Matter2003 BP Run #3, This time the Full Periodic...

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Post by matter2003 »

Body was sore this morning, pretty much all over. As the day wore on, I started getting really sore in the sides of my neck, I am assuming from the deadlifts I was doing.

Woke up early to do some cardio this morning, then continued my IF til 4pm. Bodyfat continues to go down, starting to really see my ribs and the "rectangular box" down the middle of my stomach, as well as more separation with my obliques. Starting to see veins coming down through my bicep as well, which is definitely a good sign. Biceps looking like they are really taking off. Seem to look bigger almost on a daily basis and much more full. Gonna continue to work the hell out of them until I am happy with where they are.

Planning on doing some more cardio tomorrow morning and then continuing on with IF as usual before hitting upper body Feast workout #7 Wednesday.
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Post by matter2003 »

Feast Workout #7, was able to decline today with no issues, completed the 1st workout for GLP I with no problems. Weighed in this morning at 209 lbs, so I am making some pretty good progress towards 200. Once I get to 200 I am going to focus on replacing fat weight with muscle weight and would like to stay right around there, as I feel this is a good weight for me.

Decline Bench: 145 x10/155x8/175x8/185x8/205x8/220x8
Weighted Pullups:BW-25x9/BWx5/BW+15x4+/BW+25x4/BW+30x2++
Hang Clean:BW+50x22 seconds
-gonna start doing my beloved weighted pullups again now that my biceps/forearm issue is not bothering me anymore. IMHO it is one of the best width-building exercises there is for your back.

Trap Shrugs:315x6/385x6/405x5+/455x3/500x1+5 forced reps/405x6/315x10
-got the biggest dude in the gym to come help me do 5 forced reps for some serious overload, then ripped off a couple of drop sets on top of it.

Superset below:
Overhead Cable Tri Ext: 65x10/72.5x8/80x8/87.5x8
Cable Pushdown:72.5x10/80x8/87.5x8/95x8
Cable Curls(short bar):50x8/50x8/65x8/65x6
Conc Curls(DB):30x8/35x4U,2A/40x2U,4A/40x2U,4A

Close Grip Static Hold(Power Rack):315x20+secs/405x10secs/455x7secs

-Seated Pressdown machine was not available as every time I went over there another person was on it, so I did some close grip statics instead. Amazed at how much stronger I was than last time on this, when I did 385 x 3secs...could have likely done close to 500 lbs...perhaps will leave the seated pressdowns alone and do some statics instead...biceps felt a little weak today, perhaps will start training them on leg days only to illicit the most anabolic response...

Felt really good today overall, am pretty shocked at the 70 pound and 4 second increase on close grip static hold considering I have not even done them in about 2 months...then again, triceps are likely one of my stronger areas, so the progress is not that shocking. My calves are starting to absolutely explode from doing those heavy toe presses, wouldn't be surprised if they hit 20 inches within the next few months...
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Post by RobRegish »

Felt really good today overall, am pretty shocked at the 70 pound and 4 second increase on close grip static hold considering I have not even done them in about 2 months...then again, triceps are likely one of my stronger areas, so the progress is not that shocking. My calves are starting to absolutely explode from doing those heavy toe presses, wouldn't be surprised if they hit 20 inches within the next few months...

Unreal! Keep up the great work Matt!!

EDIT: 20 inch calves? That's insane!!! I thought I did a decent job building mine up from 13 to 17... :(

The pains of being an ectomorph...
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Post by beefcake66 »

RobRegish wrote:EDIT: 20 inch calves? That's insane!!! I thought I did a decent job building mine up from 13 to 17... :(

The pains of being an ectomorph...
hehehe mine are over 15" ...... naturally......

<-- former fat kid. we got teh big calvz!
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Post by matter2003 »

RobRegish wrote:Felt really good today overall, am pretty shocked at the 70 pound and 4 second increase on close grip static hold considering I have not even done them in about 2 months...then again, triceps are likely one of my stronger areas, so the progress is not that shocking. My calves are starting to absolutely explode from doing those heavy toe presses, wouldn't be surprised if they hit 20 inches within the next few months...

Unreal! Keep up the great work Matt!!

EDIT: 20 inch calves? That's insane!!! I thought I did a decent job building mine up from 13 to 17... :(

The pains of being an ectomorph...
Thanks, although great genes are likely most dad still has the biggest most ripped calves I have ever seen and he hasn't lifted in over 30 years..they used to be 23 inches but "deflated" to 21 inches...he could likely enter a bodybuilding show right now without lifting a weight and have the best calves hands down..
That is one of my goals, to get my calves bigger than his so i can stop hearing him tease me about it!
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Post by matter2003 »

I just measured calves last night and they are up to 18 inches...if I could just get my biceps to grow like that i'd be all set...
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Post by matter2003 »

Just been chillin' the last few days with some early morning pre-work cardio for about 30 minutes...going to hit it again tomorrow morning before going to work and then looking forward to some heavy squats and lots of food on Sunday...

Weight has been steady at 209...
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Back is STILL sore from weighted pullups...I really love those things, so I will be making sure to continue with them...
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Post by matter2003 »

Weighed in this morning at 208.0 lbs, which is the lowest I have been in a while. Waist down to 35", arms still at 17" so I am not losing much if any muscle size while dropping pounds, which is very good...
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Post by RobRegish »

matter2003 wrote:Weighed in this morning at 208.0 lbs, which is the lowest I have been in a while. Waist down to 35", arms still at 17" so I am not losing much if any muscle size while dropping pounds, which is very good...
In fact, that's our goal!

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Post by matter2003 »

Feast Workout #8:

Probably didn't eat enough going into this workout, and I was a little disappointed overall with it, as I missed a rep on the last set of squats.


Preacher Curls(w/ Fat Grips): 55x8/75x6/85x2U,2A/85x3U,1A
Conc Curls: 30x8/35x4U,2A/40x2U,2A/40x1U,3A
-gonna go back to training biceps once per week on leg days to take advantage of increased anabolic state as I think my recovery is not where it needs to be with them getting trained twice a week, although they are getting bigger.

V-Squat: 244x10/355x8/380x6/414x4/440x2/469x1
-was having a rough go of it today on squats. Likely would have gotten the second rep last week as I was feeling much better then, struggled at 414 and 440 and BARELY got back up at 469, but at least it was a full ass to the bottom squat.

Deadlifts: 305x6x6/325x6/345x5
-wasn't really feeling it today on DL's either, so I didn't really push myself too hard...305 felt heavy which I normally manhandle with no issues

Weighted Ab Crunch: 130x10/170x10/190x6/180x5,170x4,160x4,150x4
-close to maxing out machine---190 is the stack, but has an additional 15 lbs of resistance on a dial in 5 lb increments I haven't gotten to yet.

Side Bends(plates): 25x10/35x10/45x10/55(DB)x10
-haven't done side bends in a long time, but I think my obliques need more work than my lower back at this point, so I am going to be switching to them. Can already tell I am going to be super sore from them, but could have easily gone heavier as it wasn't really very difficult.

All in all, a decent workout, although I am a little disappointed to tell the truth, especially with not hitting that last rep on squats.
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Post by matter2003 »

Again, very little noticeable real soreness after yesterday's workout, except for my back and my sides(deads and side bends). My recovery has been so much better lately its not even funny. Did have the overall general feeling of being subdued like I normally have every Monday after doing lower body. Not a tired feeling so much as a feeling where I am just not in a great mood, very quiet and easily agitated, kinda like if you don't get enough sleep, but I have been sleeping really good lately. Think its my body's way of telling me it needs me to take it easy for a little while...

Couldn't answer the bell for morning cardio this morning, so I went after I got out of work and did 35 mins...honestly, I hate getting up in the morning so much I think I might just do cardio after work, but I know its better to do it in the morning...
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Post by matter2003 »

Feast Workout #9:

First off I want to thank Rob and Carl Lenore for having me on Super Human Radio today...I had a blast and hope I can do it again at some point...

Was interested in getting some hormonal tests done after seeing DaGymwarrior's results just to see where I am at, but as it turns out I live in the one state out of 50 that prohibits this test from done and results sent to either myself or a physician. WTF!!! I am not trying to spend 250+ bucks to do a test at a Dr. office, so I guess this isn't getting done.

Workout today was a long one. More and more people seem to be at the gym now at my normal workout time, but the upside is that there is some much better eye candy to look at in between sets...actually caught one of them giving me the once over and then when I didn't look away she looked down and then looked back and smiled at me...I find it hilarious when you catch a girl looking at you to just maintain eye contact until she either looks away or smiles at you...the funniest part is once I do it the first time, I see them checking me out out of the corner of my eyes while I'm working out later on...ahh, the things I do to entertain myself in between sets...too bad I can't act on it...

Decline Bench: 140x10/170x8/185x6/205x6/220x6/240x6
-no issues at all other than on last set, got 5 and then had to pause to get 6, but it went up pretty easy once it got down...

Weighted Pullups: BWx10/+20x6/+30x4++/+40x3+/+50x2++
Hang Clean: BW+80lbs x 25 secs

Trap Shrugs: 315x8/365x6/405x6/455x3/515x1<---PR!!!/515xpartial
-I think half the gym turned and looked once I dropped that bar on the power rack stoppers...hahaha
Trap DropSet:405x3/365x4/315x4/275x4/225x8

Close Grip Bench Static: 475x10 secs/515x4 secs!!! <--PR!!!
-OMG I cannot believe I put this weight up on a close grip the power rack

Overhead Cable Tri Ext: 52.5x8/67x6/75x6/82.5x6/90x6
Tri Cable Pressdown: 52.5x8/75x6/82.5x6/90x6/97.5
-above was supersetted together.

All in all a good workout, although it did take a little longer than usual, set 2 new PR's, and felt very strong on the decline, like I could have added 20 or 30 pounds easily...
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Excellent job on the interview Matt! At first I didn't realize it was you, but things started to sound familiar as the interview progressed. I have a feeling we'll have an influx of new BPers soon.
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