1st time user need help w/blueprint periodic

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1st time user need help w/blueprint periodic

Post by Koolsuppy »

Hi, i purchased the Blueprint about 2 weeks ago and im going to start soon and i really need some help from previous users on The Blueprint Periodic in particular. Im planning on running through the whole periodic but i am confused on how to do this

Monday for example woud be GLP 1 upper
so i would do the glp 1 bench press workout and then what? i am confused on my edt blocks and Wednesday would be squats so what about my other body parts calves,hamstrings or my back, tris,bis, etc. and what other chest and leg workouts would i do like dips or flyes?

I am new to this and have been studying the documents for awhile and talking to Rob but im still confused can anyone who has run the full periodic through before give me examples or routines they have used before and some results from these?

Thanks very much appreciated

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Re: 1st time user need help w/blueprint periodic

Post by matter2003 »

Koolsuppy wrote:Hi, i purchased the Blueprint about 2 weeks ago and im going to start soon and i really need some help from previous users on The Blueprint Periodic in particular. Im planning on running through the whole periodic but i am confused on how to do this

Monday for example woud be GLP 1 upper
so i would do the glp 1 bench press workout and then what? i am confused on my edt blocks and Wednesday would be squats so what about my other body parts calves,hamstrings or my back, tris,bis, etc. and what other chest and leg workouts would i do like dips or flyes?

I am new to this and have been studying the documents for awhile and talking to Rob but im still confused can anyone who has run the full periodic through before give me examples or routines they have used before and some results from these?

Thanks very much appreciated

I would recommend starting with BP 3.0 as the periodic is a much longer program that might take some getting used to before running it. I actually did 2 BP runs before getting into the periodic myself. BP 3.0 is a very good starting place and you should see some serious gains on it, both strength and mass.

I am currently in GLP I of the periodic, and I am doing the following:


Decline Bench(GLP protocol)
Weighted Pullups
Barbell Trap Shrugs

Overhead Tri Extension
Standing Tri Pressdown
Preacher Curls
Concentration Curls

Close Grip Bench Press Static Hold(tricep)


Squats(GLP protocol)
Leg Press
Calf Toe Press
Weighted Ab Crunches
Weighted Side Bends(Obliques)

Deads are an excellent hamstring workout, as well as the entire posterior chain and one of the best, if not THE best mass building exercises there is. It involves virtually every muscle in your body, and helps build big, thick shoulders, front delts and traps. Also, if you want to further work your hamstrings and glutes, take a wide stance with your squats. The wider the stance, the more taxing it is on the glutes and hamstrings. Quads will get the same workout regardless of foot position, so that is not a concern. Hamstring Curls are OK, but don't really compare to either one of those as far as building mass, as it is an isolation movement while those are big compound movements. In BP 3.0 you do Squats/Hamstring Curls as an EDT block and then toss in DL's on top of it right after, so your hamstrings are shot by the end of the workout....

Check your BP 3.0 tracker for exact details and workouts.
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Post by JlCh »

EDT set ups:

Pick 2 exercises that work opposite muscles (like back/chest, bis/tris, quads/hamstrings) and super set them. You will pick a weight that you can do 8-10 reps of and only 6 reps for 6 sets.The set up is the same for which ever muscles you're wanting to hit. For the sake of being easy, I'll do an chest/back example:

Set 1: Incline DB press 50x6 followed immediately by 1 arm DB rows 50x6

You'd do this 4-6 times depending (I'd say go for 6 until you get the hang of things then change thing up according to what works best for you).

Like I said, the set up is the same for each EDT you just pick the exercise/weight. Aim for exercises that you can get a good "stretch" during (there' quite a few listed in the book). You don't have to get 6 reps each set. But once you get to the certain % of the increase of total reps for that exercise you increase the weight (don't know the percent off the top of my head).

Hope this helps
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Post by Koolsuppy »

Thank you all for the responses these help alot but because of wrestling as i have discussed with Rob the periodic would be better right now for me according to his opinion
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Post by Koolsuppy »

Thanks jlc. matter how many sets and reps do you do?
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Post by matter2003 »

Koolsuppy wrote:Thanks jlc. matter how many sets and reps do you do?
I am doing between 4-6 sets of each exercise, usually with rep ranges something like 10,8,6,6,6,4 or 8,6,6,6,4,4 depending on what it is. Deadlifts I usually do 4 sets as anything more than that is too exhausting, especially after doing squats beforehand.
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Post by DaCookie »

matter2003 wrote:
Koolsuppy wrote:Thanks jlc. matter how many sets and reps do you do?
I am doing between 4-6 sets of each exercise, usually with rep ranges something like 10,8,6,6,6,4 or 8,6,6,6,4,4 depending on what it is. Deadlifts I usually do 4 sets as anything more than that is too exhausting, especially after doing squats beforehand.
I know what you mean man, I think its really hard especially if your taking stuff that increases bloodflow(cbol creatine, pump bol, pre workout...even more stuff i was doing), ive done squats superset with stiff legged deads and wide stance deads superset with stiff legged deads, that stuff just feels impossible, my whole my body was sweating from them including things that shouldnt like my chest, and I never sweat.

I usually do big compound movements and even when not I just find 4 sets suits me better(I use to do 5), I might try 6 for the smaller muscle groups though, I wonder if it helps with teh gainz.Any experience with that?
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Post by Koolsuppy »

Personally high number of sets and low reps has worked well for me in the past for bench i have done 6 sets of 5. 7 of 2 or 3 on heavy lifts like squats and deadlifts and bench 6 sets of 5 its basically like doing 3 sets of 10 in a way you still get the same reps just heavier weight good for powerlifting and bodybuilding shape. I use that for my core lift of the day and follow a 4 set of 8-10 for movements that dont take as much out of me as the big 3. This is a power-bodybuilding method Mike o' hearn uses
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Post by Koolsuppy »

I invested in one of robs customized plans and am looking forward to that. Anyone have any feedback on them if he has done one for you?
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Post by RobRegish »

Koolsuppy wrote:I invested in one of robs customized plans and am looking forward to that. Anyone have any feedback on them if he has done one for you?
Hey brother! Just emailed you a clarification question, working on it right now... :)

With respect to feedback, I think you'll find most of it here (what others have to say). In any event, if it's my last step in life - you're getting to Gainsville....

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/ ... php?t=1399
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