The Feast workout? Help me out guys!!!!!

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The Feast workout? Help me out guys!!!!!

Post by kh971 »

I am sorry, some time I have a hard time comprehending things, but I did my bench,pullovers, squats and deadlifts on Tues. the first workout. Now i do bench,pullovers,squats and deadlifts again?
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Post by RobRegish »

Hey man, no problems. We're all here to help and learn..

Yes, you'll be doing the same excercises BUT here's the key, you're going to up the weight and lower the rep range in the 4-6 arena.

This doesn't sound like a lot on paper but warming up to these weights is a big deal (or should be). And remember, this is one all out set until absolute muscular failure. That's particularly taxing on your legs/back muscle groups and system.

You may add additional work in this rep range and in this fashion (4-6 reps to absolute muscular failure) but ONLY after satisfying the above lifts when your energy is "fresh".

I hope that helps. It looks simple but in practice, should be anything but. Let me know if that helps. If not, I'll be happy to clarify...
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