Mars' 1st shot at the Blueprint

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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. Strong recomp..

That's 140lbs to 140lbs there? Excellent work. You sure did that right. Your goal should be along the lines of adding circa 15, maybe 20lbs over 1-2 Blueprint runs with the same (perhaps a tad higher) bodyfat percentage.

We'll get you there. Good documentation skills too.
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Post by mars88 »

Thanks man, my calipers have me at 13% when i checked at the start of the 2nd can of animalcuts.. what would you think im at looking at the current pic? And yup its 140-140 in 10 months. I figure by the time i start the blueprint tho ill be around 135 with hopefully 10% BF.

Adding 15-20 pounds in 10 weeks will be great for sure!
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Post by mars88 »

Heres another shot tho the 2nd pic in this shot was taken about 2-3 weeks ago!

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Post by RobRegish »

I'm not great at this but I'd say 10% or so.

You made some nice improvements, losing fat pretty much uniformally as it were while either retaining all of your muscle or possibly building some.

That was a great re-comp. Hope you took notes because success leaves clues..
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Post by mars88 »

Thanks for the feedback man but I font think I'm that low yet lol thinking 12 at best.. Anywho I did wat u said andholy moly wat a friggin difference

for the past 8 months or so when benching I'd go half rom then just 2 weeks ago started going all the way down bar touching chest . I still did the same weight snd thTs odd thought it woulda been harder andso I listened to ur advice and droppped the finger assist. WOW wat a freaking doffernce. My sets were 135x10 165x6 170x4 that's a far cry from the 205 for 6 reps who knew that 2 little fingers under the bar made that much diffrence! I'm mad but at least I know how to bench properly now. Gonna switch to 5x5 for bench with 165 in hopes to increase it faster before the blueprint run.

Anyway wat do ee do now? Start to prepare for feast or just chill?
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Post by mars88 »

Okay and for BCAA.. xtend or intrabolic? If i go with that how many scoops would i need intraworkout?
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Post by RobRegish »

You're going to prep for your Famine stage.

Suggest PRIOR to doing that take 1 week off to rest up, establish your baseline waking heart rate as an objective measure and familiarize yourself with Famine. This lasts 5 short days and is detailed starting on page 10 of The Blueprint.

Now, as to your bench experiment... congrats on now have an HONEST measurement. Now we have something that is known, consistent and reliable. It will be a distant memory in short order.

Either Xtend or Intrabolic are quality products for use in your peri-workout drink. I like Xtend as I think it has a better price point. You'll need a minimum of 5 scoops/25g of BCAA in each peri workout drink as detailed on page 40 under BCAA loading strategy #2 in The Blueprint.

Hope that helps..
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Post by mars88 »

Great thanks cant wait to start the blueprint! And what does peri-workout mean i used to think it was a typo for pre but im guessing its something else lol

And how do you do stifflegged deadlift is it just the same as regular dl but legs straight? Still keeping back straight not rounding it?

Oh and wanted to let u know that i plan on doing the blueprint for 6-7 months! Dont wanna cut agian till next january/febuary so lets pack on the muscle!
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Post by mars88 »

Hey rob have you heard of anabolic innovations glycobol do u think it will be beneficial with the blueprint?
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Post by RobRegish »

OK appreciate you sharing and here are my comments.

If you'd like to run BP 6-7 straight months and don't care to cut, The Blueprint Periodic was made for you. Tailor made. Do look into that to start forming ideas, ask questions etc.

Now on the Glycobol, yes I've seen it. Reviews appear to be mixed.

The magic in the formula goes back to the 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which you probabaly already know I think highly of. The gold standard is Sabinsa's which I think is what's in Kre-Anabolyn. The other ingredients look solid although I admit I'm not as well versed in the Berberine.

This product can only benefit you though, and a dose pre-workout (15 min prior to the workout drink) and another following the workout are where to take it. Hope that helps..
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Post by mars88 »

So do you think i should add it? I dont have it was thinking of buying it for the run. And yeah iwanna do blueprint from june till january and begin my cut in january. I still wanna limit fatgain tho throughout the 7 month run. I will most def look into im assuming its in the book already right?
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Post by mars88 »

Alright i was reading hte periodic and yes this does seem ideal for me seeing as its done over a longer period of time. Its essentially 4 phases: german loading pattern 1. week off. then pattern 2 week off then u can go in to the russian phase week off and then soultion 10 or u can do famine and feast before the russian phase. What would you suggest?

Im a bit confused tho as to what were working out. Are we only doing bench press and squat? Example german loading pattern 1

Workout 1: 6 sets as follows 50%x10 54x8 61x8 66x8 73x8 78x8
So my first workout of the feast phase right after the famine is 6 sets. 6 sets of bench press and thats it? What about the other body parts how does that fit in maybe i missed something. Also we begin german loading pattern 1 after the 5 workouts during the first week of feast phase right? And at the completion of the 5 workouts we have our new 1rm for german loading pattern 1. So i understand then that its 6 sets of bench press superset each set with dumbell pullovers. Thats it?

Then workout 2 is 6 sets of bench again or squats? Thats what im confused on

for workout 1-6 it just lists amount of sets and what percentage of weight and how many reps.. but what excercices are we actucally doing for these workouts?
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Post by RobRegish »

If you don't have it I wouldn't buy it. That's likely $ better spent elsewhere..

Now on BP periodic, here's the scoop:

"Alright i was reading hte periodic and yes this does seem ideal for me seeing as its done over a longer period of time. Its essentially 4 phases: german loading pattern 1. week off. then pattern 2 week off then u can go in to the russian phase week off and then soultion 10 or u can do famine and feast before the russian phase. What would you suggest?"

A. I'd suggest running Famine first, then slide into the 5 workout Feast phase one set to failure type training to ultimately establish your 1RM. This can be done on one lift or two, ideally the bench and squat or bench and deadlift.

"Im a bit confused tho as to what were working out. Are we only doing bench press and squat? Example german loading pattern 1

Workout 1: 6 sets as follows 50%x10 54x8 61x8 66x8 73x8 78x8
So my first workout of the feast phase right after the famine is 6 sets. 6 sets of bench press and thats it?"

A. Not quite. You'd proceed to the 5 workout HIT protocol that Feast calls for. Ideally again, you'd arrive at workout with a new 1RM for your bench and squat or bench and deadlift.

"What about the other body parts how does that fit in maybe i missed something. Also we begin german loading pattern 1 after the 5 workouts during the first week of feast phase right? And at the completion of the 5 workouts we have our new 1rm for german loading pattern 1. So i understand then that its 6 sets of bench press superset each set with dumbell pullovers. Thats it?"

A. You're almost there. Here is my suggestion:

- 5 day Famine phase to tee you up for The Blueprint Periodic/introduction of adaptogens.

- Begin your 5 workout HIT protocol, ideally arriving at a 1RM for both the bench and the squat.

- After a few days off, initiate Russian Loading Pattern #1. You may dedicate one day to the bench loading pattern plus auxiliary lifts for the upper body. These auxiliary lifts should be structured in EDT fashion for 1, perhaps 2 PR Zones. EXAMPLE:

1.) Satisfy all 6 sets of the bench protocol German Loading pattern #1

2.) EDT Block 1

Heavy weighted pullovers supersetted with
seated rows

3.) EDT Block 2

Incline dumbell curls supersetting with
Lying tricep extensions

The other day should be dedicated to the squat as follows:

1.) Satisfy the 6 sets of German Loading pattern #1

2.) EDT Block 1

Romanian Deadlifts supersetted with
Leg sled

Abs/lower back/calves to finish the workout if so desired.

At the conclusion of German Loading Pattern #1, you'll take a week off with your new 1 rep max in hand and launch into German Loading Pattern #2.

Hope that helps. Write back if you have any questions!
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Post by mars88 »

Thanks for the quick and efficient reply but i must say im still confused, sorry lol.

Okay so 5 day famine phase. Followed by the 5 workout HIT protocol in the feast phase.

Take a few days off and you say initiate Russian Loading Pattern #1 but i think you mean German volume loading pattern 1 right?

I think the easiest way for me to understand this is to come up with a workout template for the first phase then i can truly understand it.

Also what is EDT fashion, 2 pr zones etc

Lets go with workout 1:
1. 6 sets of bench press using german loading pattern 1. Then you write EDT Block 1 heavy weighted pullovers supersetted with seated rows. What is EDT Block 1?

Then you have EDT Block 2, with incline dumbell curls supersetting with tricep extensions. Is all this then in 1 workout? and what is the whole EDT stuff? So my 1st workout of this german pattern would be benchpress, pullovers,seated rows,dumbell curls, tricep extension

Workout 2 would be Squat and do romanian deadlifts with it and abs/calves

Workout 3 would go back to bench press with the aforementioned excercices or can i throw in shoulders in there as well? I notice we dont have any barbell rows t bar rows or shoulder excercies here along with regular deadlifts so how do i incorporate that?

Sorry for all the questions again im just pretty confused. Also the 6 set protocol i imagine is only for the big 3 lifts and for the other excercies we do just 1-2 sets?

So then workout 4 we'd squat workout 5 bench workout 6 squat.. or can i throw in regular deadlifts to replace a squat workout?

If you could sorta come up with a template like how you did for my famine phase in regards to exactly what id be doing for each workout it would help alot, if you have the time of course. Thanks rob
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