german loading pattern 1 workouts

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german loading pattern 1 workouts

Post by lonewolf12x »

I am really confused on the start of the glp program. the first 5 workouts of feast phase ive got down somewhat. ive realized that in these first 5 days i can add in edt blocks to the workouts. Now im trying to figure out workout 1 of glp. workout 1 rep scheme is to be used with bench press and squats right? For example, If monday was workout 1 glp for chest i would use this rep scheme for bench press and add in what type of edt blocks? then my next workout would be workout 1 glp for legs and i would add in edt blocks to that too? what about deadlifts? this is layed out really confusing to me.
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Post by dropthebeats »

When I did GLP1 this is what my workouts looked like:

Bench Workout:
Bench Press superset with Dumbbell Pullover
EDT Block 1:
Incline Dumbbell Press
Seated Cable Rown
EDT Block 2:
Cable Curl
Tricep Pushdown

Squat Workout:
Squats super set with Stiff-Legged Deadlift
EDT Block:
Romanian Deadlift

Hope that helps. Good luck with your run. Let me know if you need anything.
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Post by lonewolf12x »

so your bench workout was day one and your squat workout was a couple days later? then did you do the bench workout a couple days later and so on..... what im asking is did you cycle these two workouts for the duration of the program or are there other days where you do back work or another workout.
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Post by dropthebeats »

I started out doing them on back to back days. So Monday I would do bench, and Tuesday I would squat. Then I would take a day or two off and repeat. But that program got intense, so I started to do bench one day, take a day off, then squat, followed by one or two days off. Your body will let you know how much rest you'll need.
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Post by lonewolf12x »

thanks man. thats what i was figuring. after leg day you probably need two days off. ok i think i got it now
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