Barbell Bench Press alternative in bridge workout and GLP

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Barbell Bench Press alternative in bridge workout and GLP

Post by arsenalawi »

Is it possible to switch the Barbell Bench Press in the Bridge workouts of 2.0 and GLP to Dumbbell bench press?

I'm much more comfortable and in control of the dumbbells.
I got no problem with the barbell, but I feel my chest working a lot more in dumbbells since I can control the angle and movement.

I also plan on playing around with my EDT blocks during feast phase, would it be wise to add a bicep/tricep exercise as an EDT block? or would it be better to use another chest/back exercise as an EDT block given that my 1st EDT block is already a chest/back.
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Post by drtda »

Dumbbell Bench is certainly acceptable.

I would do a bis/tris EDT block rather than doing a second chest/back. Just use big movements like dips, close-grip bench, barbell curls, etc. rather than pure isolation movements.
Posts: 30
Joined: Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:32 am
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Post by arsenalawi »

Thanks a lot!
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