How to warm up - Big Barbell Lifts

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How to warm up - Big Barbell Lifts

Post by RobRegish »

Recent question I fielded on Squats:

"For example, if I am aiming for 205 for 8 reps, my warmup might look something like 135 for 6, 160 for 4, 185 for 2, then 205 for 8 as the working set?" -

A. Personally, I'd warmup as follows:

- Some light warmups with just the bar for say, a set of 10 reps. Do take care to limber up the lower back

- Rest 3 minutes
- 135 x 2
- Rest 3 min
- 155 x 2
- Rest 3 min
- 175 x 2
- Rest 3 min
- 185 x 1
- Rest 3 min
- 195 x 1
Rest 3 min
- 205 x 1
= Rest 5 minutes

A lot of warmups? Perhaps... But you will recognize 2 key benefits with this approach:

1.) You'll be stronger
2.) You'll be less likely to get injured


Begin work set putting maximum mental and phsyical intensity into it as you can. This is a learned skill that will come with time..

You will notice that I limit reps during warmups and instead, favor working up to your target weight. I think this strategy makes for more sense for the following reasons:

1.) You don't deplete nearly as much muscle glycogen in your warmups
2.) The nervous system (CNS) has "seen" the weight you'll be working with at least once.

Doing so greases the groove so to speak given even a 10 or 15 lb jump into your working set from your last warmups can be problematic. Problematic insofar as muscular coordination, power output and your mental/phsycial perception of what "feels" heavy.

Give that a shot. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
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Post by cyingling »

have to say i just started this technique recently and on squat lifted 25lbs more than my "mathematical" one rep max..
Posts: 41
Joined: Tue May 18, 2010 3:41 am

Post by lovehasrisen »

cyingling wrote:have to say i just started this technique recently and on squat lifted 25lbs more than my "mathematical" one rep max..
Nice! :D
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