Before my 1st run (questions)

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Before my 1st run (questions)

Post by Suedec »

Hello all,

I must admit, I purchased the BP today and read through it once. I am stoked to begin but am waiting till after my vacation so I can hit it and hit it hard. In the mean time I will be studying it harder and will be full of questions. I am new to the whole building scene and started hitting the gym this March. So, I am still wet behind the ears...

EDIT: Figured out my first set of questions from studying it further, my apologies

Anyway, I was reading along and I am seeing and hearing a lot about EDT Blocks, PR Zones, and figuring my 1RM.

With the 1RM, I figure while before I start I can test the waters with it and see what I can do before I start.

Also, can this be described to be as well:
- Squats for as many reps as you can get in the 8-10 rep range. NOTE:
This is ONE work set after warmups.

What does it mean to do as many reps as I can get in an 8-10 rep range?

Say if I start with a squat of 220 and I know I can push out 12-15, should I just increase it to like 240 where I know I can do 8-10 WITHOUT failure? If I know it will be easy to do a set of 8-10 just increase it? I would assume I would figure this out during the warm-up?

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Post by RobRegish »

Welcome Eric!

You know, I could have worded that better. Since there has been some confusion, I've added these stickies to clarify:




Relative to your questions:

With the 1RM, I figure while before I start I can test the waters with it and see what I can do before I start.

A. I'm fine with this.

Also, can this be described to be as well:

- Squats for as many reps as you can get in the 8-10 rep range. NOTE:
This is ONE work set after warmups.

What does it mean to do as many reps as I can get in an 8-10 rep range?

A. It means you select a weight that causes you to fail/terminate the set within that rep range. That is, you would reach muscular failure at the point between 8-10 reps. Understandably, this takes some experimentation. Don't worry if you're a bit under/over..

Say if I start with a squat of 220 and I know I can push out 12-15, should I just increase it to like 240 where I know I can do 8-10 WITHOUT failure? If I know it will be easy to do a set of 8-10 just increase it? I would assume I would figure this out during the warm-up?

A. As above, you want to increase it until you can't perform another rep in good form between 8-10 reps. And yes, your warmups are a good indicator.

I personally don't waste a lot of energy on warmups. Now I DO perform liberal warm up sets. Quite a few actually. You'll need more the stronger you get. I typically work up to my final warmup set with my target weight, never performing more than 1-3 reps.

I think that working up to your target weight for the work set is important. REASON: It's important for your nervous system to "see" the weight prior to lifting it. To jump into it (even after some warmup sets with lighter weights) is like jumping into a vat of cold water..
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Post by Suedec »


No prob man, no one is perfect. We live and learn. With questions, we both learn from it.

Thanks for clarifying my questions.
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Post by Suedec »

I have a test log that I have made that I am going to run through in the Gym today for my Legs, Back, and Bi's. If it runs smoothly like I think it will, I will keep the log for when I start my Famine phase.

Squat super set with Seated Cable Rows 3x6 (2min rest between sets)
2min rest
Dumbbell Rows super set with Chin Ups 3x6 (2min rest between sets)
2min rest
Standing Barbell Curls 1x6
2min rest
Incline Dumbbell Curls 1x6
2min rest
Preacher Curls 1x6
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man, great layout.

You're a planner, just like me :)
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Post by Suedec »

Thanks Rob. I like to set everyone out before so I don't have to waste time and cramming it all in at once.

I want to get in the gym, know what I need to do and JUST DO IT~! Not that I just want to get in and out because I could spend all day in the gym but I hate guessing...

BTW, I tested the routine and it went well. I have to say, I was feeling DAMN good for that routine but when I actually famine, it will change.

Question about the Preacher Curls. Do you suggest doing a 5-7sec count as I go back down with the bar or just hammering them out? I did about a 5sec count for each and DAMN, my arms were on FIRE! Those pups were screaming...
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Post by RobRegish »

I'm a hammering them out kind of guy :)

Try this though. Mix a few sets up like that. Hammer out the first few and finish with the timed lifts. Reverse that for a workout or two down the line and take notes.

You may well benefit. Fun to experiment :)
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