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Post by pmartinez78 »

So what's being reported? I don't get mine until Monday evening but my first workout with MPS won't be until Wednesday. How many pill were taken pre-workout?
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Post by RobRegish »

pmartinez78 wrote:So what's being reported? I don't get mine until Monday evening but my first workout with MPS won't be until Wednesday. How many pill were taken pre-workout?
AskMass went for a 100K bike ride/race yesterday. He had a full dose just prior to the race, along with his usual 1 cap of Burn It Up!

Here then, were his comments...

"I will have more personal feedback soon, but the intra and first few hours post workout/event recovery aspect is VERY pronounced for me..."

Keep in mind, this is HARDCORE biking - and I know John/AskMass usually uses BIU + MassPro Amino, so the comparison is quite interesting. Preliminary, but along the lines of what I expect to see when dosed just prior to any demanding physical activity. The REAL benefits come with time, as Synthagen goes about building ATP, Carnosine and nucleotide pools etc..

Also of note: Some will feel the Beta-Alanine tingles - some won't. You'll need to keep in mind that Synthagen builds BOTH BA + Carnosine levels in muscle via TWO nutraceuticals - Orotic Acid and Beta-Alanine. The BA is layered on top of OA in order to ensure just enough is available for use as a substrate for RNA production, in order to accelerate protein synthesis.

That BA dose btw, is very precise and consistent with the efficacious amount cited in the literature. A lot of formulas either way UNDER or OVER dose BA, leading to less than optimal function or the body excreting/urinating it away! PRECISION then, is a hallmark of Synthagen...

I get mine today, it's out for delivery. I'm excited to hear your feedback here, given your unique goals/dosing protocols. Speaking of which...


Here are my suggestions, as you get your feet wet with it - you'll need to play around with the max dose threshold of 7 caps, twice a day. For most, these suggestions will work quite well:


1.) Immediately prior to training, 7 caps with 8oz of tart cherry juice plus 32 oz. of H20 + 4oz of lemon juice - sipped during the workout*

*If you tolerate/like Pure Karbolyn and/or other high molecular weight modified starches well intra-workout, feel free to consume them in your intra-workout vs. tart cherry juice/lemon water.


Consider taking another full dose (7 caps) 10 min. prior to bed, then a cup of cottage cheese and a slice of pineapple.

What I've done here is structure Synthagen's dosing to impart MAXIMAL restorative/recovery benefits where muscle growth LIVES - during sleep! The cottage cheese recommendation is not without some thought: It's LOADED with high quality, "slow" caseinate/glutamine and due to the curdling - releases uber slow and "drips" critical amino acids into your bloodstream overnight. The pineapple is rich in bromelain/papain which are digestive enzymes that ensure optimal protein absorption.

So how does Synthagen fit in? By taking it 15min. prior to the cottage cheese, it jumpstarts IMMEDIATE protein synthesis. You get an immediate hit of the PRECISE ratio of ProtogeneX's EAA's + it sets your body up for 6 hours of increased bloodflow, opening the floodgates for the cottage cheese/IV drip type effect to follow.

The rest of the formula goes about building HUGE levels of ATP, Carnosine, nucleotide pools etc. and accelerating restoration/recovery. Trust me, you'll wake up feeling GREAT. I personally sleep VERY deep and have a "refreshed" feeling in the morning.


* 3 caps 10-15 min. prior to your daily meals if eating 5+ small meals frequently

* A full dose of 7 caps, 10 min. prior to your biggest meal of the day, especially if practicing The Warrior Diet/Intermittent Fasting

* A full dose 10 min prior to your first solid food sit down meal, 1 hour post workout.

It's within these times (above) that Synthagen's ingredients can go to work, jacking up protein synthesis, increasing carbs deposited as glycogen in the muscle (vs. stored as fat), boosting cellular ATP/Carnosine energy stores, boosting nucleotide pools and amplifying these windows of muscle growth - keeping them open longer and going stronger.

It's simply a matter of playing around with the timing of your dose(es). Once you nail it, you'll know it. How will you know?

Everything you do that's positive (especially diet related) is magnified, and every slip up seems to be minimized. No, it won't make up for "gross" errors at the dinner table/getting 4hrs. of sleep a night etc. = but when you suddenly find yourself clicking on all cyclinders/realize you're recovering and progressing easier than expected - you'll know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Hope that helps!
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Post by RobRegish »

OK, I just got mine. Went to the post-office early this AM, after tracking it down. Best friend is the postmaster in my town, LOL.


Downed 7 caps immediately prior to the workout. During the workout, trained with just lemon water today (need to buy more cherry juice).

Post workout, downed the remaining 7 caps just prior to hitting the buffet. 5 plates worth of food, they put the bill on my table after heaping plate #3, LOL.


Convict conditioning, 1 arm pushups. Beginner standard on the this master step calls for 1 set of 5 reps. Got 3 reps on the right side, 5 with my left arm (right elbow still has a touch of tendinitis). Body had a tendency to twist too much, so I wasn't happy with my form even though this is the master step, albeit the beginner level. Elected to repeat this to see if it was CNS related/hand positioning. Same results in terms of reps, but form was much better - so I need to be more mindful of form in the future

Then performed the master step for abs; 2 sets of 5 hanging leg raises. Legs perfectly straight, lowered/raised under control and paused at the top/bottom. These were ridiculously easy. Program calls for just one work set, but I did 2 given they were too easy. Still, it's the beginner level for the master set, so I elected to leave it there.

Seated Calf Raises, Static Holds: 2 sets of static holds, 315lbs. First set was for 10 sec, 2nd set for 9. Building back up on these, as it's the ONLY weight training I'm doing (calves need it/respond really well to statics in this exercise). Trained every Monday and Friday. This will be interesting insofar as DOMS/recovery as my calves are usually quite sore from such. We'll see..


At 7 caps pre-workout, I only felt a touch of the BA tingles. I suppose this can be a good or bad thing, depending upon how you look at it. Personally, it doesn't bother me but nor do I need it to understand OA, BA etc. are doing their thing.

This may be placebo, but AskMass reported it too: I felt a strong urge to "do more".

Accordingly, I elected to go back one step on my 1 arm pushups and executed 2 more sets of 20+ reps on lever pushups (other hand on a ball, held at arms length) while doing pushups with your other arm. First set I got 22 reps with the right arm and 25 with the left. Second set 20 reps apiece. Pretty trashed after this...

Post workout/pre-buffet dose: This is where I really enjoy placing Synthagen. I ate 5 platefuls of food, LOL - and it feels as if the muscle soaked up every bit of it. Wonderful, "full" feeling to the muscle. I feel like training again right now, but won't. It's difficult to put your finger on (i.e. it's not a stimulant, LOL), but there's a certain boost in energy/work capacity feel to it.

I'll have more to report Tuesday/Wednesday in terms of recovery/DOMS related issues. I know my body REAL well after 30 years of doing this. The finished product performed more or less like the prototype did, insofar as acute effects dosed prior to/immediately after exercise.
An urge to do more/much more favorable nutrient re-partitioning given a LARGE influx of food.

It's the much greater energy status of the cell/larger nucleotide pools that I'm really after, and that takes about 3 weeks to really manifest. For now, the improved bloodflow (mostly due to PeakATP)/nutrient delivery is gratifying enough.

Interested to see if others note the same....
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Post by pmartinez78 »

My MPS just came in so I used my lunch time to go home and pick it up so I can try it pre-workout. I was so excited to getting my MPS that I completely forgot to get my lemon water. I guess this first dose will be without it. Anyways, I will report back later this evening.

On a side note, I didn't get my free t-shirt but that's cool. I just happy my MPS is here.
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Post by RobRegish »

pmartinez78 wrote:My MPS just came in so I used my lunch time to go home and pick it up so I can try it pre-workout. I was so excited to getting my MPS that I completely forgot to get my lemon water. I guess this first dose will be without it. Anyways, I will report back later this evening.

On a side note, I didn't get my free t-shirt but that's cool. I just happy my MPS is here.
Do notify AskMass on that one. I don't think he's run out yet?

Very curious to know how it goes...
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Post by askmass »

pmartinez78 wrote:My MPS just came in so I used my lunch time to go home and pick it up so I can try it pre-workout. I was so excited to getting my MPS that I completely forgot to get my lemon water. I guess this first dose will be without it. Anyways, I will report back later this evening.

On a side note, I didn't get my free t-shirt but that's cool. I just happy my MPS is here.
Drop me a PM with your name/address/size details so I can have it checked on and forwarded to you. I know a few folks didn't list it when the special was on or did not state the size. We followed up on those we could but did not hear back from everyone.


I will post an extensive report on my initial MASS PRO Synthagen findings here, later.

Suffice to say I was so ecstatic following my ride Saturday that I called Rob to flat out rave about my results.

Put it this way, I pulled the final climb back into town right along side a much younger former pro who was on a really sweet De Rosa frame.

I know Rob could hear the excitement in my tone of voice, and also noted the "ready to rock" vibe coming off me...

Normally, it's nap time a couple hours after a big ride like this. Instead, here I was in my yard under a blazing sun after having competed going on and on about my initial Synthagen notes and doing heavy manual labor.


We'd had a windy storm a few days prior, and I was literally lifting and tossing 20-40 pound fallen tree limbs into a big pile with total ease - one handed, as the other held my cell phone.

I'm right handed, so the phone was there...

Ask Rob if I even sounded winded.

The increase in work capacity, and more specifically the eager DRIVE to work hard is off the charts with this product.

Much more later...
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Post by pmartinez78 »

askmass wrote: Drop me a PM with your name/address/size details so I can have it checked on and forwarded to you. I know a few folks didn't list it when the special was on or did not state the size. We followed up on those we could but did not hear back from everyone.
PM sent. Thanks John. I'm sure they just missed the last part of my note with the shirt info. My debit card info was stolen before the MPS was charged so I had to cancel my first order and place another letting them know to cancel my previous order.

Anyways, I got 1 hour before my first MPS dose. I'm really excited to see how it goes in the gym.
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Post by dropthebeats »

pmartinez78 wrote:

Anyways, I got 1 hour before my first MPS dose. I'm really excited to see how it goes in the gym.
Good luck! I'm excited to hear how it goes!
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Post by RobRegish »

UPDATE ON MY END: It's now around 7pm, and I typically feel very "tight"/spent and soreness starts to set in from the training session. Not so. Not even the slightest bit of feeling beat up.

I still have an inclination to "do more". Also, I noticed that despite the copious amount of water I've drank today - not using the bathroom as much.

That's all for now. We'll see how I feel tomorrow...

In other news, I followed up with AskMass a few hours ago. He reported feeling "fully recovered, riding now..." from his 100K this weekend.

Very, very curious to hear the early feedback from those of you dosing pre/post workout to see if it squares up with what we're experiencing. Be objective, be on the lookout for placebo - but I know you guys know your bodies.

We have people that have been training a LONG time here, and with the body wisdom to know out of the gate, just how well Synthagen performs insofar as combating the damage to muscle fibers, heavy training imposes...
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Post by RobRegish »

24 hours later, and I'm fresh as a daisy... :)

No soreness/stiffness, even upon awakening (you'll understand all about this, once you pass age 40, LOL). None as in nada, ZERO, zip.

Now I'll grant you this wasn't a full body, multi-joint weight training session. However, until you've tried 1arm pushups, etc (Convict Conditioning type stuff) - don't be so quick to judge. I didn't think these exercises could trash your body either. Boy, was I wrong...

The thing that sealed it for me was the seated calf raises (static holds). I went damned heavy on these, and they got worked HARD from the previous Friday's session. They SHOULD be aching right now. Nothing. No DOMS anywhere to be found in my body.

I'm quite pleased. The finished product turned out better than the prototype I was running, so I'm really pumped to hear your feedback now. Let's hear it!!!
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Post by aron7awol »

For those of us weighing food and counting calories, how many calories and grams of protein are in Synthagen?

Also, can someone please post a picture of the bottle/label?
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Post by pmartinez78 »

Update: Yesterday was my first day of MPS and I have to say that everything that Rob and John experienced is true. I took my first dose pre workout and my workout felt like a breeze. Definitely felt like I could go a lot more. When I was done with the main workout, I decided to add static holds, a bit of ab work, and finished off with HIIT. Like Rob mentioned, there was not even the slightest bit of feeling beat up. Took my second dose around 8pm and just felt I was in a good mood. Wasn't tired at all.

I woke up this morning at 4 am, and felt refresh but it was a little too early so I went back to sleep. Woke up at 6am, not feeling as refreshed but still feeling good and in a good mood. There are no signs of soreness at all. Makes me feel like I didn't hit it hard enough yesterday. Wednesday's workout will be intense so I'm looking forward to see how I feel with MPS.

Rob, what other things did you want us to look out for? I know you mentioned a few things you wanted us to keep on eye out for.
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Post by RobRegish »

pmartinez78 wrote:Update: Yesterday was my first day of MPS and I have to say that everything that Rob and John experienced is true. I took my first dose pre workout and my workout felt like a breeze. Definitely felt like I could go a lot more. When I was done with the main workout, I decided to add static holds, a bit of ab work, and finished off with HIIT. Like Rob mentioned, there was not even the slightest bit of feeling beat up. Took my second dose around 8pm and just felt I was in a good mood. Wasn't tired at all.

I woke up this morning at 4 am, and felt refresh but it was a little too early so I went back to sleep. Woke up at 6am, not feeling as refreshed but still feeling good and in a good mood. There are no signs of soreness at all. Makes me feel like I didn't hit it hard enough yesterday. Wednesday's workout will be intense so I'm looking forward to see how I feel with MPS.

Rob, what other things did you want us to look out for? I know you mentioned a few things you wanted us to keep on eye out for.
Glad you're finding the same man!

AskMass and I have discussed this: We feel that provided this is experienced across the board (and we feel strongly it will) - you need to be careful not to over-train/do too much when dosing Synthagen.

I have a strong desire to hit it hard again right now. You'll need to temper this, as "too much" WILL subvert your progress, and lead to over-training.


*Possible low blood sugar, if taking it while fasting. I haven't done this yet, but if the way it soaks up glucose is any indication (from a meal), this is a distinct possibility.

*Not sure if this is related - VERY vivid dreams last night. I did NOT take it pre-bed, just pre/post training yesterday - then slammed a large meal. I AM taking it prior to sleep tonight - so we'll see what happens.

Overall I have ZERO DOMS right now, my muscles don't even feel "worked" from yesterday's session. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I'm hitting one legged squats, reverse hypers and 1/2 1 arm chinups. That'll be a stiffer test...
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Post by RobRegish »

aron7awol wrote:For those of us weighing food and counting calories, how many calories and grams of protein are in Synthagen?

Also, can someone please post a picture of the bottle/label?
I'm not sure on the calories (negligible), but the ProtogeneX AA blend is VERY close to the literature on the 600% increase in protein synthesis, when taken pre-workout.

However, the real merit here lies in the RATIO of EAA's therein. It's very precise, and no accident as to what the final arrangement is. It's a big part of the recovery benefits being cited, vs. slamming tons of whey for example. It's not responsible for ALL of it, however.

HINT: Synthagen includes many "drivers" of these EAA/NEAA's and agents that recycle the entire PS process - as well as cellular energy substrates that back each other up.

End of the day, the impact to your macros/total calories isn't anything meaningful. This is part of Synthagen's beaty; You get ALL of these benefits, without the caloric load.

Imaging its impact then, while dieting/re-comping... :)
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