Austinb37's First BP Run - Goal: Destroy All PRs

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Post by austinb37 »

matter2003 wrote: Yup, I had the almost the exact same experience with my final squat day...although I initiated training in a fasted state with only some BCAA's prior, so I likely could have improved it a little bit by consuming some calories...
I think my calories were OK. I was eating them in excess with the holidays going on and I actually had some significant bloating and fat gain for the first time during this BP run.

For the rest of my cruise phase I am going to utilize IF a little more aggressively. For instance on Tuesday, I completed my first 24 hour fast. Wednesday I did my first cruise workout and Thursday and Friday I did 16-18 hour fasts. The fat and bloating are going away fast.
Posts: 50
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:05 pm
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Post by austinb37 »

alright I finished up cruise last week and the workouts went great.

Below are my final stats in inches
Weight 225-232 (+7)
Fat% 9-11 (+2 I gained a little fat)
Chest 44-45 (+1)
Right Arm 15-15.7 (+.7)
Left Arm 15-15.5 (+.5)
Waist 33-33.5 (+.5)
Hips 37-37 (0)
Right Quad 20.75-22 (+1.25 Sweet jesus my legs exploded)
Left Quad 20.5-22 (+1.5 wow)
Right Calf 16-16.25 (+.25)
Left Calf 16.25-16.5 (+.25)

Looking at my numbers I did gain some significant bulk especially in my lower body. What these numbers do not tell are the huge gains in muscle density. It feels like my legs, lower back and abs are carved out of wood :)

Other Thoughts:

I did not hit my PR goals for this run and here is what I would do differently next time.
-Skip famine workout number 3. Doing the last workout put me in a hole early that I had to climb out of.
-Reduce the intensity/volume of the 5 bridge workouts
-Reduce the intensity of my EDT blocks. I think going 6 sets was ok but I needed to dial the weight back significantly and focus on volume/ Work per unit time.
-Use the 1 on 3 off format towards the end of the BP run. This really made sense to me after I read the static Contraction Training book. After you build a significant amount of muscle in a short time, the body/CNS needs extra time to catch up and recover.
-Use an Adaptagen. I wanted to see how my body would respond to this type of program without extra supplements first and I am glad I did. I learned a lot about myself as an athlete and how my body responds to stimulus and recovery.
-take more progress photos/measurements
-More frequent High Intensity Cardio. This might have warded off some of the fat gain.

Goals for my Next Run

1. Get Shredded
2. Increase Strength
3. Scare the cardio junkies at the gym with my static holds

Plan of Attack for my Next Run
BP 3.0 for recomp
Fasted cardio during my non-lifting days. Mostly HIIT. I can't stand running on a treadmill.
16-18 hour fast on non training days
Train like a beast
Use KA
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