learn.

I did static barbell holds.. 2 x 10 secs with 80kg (176lbs). Holy upper body vibrations bat man! It was fun anyway.

Enjoyed this workout.

I was thinking of adding some sort of kettle-bell exercises into the next however many weeks until cruise. Will figure something out I'm sure, not sure what the general consensus here is of using kettle-bells, but swings, clean and press can add some variety into any workout I feel.

I realise i only left one whole day rest since my 1RMs on Tuesday, but it was either that or wait til this Sunday, which is the next time I can workout as I will be busy the next few days. I felt good anyway, recovery time seems to be quick. Praise goes to BCAA's and all these calories I'm chowing down. I'm measuring everything I eat. These workout days where I'm trying to aim for 3000 cals is sometimes tough.

Just to add, I have never really consciously ate/drank protein prior to sleeping, I understand it was 'needed' to stop your body going into a catabolic state. Is this necessary? Must I have protein(+fats?) at night prior to sleep?

I'm starting to get a nice 'feel' to this programme and the board now, people are generally open and advice friendly.

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Post by RobRegish »

Glad you're liking the program/board. We really have a better mousetrap here..

The prebedtime meal isn't mandatory. I like it though b/c I can't sleep on an empty stomach. Something like cottage cheese with pineapple etc.

The other strategy is isolated amino's like Gamma GH on an empty stomach, ZMA etc.. Bigger GH hit and deeper sleep.

As always, experiment with both and see what works best for YOU!
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Post by Redgum »

OK Rob, thanks. I'll see what I can fit in. I have some Z+M tabs from a while ago, guess I could take those, I stopped taking them before due to some medication I was on and it may of conflicted with it, so I decided to stop.
I have stopped taking that medication so I guess I can start ZM again, wasn't too keen on getting the full ZMA stack as I was on an ECA stack, again conflicting possibly.


SO, last few days been busy etc, some late nights out, pubs and clubbing last night. Got in about 4-4:30am. Got some sleep. Woke up around 9am-10am, weighed 213lbs, didn't check RHR. Had a terribly head, I wasn't drinking,(Just had the one) think its a bit backwards to be taking in vast amounts of alcohol while trying to achieve my goals.

Had a hell of a nose bleed and then headache cleared up! Was napping throughout the day, making sure I didn't skip on calories, so was getting shakes/smoothies down me.

Got to about 5pm and decided not to skip a workout, so ploughed on through.

Workout #2 GLP. (Think day 13 of feast)

SQUATS! (1RM was 150kg)

6 sets

Last rep on last set was a struggle.. tbh was more of a quarter squat. Had to try.

Then did 6x6 bicep curls + 6x6 tricep kickbacks. I can say they were similar to EDT blocks however I wasn't timing it, just pacing it.
Added some resistance band work as well.

Overall not bad I guess.


Saw a friend I hadn't seen in a few months, he has got into weight training, didn't talk to him at all about it, he's seem to have blown up quite big. I did have my suspicions of maybe juice but I wont say he is on anything. He's into power lifting now. Makes me want to juice :roll:
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Post by Redgum »

Day 15 Feast

Weight: 216lbs

I felt I have fully recovered from Sunday's squat session. I shall experiment with how many recovery days I need, adjusting where need be.

Workout #3 GLP

DEADLIFTS! ( :oops: :wink: )

OK. Previous 1RM 160kg (352lbs)

6 sets

Did every rep.. last set last rep I shouldn't have though, I paused after the 7th and wasn't satisfied that I couldn't get it, so I waited 10 secs and did it, 'tingle' on right side of back, doesn't hurt at all, but after that I regretted the rep.

Did 6x6 'cable rows' however, without the cable.. I used my resistance band and wrapped it around my rack, I have limited equipment so have to use and play about with what I do have.

Was also doing 6x6 Dumbbell rows. When repping the left side, the 'tingle' in the right side of back came every rep. So stopped left side rows and just did the right.

Post workout am fine. Back overall is feeling like its had a decent workout. No pain.

Overall. Not bad, just regretting the last rep of last set on Deadlifts. Live and learn.

Edit: I've been having nose bleeds 3 days in a row now.. no supp would cause this right?
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Post by RobRegish »

Congrats on hitting everything!

Nosebleeds 3 days in a row I'd be concerned with. Thermogenics etc can exacerbate this.

Have you taken your blood pressure? If not, please do so...
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Post by Redgum »

OK thanks Rob.

I got it checked 133/75.

Apparently spot on.

I asked my parents, they said possibly just the time of year (Its been hot here for a change) and could be that. However that was just a guess.

Just a bit odd. A few years ago I went to the doctors about them, I got them every few years constantly for about a month. Then they just stopped suddenly. Just hoped it isn't anything serious.


Another note, I had only bought one bottle of Ebol, I guess I'll need to run another, as it would run out before the end of the programme, correct?

Many thanks
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Post by RobRegish »

Might but you could try and stretch it too. Next run, pick up some new supps to compare. Will give you an objective comparison of what works best for YOU!
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Post by Redgum »

Yesterday I had 2 nose bleeds before midday. Today I haven't had one (yet, its only 13:30~). I was 214lbs upon waking.


Hm alright then! Good plan Rob, I'll stick with the one bottle of E Bol and next run I have decided I'll be using majority (if not only) MASS products. (to John's delight, I'm sure :wink: )


Day..17 of feast!

212lbs upon waking.

Workout #4 GLP!

BENCH! (No.2)

6 sets

That last set was brutal, last rep was more like a half rep. No worries.

Went into doing Decline Dumbbell Presses/Incline Dumbbell Presses.. 6x6 on both, my arms were so tired after that! 33lbs weight IIRC.

Went onto resistance band work.

After that I did 2x10sec 85kg barbell static holds! They were fine, no probs.

Overall i felt good, dripping with sweat! :lol:

I find it funny as previously before I started the BP, my workouts, now I realise were half assed, hardly sweating ones. At least I can feel the difference now..

On a side note.. I have gone through 2lbs of whey in a week.. :shock: I've been making smoothies/pancakes.. so dam nice, which ever member I saw with those pancakes, good job!
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Post by RobRegish »

Great, GREAT work my man!

Sounds like you're just hitting your stride too :)
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Post by Redgum »

Day 20 of Feast.


Workout #5 GLP

SQUATS! (No.2)

6 sets

Was a good workout.. Last set was tough, lower back/just above coccyx I had a little discomfort, maybe form was off today, anyways, I nailed all reps except last 2 reps on set 6, they were probably just past 1/4 squats..

Went into 6x6 Bicep Curls + Tricep Kickbacks.
Also resistance band work, my arms felt so pumped after that.

As stated earlier in my log, it was advised to be doing 120/100% calories first 3 weeks, and 100/70% calories for final 3 weeks of feast. Tomorrow will be the last day of 120/100. So Tuesday, which is a training day will be my first day of the new 100/70% calorie control stage. Excited (sad I know) to see what effect this will have over the next 3 weeks.

I'm still doing the BCAA 3 days on/off rotation. I'm sure I can feel the difference on those off days.. I'm also only using periworkout drinks on the days I've been on the BCAAs. I may have to incorporate a periworkout drink into all workouts from now on, due to a greater calorific deficit and the GLP getting tougher..(unless suggested otherwise)

Legs feel good, no discomfort anywhere in body, which is always a plus. :)

I'm now an uncle too.. :?
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Post by RobRegish »


And way to go on the GLP transition. TERRIFIC work!!
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Post by Redgum »

Thanks Rob!


Day 22 of Feast.

Was feeling pretty sluggish all day, but perked right up when I started the workout.

212lbs. Judging by the amount of calories I have been eating per week (19000) for those first 3 weeks, and now I will be on less (14500) so I will estimate I'll be now losing 1lb/week. Interesting to see how it plans out.

Don't know if I had mentioned this before but I found out I had a medial ligament strain. It's not too troublesome most days but sometimes its a bitch, but its on the mend! Which is why I haven't done any cardio in about 3 months (I usually do running) I know this could well be detrimental to my progress, I will have to find an alternative, I thought about getting a rowing machine, It wouldnt cause discomfort though I could try the 'throwing a medicine ball around' route which I have seen mentioned somewhere around here.. :wink:

I have now finished my first and only bottle of E bol. I will be saving for my supplement purchase from MASS, which seems like it will be a lot of wonga! (Making final adjustments on before ordering) and I can almost say this first BP run is a taster or sample run..althought I feel I am making gains, my 2nd I will be potentially greater in terms of results I feel, knowing the programme and experience I am gaining throughout.


Workout GLP #6.


Better than expected!

6 sets

Hit every rep, no problems! Had my trusty periworkout shake and BCAAs!

Went into 6x6 Dumbbell rows and my resistance band rows, and I also tried out some Lateral Pull Downs with my resistance band, could feel them!

Overall pretty good!
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Post by Redgum »

Yesterday wasn't too good, Went over my 70% limit, was more of a 90%. I severely underestimated my breakfast, turned out to be 1200 cals, then it would leave me with 550 for the rest of the day, I tried, had to eat in the evening. Haha..

Day 24 of Feast.

I have just got a new set of scales, had my feelings the others were off.

I was right, they were 2-3lbs out, so I was 209lbs this morning anyway.

Workout GLP #7

BENCH! (No.3)

6 sets

It was alright... I hit every rep except last rep was just half.
Wasn't feeling it today, even though I did well, seeing as that last set was my previous 1RM. But yeah.

Decline + Incline dumbbell presses.

Tbh I wasn't feeling it today at all, probably because I kept bashing my toes/knees into weights/rack/bench.. lol. Shit got annoying.

Anyway it's all good.. managing calories better today again.

Just a quick question, for when I place my MASS order. Waiting for Vanilla to restock.. but don't know how long it'll take.. but anyway may as well ask it here instead of creating another thread in the supplement section..

- Kre-Alkalyn, I read on MASS site you need just 2 caps/day.. would that be on training days take 1 pre workout and then 1 post? And off days just take 1 in the morning or something?

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