Matter2003 BP Run #3, This time the Full Periodic...

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Post by matter2003 »

DaGymWarrior wrote:Excellent job on the interview Matt! At first I didn't realize it was you, but things started to sound familiar as the interview progressed. I have a feeling we'll have an influx of new BPers soon.

I appreciate the kind words!

I have decided to incorporate a little wrinkle into what I am doing with the BP Periodic, and that is the addition of some ideas from Elliott Hulse and Lean Hybrid Muscle...the great thing is this really won't affect my loading patterns I am running in the Periodic because bench, squats and deads are the main lifts anyways, so I am going to continue running them per BP specs. What will be a little different for me is I will not be doing any cardio per se, it will be included in a normal workout as a circuit at the end.

So for instance, Day 1 would be Decline Press GLP I followed by a circuit of:

Chinups, Seated Rows, Front Plate Raise and Biceps Curls
15 reps of each followed by a 3 min rest between sets with 3-5 rounds

This will allow me to shorten my workouts from 2+ hours to about 45-60 mins, which will likely be better for my hormonal profile(less cortisol) and I will be doing them more frequent(5 days on/2 days off).

Today I did what was "Day 2", which was a Farmers Walk with 30 lb dumbbells for 30 minutes. I have to say that was one of the hardest things I have ever done. My forearms, traps and shoulders felt like they were about to fall off. I attempted to use my fat grips while holding them, but had to stop after about a minute because it was too taxing on my forearms. I had people looking at me like "WTF is this guy doing??" while walking around the equipment(no track so I am walking on the floor of the gym). I can tell this is going to be one of my most hated days already.

I am excited to see what happens with me working out more frequently but for shorter durations each time and doing some resistance cardio...
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Post by austinb37 »

I listened to your interview on Super Human Radio yesterday. Great job representing BP!

Carl Lenore's show provides a wealth of information and I would recommend to everyone to check out the podcasts of all of the previous shows. I listen to the show everyday when I am at work:)
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Post by RobRegish »

Thanks so much for being on SHR Matt! You did a GREAT job!!!

More of you may be getting the call. You NEVER know what'll happen next, in the world The 5Faces of Fear(tm) have created... :):):):):)

Wonder who's next?

Dunno... :)
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Post by JlCh »

Brain for sure, if he hasn't already gotten the choice :p.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Great interview man! I've been following your log for a long time now, and I've learned quite some few things from it. Keep up doing what you're doing, because it's definitively working. Lol whenever I get a new PR, I check your log to see what's yours and how far behind am I.

By the way, what's the name here in the forum of Panos? I know I'd saw a log from someone from Greece, but don't remember who was he. Awesome job too Panos!
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Post by RobRegish »

JlCh wrote:Brain for sure, if he hasn't already gotten the choice :p.
Brain is next up, I need to confirm with Carl Lanore (host of SHR) when the next episode is. I think so much of Brain/his contributions here, I asked him to write "Alternative Cruise", for 3.0.

It's a fantastic piece of work, and he's my go to guy on injuries, pre-hab/re-hab etc. If ANYONE here wants an education on that and the kind of intuitive wisdom that comes with training age, please consult him.

His contributions, like sooooo many others humble me. 3.0 wouldn't have seen the light of day for example, if TheBuffer hadn't helped me with PDF/spellchecking/watermarking it. Those trackers you love so much? He did that, out of the goodness of his heart.

Draco sent me a card when I was struggling to keep a roof over my head, saying the nicest things. That little card kept me alive many a night, when I didn't know where I'd be or if I'd eat the next day.

When my computer died, Hank! mailed me one - and asked for NOTHING in return. I could go on and on...

I've said this before and I'll say it again: You never know who's swimming naked, until the tide goes out. Well, when it all came down my parents turned me away when I needed a place to stay, my company was useless insofar as helping me with medical issues I was struggling with and my wife bailed on me too.

The Blueprint Army?

You had my back every step of the way. You will never know or can even begin to comprehend, what this means to me.

Bless you all...
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Post by matter2003 »


Was supposed to do GLP squats today but because of a company xmas party that turned into a VERY long night out and a little more alcohol than I would have liked to consume, I didn't feel up to it. Instead I did deadlift day today----5 sets of 12 reps each...


-likely could have done more weight if I was feeling better and not dehydrated...could not properly hydrate today after drinking that much alcohol.

Going to try and do squats tomorrow after splits are gonna take a little getting used to, but I think its going to be good.
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Post by matter2003 »

Switching things up a little bit diet wise...very happy with strength gains/maintenance, but not happy with fat loss(damn endomorphic tendencies!), so I am going to test out a weekly cycle and see what happens for a few weeks. One of the main reasons is the guy who talks about this and used it very successfully has a body type(gains fat and muscle easily and has a hard time dropping fat) that is almost a dead ringer for mine(Elliot Hulse). So basically I am going to be doing the following:

Sunday/Monday: Catabolic days-High Pro/Low Fat/Low(30-80g carbs) Carbs...around 1900 KCals
Tuesday: 24 hour fast
Wednesday-Friday: Anabolic Days-High Pro/High Fat/Low Carbs(30-80g carbs)...around 3000 cals each day, and lots of saturated fats
Saturday: Carb Reload day-High Carbs/Moderate Pro/Low Fat(650+g carbs)...modified cheat day, although I will probably be downing record amounts of brown rice and black beans/lentils etc...3500-4000 cals

I know this is kinda off the page here, but I don't think it will hurt to test it out and see what happens. If it works well, it might help even more in the long run because people with a similar body type to me might benefit tremendously...

Here is a video where he explains pretty in depth about the how and why's of doing it and how it "flips" switches in the body to regulate hormones to produce the results. ... gicPn3nAPQ

Feast workout #10:

Continuing with GLP Squats today, and I initiated it in a semi-fasted state, having eaten at 2:30 to break a 16 hr. fast with a meal consisting of 1/2 big container of cottage cheese(3 servings), 2 cans of tuna, 2 Tbsp of Sandwich Dressing spread(9 g fat total), and 1 slice of 12 grain bread(needed a few carbs in there). Started training around 8:45pm with only 10-15 g of BCAA's taken beforehand(Leangains protocol) since I obviously cannot utilize the formula most days with this diet, and felt amazingly awesome...everything felt easy, no struggles or anything.

Squats: 245x10/370x8/398x6/425x4/454x2
-easy, didn't struggle at all on any of the reps.

Superset Resistance Cardio:
Light Walking Lunges: 20lb DBx20 steps/x20 steps/x20 steps
Cable Reverse Wood Chops: 30x8/50x8/65x8
Hang Clean:BW+45x10secs/BWx20 secs/BWx25 secs
Side Planks: 1 min each side/1 min each side/1 min each side
-side planks were brutal to hold like that for a minute each...was my least favorite and hardest part of the workout...

All in all a very good workout...about 55 minutes or so, am liking the quickness and pace of these shorter workouts...

Got home took a KA as well as slammed 50g Whey protein in water(oh how I miss my milk...) and 7 oz of chicken along with a big thing of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots...

24 hour fast tomorrow, gonna be hurting, its been a while since I went past about 18 hours...
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Post by matter2003 »

Supposed to have done a 24 hour fast today but I only made it 22.5 hours. Initiated fasted training again with about 15g of BCAA's 30 minutes prior, and did OK, although I think the fast took its toll, coupled with squats yesterday, and lack of glycogen replenishing.

Normally Tuesday would be an off day, but since I skipped last Friday because I couldn't wake up early in the morning, I did day 5 today. It was my first experience ever with the barbell clean and press, and I did OK I guess. I really didn't challenge myself too much since I have never done the movement before and I didn't want to mess something up trying to do real heavy weights that my body wasn't used to handling on that movement.

Barbell Clean & Press: 95x5x5x5x5x5x5x5
-7 sets of 5 reps, weight felt really easy in some places and more difficult in others, mostly when going from chest to overhead, but I never really struggled at all, just wasn't as easy as I would have liked it to be at this low weight. Took weight all the way back to the ground after every rep.

Decline CG Bench: 125x12/175x8/185x6,2
-left wrist causing some issues again, otherwise could have done more weight and more reps.

3 Way DB Raises(Front/Lateral/Rear): 15x8,8,8/17.5x8,8,8/17,5x8,8,8
-used Fat Gripz on the DB's and my forearms were burning by the end of the 3rd set...lateral seemed to be the hardest and struggled pretty mightily on the 3rd set with lots of pausing in between reps.

Weighted Ab Crunch Superset:
-15 reps at each of the following weights, no rest
-2 minute rest
-15 reps at each of the following weights, no rest
-abs were spasming and burning by the end of this and almost spasmed when I went to get up out of seat as well...

Came home and slammed about 35g of True Protein Custom Blend in water(oh, how I miss my milk...), 7 oz of chicken breast, 1/2 frozen bag of corn, 1 oz of block cheese, a few wheat thins and a handful of nuts...

Tomorrow starts high fat/high protein phase of diet for the next 3 days...aiming for about 3,000 calories each day...
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT work man! A couple of notes/pointers...

matter2003 wrote:Supposed to have done a 24 hour fast today but I only made it 22.5 hours. Initiated fasted training again with about 15g of BCAA's 30 minutes prior, and did OK, although I think the fast took its toll, coupled with squats yesterday, and lack of glycogen replenishing.

A. You've done well with this, so I'd say roll with it. To carb up more efficiently/fully though, I find loading with Kwik Karb + whey in addition to potatoes, etc. to be most efficient. That KK (or like AFFORDABLE amylyopectin/potato starch) is uber efficient/easy and jacking up the carb intake. Only issue being, the highly refined stuff gets pricey when you use it this much. I will use generic Waxy Maize in a pinch. REASON: When whey/caseinate is added it's not as big an issue (especially outside the workout). You DON'T want to use WM during your workout, due to the fact most don't disclose the molecular weight the starch is cut to. During the workout, you need PRECISION and thus, amylyopectins are in order. ..

Normally Tuesday would be an off day, but since I skipped last Friday because I couldn't wake up early in the morning, I did day 5 today. It was my first experience ever with the barbell clean and press, and I did OK I guess. I really didn't challenge myself too much since I have never done the movement before and I didn't want to mess something up trying to do real heavy weights that my body wasn't used to handling on that movement.

Barbell Clean & Press: 95x5x5x5x5x5x5x5
-7 sets of 5 reps, weight felt really easy in some places and more difficult in others, mostly when going from chest to overhead, but I never really struggled at all, just wasn't as easy as I would have liked it to be at this low weight. Took weight all the way back to the ground after every rep.

A. FANTASTIC exercise, though DRAINING. It teaches how to be EXPLOSIVE, and your CNS will quickly learn it needs to generate a LOT of force and FAST. The key here is keeping the barbell close to the body and bending the knees to sneak your body UNDER the bar, as momentum is carrying it skyward. Thereafter, it's more of the same on jerking it overhead. You'll learn quickly when and where to inhale, exhale and hold your breath to establish your best force production. The clean and jerk will teach this moreso than perhaps any other move. Some inspiration for you!!!

Decline CG Bench: 125x12/175x8/185x6,2
-left wrist causing some issues again, otherwise could have done more weight and more reps.

3 Way DB Raises(Front/Lateral/Rear): 15x8,8,8/17.5x8,8,8/17,5x8,8,8
-used Fat Gripz on the DB's and my forearms were burning by the end of the 3rd set...lateral seemed to be the hardest and struggled pretty mightily on the 3rd set with lots of pausing in between reps.

Weighted Ab Crunch Superset:
-15 reps at each of the following weights, no rest
-2 minute rest
-15 reps at each of the following weights, no rest
-abs were spasming and burning by the end of this and almost spasmed when I went to get up out of seat as well...

Came home and slammed about 35g of True Protein Custom Blend in water(oh, how I miss my milk...), 7 oz of chicken breast, 1/2 frozen bag of corn, 1 oz of block cheese, a few wheat thins and a handful of nuts...

Tomorrow starts high fat/high protein phase of diet for the next 3 days...aiming for about 3,000 calories each day...
A. Beware the low carb diet, on the Periodic. Not saying it isn't do-able, but you need to keep an eye on it/cycle appropriately for the others reading here. Muscle is 70% water, and the suffix is hydrate (carboHYDRATE). When the carbs exit the muscle, so does the water!... :)
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Post by RobRegish »

RobRegish wrote:GREAT work man! A couple of notes/pointers...

matter2003 wrote:Supposed to have done a 24 hour fast today but I only made it 22.5 hours. Initiated fasted training again with about 15g of BCAA's 30 minutes prior, and did OK, although I think the fast took its toll, coupled with squats yesterday, and lack of glycogen replenishing.

A. You've done well with this, so I'd say roll with it. To carb up more efficiently/fully though, I find loading with Kwik Karb + whey in addition to potatoes, etc. to be most efficient. That KK (or like AFFORDABLE amylyopectin/potato starch) is uber efficient/easy insofar as jacking up the carb intake. Only issue being, the highly refined stuff gets pricey when you use it this much. I will use generic Waxy Maize in a pinch. REASON: When whey/caseinate is added it's not as big an issue (especially outside the workout). You DON'T want to use WM during your workout, due to the fact most don't disclose the molecular weight the starch is cut to. During the workout, you need PRECISION and thus, amylyopectins are in order. ..

Normally Tuesday would be an off day, but since I skipped last Friday because I couldn't wake up early in the morning, I did day 5 today. It was my first experience ever with the barbell clean and press, and I did OK I guess. I really didn't challenge myself too much since I have never done the movement before and I didn't want to mess something up trying to do real heavy weights that my body wasn't used to handling on that movement.

Barbell Clean & Press: 95x5x5x5x5x5x5x5
-7 sets of 5 reps, weight felt really easy in some places and more difficult in others, mostly when going from chest to overhead, but I never really struggled at all, just wasn't as easy as I would have liked it to be at this low weight. Took weight all the way back to the ground after every rep.

A. FANTASTIC exercise, though DRAINING. It teaches how to be EXPLOSIVE, and your CNS will quickly learn it needs to generate a LOT of force and FAST. The key here is keeping the barbell close to the body and bending the knees to sneak your body UNDER the bar, as momentum is carrying it skyward. Thereafter, it's more of the same on jerking it overhead. You'll learn quickly when and where to inhale, exhale and hold your breath to establish your best force production. The clean and jerk will teach this moreso than perhaps any other move. Some inspiration for us all.

Merry Christmas, Clean and Jerk - By a Chick!!! ... re=related

Decline CG Bench: 125x12/175x8/185x6,2
-left wrist causing some issues again, otherwise could have done more weight and more reps.

3 Way DB Raises(Front/Lateral/Rear): 15x8,8,8/17.5x8,8,8/17,5x8,8,8
-used Fat Gripz on the DB's and my forearms were burning by the end of the 3rd set...lateral seemed to be the hardest and struggled pretty mightily on the 3rd set with lots of pausing in between reps.

Weighted Ab Crunch Superset:
-15 reps at each of the following weights, no rest
-2 minute rest
-15 reps at each of the following weights, no rest
-abs were spasming and burning by the end of this and almost spasmed when I went to get up out of seat as well...

Came home and slammed about 35g of True Protein Custom Blend in water(oh, how I miss my milk...), 7 oz of chicken breast, 1/2 frozen bag of corn, 1 oz of block cheese, a few wheat thins and a handful of nuts...

Tomorrow starts high fat/high protein phase of diet for the next 3 days...aiming for about 3,000 calories each day...

A. Beware the low carb diet, on the Periodic. Not saying it isn't do-able, but you need to keep an eye on it/cycle appropriately for the others reading here. Muscle is 70% water, and the suffix is hydrate (carboHYDRATE). When the carbs exit the muscle, so does the water!... :)
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Post by matter2003 »

RobRegish wrote: A. Beware the low carb diet, on the Periodic. Not saying it isn't do-able, but you need to keep an eye on it/cycle appropriately for the others reading here. Muscle is 70% water, and the suffix is hydrate (carboHYDRATE). When the carbs exit the muscle, so does the water!... :)
Yes, I know I am going a little bit off the charts here, but I see it as a win/win situation for us. If I end up not seeing any results doing this, then you can then point to me as an example and say "he already tried this and it didn't work". Believe me when I say that I am very rigid when sticking to these types of eating cycles. I follow them religiously, so that is not going to be an issue.

If it ends up working, then you have another alternative you can give people with my body type(endo/meso, probably 65/35 or something like that) to get big and lean at the same time. This is one of the main reasons I am trying it, because the person who did it/designed it has almost the exact same body type as I do. So I figure if it works for him, it should work for me, all other things being equal.

Either its gonna work and we have some new alternatives, or it isn't and I will go back to what I had been doing. Will give it 2 months and see what happens, if it isn't working, I will try something else or go back to what I was doing.

Next step would be to get my hormone levels checked because if this doesn't work I am going to start to believe my estrogen levels may be too high or out of whack...
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Post by matter2003 »

Feast Workout #11

Well, I thought I was going to struggle with the decline today after doing cleans and 3 way DB raises yesterday night, but I really had no such problem, everything was easy up until the last set.

Decline BP:(GLP I) 140x10/185x8/205x6/220x4/240x4/250x2,1,1
-had to do 2 pause reps at 250, and the last one barely got up,it went in super slow motion, but it got up through sheer determination...

Pullups: BWx10/BWx7,BW-25x4/BW-25x10
Seated Rows: 180x9,160x6/160x8,140x7/140x15
Front Plate Raises:25x15x15x15
Standing DB Biceps Curls: 25x15x15x15
-pullups, rows and plate raises were a struggle because of yesterday and then doing decline right before...

Lying Leg Raises(Reverse Ab): 15x15x15
-pretty happy I didn't struggle at all even though I just did a bigtime ab circuit yesterday...

Overall, I am thrilled with my performance today. Did not forsee me ripping declines like that after yesterday...circuit was pretty tough, I was sucking air after each round and heart was really going...leg raises were no issue, could have probably done another 10 or 15 each set...

High fat/high protein today and the next 2 days...have eaten 12 eggs so far, 2 16oz glasses of milk, about 6oz of cheese, protein shake with milk, 2oz of nuts, 2 wendy's ultimate chicken grill sandwiches and 1 jr. hamburger with no buns...gonna eat some more chicken breast and a few cans of tuna to make up the rest of the protein as I am already a little over on fat for the day...
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Post by RobRegish »

matter2003 wrote:
RobRegish wrote: A. Beware the low carb diet, on the Periodic. Not saying it isn't do-able, but you need to keep an eye on it/cycle appropriately for the others reading here. Muscle is 70% water, and the suffix is hydrate (carboHYDRATE). When the carbs exit the muscle, so does the water!... :)
Yes, I know I am going a little bit off the charts here, but I see it as a win/win situation for us. If I end up not seeing any results doing this, then you can then point to me as an example and say "he already tried this and it didn't work". Believe me when I say that I am very rigid when sticking to these types of eating cycles. I follow them religiously, so that is not going to be an issue.

If it ends up working, then you have another alternative you can give people with my body type(endo/meso, probably 65/35 or something like that) to get big and lean at the same time. This is one of the main reasons I am trying it, because the person who did it/designed it has almost the exact same body type as I do. So I figure if it works for him, it should work for me, all other things being equal.

Either its gonna work and we have some new alternatives, or it isn't and I will go back to what I had been doing. Will give it 2 months and see what happens, if it isn't working, I will try something else or go back to what I was doing.

Next step would be to get my hormone levels checked because if this doesn't work I am going to start to believe my estrogen levels may be too high or out of whack...
All in for BP lab rats, and you're a great one! BAWHAHAHA!!!

Just kidding. Your CNS experiment and other things you've done/the way you keep up on breaking supp research etc. is fantastic. It's EXACTLY what I want people to take away from BP - Take what you learn and RUN WITH IT!

Life is so much better when there's variety. You like ice cream? What's your favorite flavor, peach?

Now, you go ahead and eat peach ice cream every day/night FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. How long before you think those other flavors might look nice to sample? Can you imagine how good say, raspberry is going to taste?


*Someone once used this ice cream story and made the analogy of getting married. Wasn't me though, that would be rather crude. Nope, I'd never do that....
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