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Post by RobRegish »

Nice work Hank.

And for sure I think you can benefit from the many loading patterns in Blueprint. Suggest German Loading Pattern #1 next time out. I honestly haven't heard from one person it's let down...
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Post by Hank! »

Captains Log Day 22 Feast Phase

I did not work out or even work that hard this weekend, but I did have chance to sit down in a very quiet sun drenched room and slowly re-read THE BluePrint. Maybe I was finally in the right state of mind(not blistering through it between fire drills at work) or maybe it was the BurnIt Up, but I finally get it, its clear and I am looking forward to my second run. Rob I also learned that though I haven't followed a loading pattern what i have been doing seems similar to the 10% solution. Here is where it gets shakey because I never established my 1RM physically, just via extrapolation. I am not even really stressed about it. I know i am stronger, my part time work out bud says he cant believe how much stronger I am so i'll take it at that. My goal this week is to establish my true 1RM in Bench, and maybe SQ.

My diet was shot to hell this weekend, and i got no sleep at all Sat night but I had a blast . I don't drink but I was running with a crowd who does drink and I offered to be designated driver. Started at a big beer tasting at 2pm and rolled home around 2:30 am. Ingested a bunch of nootopics (burn it up & amped drink)and stims today maybe thats why i am so chatty.

Macros SAT
2085 Cals
67G Fat
248G carbs <Odouls> but i didn't have carbonated beverages with dinner
Pro 104g
2xKA , 1XDHEA,

Macros SUN
1428 cals
42g Fat
65g pro
169 carbs
2xKA, 1xDHEA, 4XBurnitUP :)

Rob do you think its better for me to stay in feast through Friday(27 days) then go into cruise or should I hang in to 45 days i had an idea to bump up to 2KA pre and 2KA post workout while spiraling down the calories if i go the full 45 days

sorry if my writing is a bit stream of consciousness..thats how it is in my head
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Post by RobRegish »

That's a fine plan for extending the Feast. And yeah, Burn It Up comes in handy for sure when you're studying/need the lift.

One suggestion: Bump up the protein a bit. Ideally, you want to do this around the workout in your peri-workout drink. Consider an extra 50g or so here with a corresponding increase in carbs. I think you'll find it'll go a long way toward offsetting and danger posed by lowering calories further.

The 2 and 2 Kre-Anabolyn strategy is a good one. For as calories drop, so will nitrogen retention. The combination of some additional protein and Kre-Anabolyn on workout days will go a long way toward tipping the balance in your favor and could well make the difference.

Your intuition is really growing in this first run. You're making all the right moves..
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Post by Hank! »

Thanks Rob I will refocus on the nutrition, this weekend was an anomaly

Feast Phase Day 23 Update

Weight 252.9
Looks: Very Handsome
BP 110/62
RHR 64
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Post by Hank! »

Lunch Workout today was pretty intense

Squats super setted with rows
225x20 < this was pretty exhausing

Cable Rows

SLDL with 2x100lbs dbs 3x10

Lat Pull downs Wide Bar to chest supersetted with under hand pull downs


Leg Curls
Leg extentions

Clalf Raises
210x8x2 got crampy

Wierd Ham/Glute contraption
20 extensions

2KA pre/1 DHEA/1 FISHoil
2KA post with Chocmilk
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT job on those squats.

225 for 20 is nothing to sneeze at. How many trainees can claim that, let alone at your age? Don't mean that in any derogatory sense... but I just don't see it in many gyms I visit.

Nice work!
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Post by Hank! »

That is a very high compliment Rob, thanks

2483 kcals
99G fat
826 choles
1.5g Sodium
300gm carbs
191g sugar
31g fiber
220g Pro
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awesome job on squats man... you're a hoss!!
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Post by Hank! »

I could not get enough to eat today, I am still hungry even after all this
3542 kcals
100g fat
872mg chol
2.6g sodium
336g carbs
47g fiber
220gm pro

Pretty good workout

260x2 then 225x 3 i was pissed but new pr

100lb DB for 4 sets of between 6-10 very challenging

185x6 3 sets

bw x7 for 2 sets
Tricep presses on the smith (layin on the floor)
185x10 2set

Tricep pushdown with bar and rope super- setted with some sitting rows

Elbows are sore, Orange Triad isnt half as good at joint pain relfief as is AnimalFlex, you can take that to the bank
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome work.

The increased hunger is a good sign. Muscles are asking for more :) And another new PR :) It's raining PR's in here. Turbo set 2 new ones yesterday too!

Great work Hank. Couldn't be happier for you...
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Post by Hank! »

Today is an off day and I am really going to try and keep cals at BW x 10 so 2500

Rob what do you think of full body workouts 2 or 3x a week while in cruise?

I have really gotten away from a cardio bootcamp that i used to do on off days and want to reincorporate that into my week.
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Post by mars88 »

Hey hank i noticed ur little tidbit about animalflex versus orange triad. I have def experiened alot of joint pain and before starting up the BP in a month i was actucally going to buy orange triad over animal flex and stack with Super cissus RX by USP labs for immeidate relief. Would you then suggest i go with animal flex+ cissus or animal flex+ orange triad or just animalflex and generic vitamin say opti-men?

And how the hell does one do 20 rep squats simply amazed.
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Post by Hank! »


From my experience Flex is the way to go.
The reason I chose OT was because I ran out of Flex and OT went on sale for $19.99 at Nutraplanet, based on all the reviews on nolinksplease.com i decided to give it a try. I dont know that the multivitamin part does or doesnt work (I never do know with multis), but I know that when on Flex no elbow pain, on OT i have elbow pain. I do not think you should stack Flex with OT because you'll be getting a lot of MSM/Chondriton(too much maybe?). You can stack with Super Cissus RX and may even consider buying bulk powder as opposed to tablets . Taste is a bit funky but lets you play with dosage without breaking the bank.
https://www.nutraplanet.com/product/uspo ... grams.html

Anyhow..on the squats , still sore i recommend it, and thanks. I have been watching your progress as well and very impressive, great logs and determination
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Post by mars88 »

thanks for the advice i was looking into OT because ive got 3 days left of my current multi. I think thats what ill go with it and if needed run the cissus idea! If that doesnt help ill move onto to the flex once OT runs out.
Damn im undecided maybe flex and a cheap vitamin to start with it lol.

Haha 20 rep squats for sure u gotta be feeling it, keep up the great work. Thanks man appreciate the kind words, all you guys that respond keep me motivated to keep going! Really cant wait to start the blueprint!
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