Austinb37's First BP Run - Goal: Destroy All PRs

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Post by RobRegish »

matter2003 wrote:
austinb37 wrote: On a stranger note my hair, nails, toenails, facial hair etc. have been growing 2-3x faster than usual. Has anyone else has experienced this while running BP? It could be a factor of increased GH, but I can't find any research to validate it.
Hmm, that is usually one of the effects of KA, as it basically enhances virtually every function of the body in a positive way...are you taking anything with ecdy in it?
Shrewd observation Matter! Curious as to the response here! Loved this log from the moment I saw this:

"Destroy all PR's" = Looking like you're well on your way! Also...

"I actually had my workout sheet with me this time (huge advantage)" - Love sarcasm... :)
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Post by matter2003 »

austinb37 wrote: If anyone has additional tips for treating the shoulder other than the typical RICE and rotator cuff rehab exercises, I would appreciate it.
Do not do RICE!! Unless of course you want to encourage further injuries by developing scar tissue there and weakening the shoulder joint more. I would recommend H.E.M. treatment, although it is for ankles, it likely will work just as well for any joint area, but you will have to find shoulder exercises to do with it. It stands for Hydrotherapy, Exercise and Massage, and it literally works miracles...

I have a post regarding it here: ... php?t=1408

A little background on how I even found this: I got gout while I was away visiting family members and didn't have my medication with me, so it got worse and worse and worse until I was literally walking on the side of my foot, which led to me spraining my ankle pretty badly and it swelling up the size of a grapefruit. Went to the doctor and he told me to do RICE and stay on crutches. I figured that had to be a better way because I didn't want to miss that much gym time, and I started doing H.E.M. therapy. I was back working out and walking normally faster than I should have been off crutches...
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Post by austinb37 »

matter2003 wrote:
austinb37 wrote: On a stranger note my hair, nails, toenails, facial hair etc. have been growing 2-3x faster than usual. Has anyone else has experienced this while running BP? It could be a factor of increased GH, but I can't find any research to validate it.
Hmm, that is usually one of the effects of KA, as it basically enhances virtually every function of the body in a positive way...are you taking anything with ecdy in it?
I'm not taking anything with ecdy or any test boosters at the moment. I also noticed some increased acne and oily skin, which i have not had in years.
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Post by austinb37 »

Thanks for the tip on HEM therapy Matter, I definitely appreciate the feedback and once again awesome job during your interview on SHR. Unfortunately I did way too many RICE therapies and have developed some nice scar tissue in my shoulder. No worries, I just have my chiro grind out the scar tissue in my shoulder every time I go in for an adjustment (makes me feel like I am getting my moneys worth).

Another interesting thought on my chiro visits... I signed up for an adjustment package with my chiro (who is a young energetic guy like me and a former athlete) and have been going to get adjustments 2-3 times a week. I am really seeing the benefits especially in the gym especially on my big barbell lifts. In the past when I would near failure, I knew it was coming and I would try to push out that "Last Rep" and would fail. Now on squat or bench I feel the new muscle fibers activating when I am attempting that "Last Rep". It feels like an explosion that starts in my spine and ripples out to the rest of my back and body. My whole body shakes:) It is definitely one hell of a sensation, and reminds me of when I was a newbie and started lifting heavy for football. Funny to think 2 years ago I thought chiros where Quacks:) and only doctors really knew what was going on.

Anyways back to the good stuff. The workouts lately have been amazing and I am making some insane progress, especially my hypertrophic gains (I will post my final stats, when I finish BP).

12/5 GLP bench workout ( I won't get into to much detail with the EDT blocks and statics)
265x3(my damn spotter touched the bar on the 4th rep, not sure if I would have gotten it though)

EDT Block
Moved up to 100 lb dumbells for incline bench (makes me look like an absolute badass next to the guys who only do variations of dumbells curls)
100 x 21 reps (15 min)
185 x 24 reps (15 min)

Decline Static
365 x 10 sec
385 x 7 sec (everyone was watching me for this one)

GLP Squat Workout(I have been increasing my squat 1 RM max, because the previous workouts were getting too easy)
390x2(I had to rack the weight in between reps for 10 sec because I felt like I was going to pass out)
A couple of weeks ago I could only do 385 for 1 rep and I just did 390x2! I was a complete bowl of jelly after this and It showed on my hack squat/ romanian DL EDT block. I have not had that wet noodle feeling in a very long time and it took me well over 10 minutes to recover from the squat workout.

EDT Block
Hack Squat 410x24 reps (20 min)
romanian DL (275x6,5 295x5,4,3,3

Static Seated Calf Raise
250x8 sec
260x5 sec (my calves were going to explode and I still feel it today)

After the workout I ate a monster chipotle steak burrito with double steak, 2 protein shakes with whole milk, a bowl of yogurt and a bowl of cottage cheese (apparently I have a small appetite). Even after that I was still hungry. What have you done to me Rob? :)

I was planning on getting my GLP bench workout in today, but I definitely need an extra day of rest. Gotta listen to your body.
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Post by RobRegish »

I'm so happy reading this!

It's GREAT you're seeing the benefits of chiro. The positive effects it exerts insofar as optimizing the electrical impulse from the brain, through the vertabrae/spinal chord, trans-versing the nerve and ultimately allowing the muscle to contract is fantastic.

Looks like you're cooking with gas in the gym, too.... :) Keep up the GREAT work!!!
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Post by austinb37 »

I finished my GLP bench workout yesterday and I was a little off at the gym. My focus and intensity were not there during my workout, I did however feel like I was on top of the world when I left the gym. I guess it just took me a while to get going after a long day at work.

285x1 (I almost got the second)

EDT Block 1: 17 min total
Incline DB Bench:100sx26 reps
Bent Over Row:190x24 reps

EDT Block 2: 16 min
Shoulder DB Press 70sx27 reps
Wide Full Stretch and Contraction Pullups:BWx18 reps

Static Decline Bench
385x14 sec
405x7 sec (yeah baby!)

Other Thoughts
I have been continuing my intermittent fasting on my non-workout days and I love how it makes me feel. When fasting I eat my last meal about 8 pm the night before and do not eat again until 12:30 or 1. This really gives me great focus at work and keeps my energy up throughout the day. There are also some really prominent fat burning effects that I have also noticed.
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Post by RobRegish »

"285x1 (I almost got the second)..."

This a new PR? If so, CONGRATS! Curious to know if it was the called for +5% on your previous 1RM?

Good lifters have mediocre sessions when they start the workout feeling "off". GREAT lifters did what you did. Man up and take care of business.

Remember that... :)
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Post by matter2003 »

austinb37 wrote:I finished my GLP bench workout yesterday and I was a little off at the gym. My focus and intensity were not there during my workout, I did however feel like I was on top of the world when I left the gym. I guess it just took me a while to get going after a long day at work.

285x1 (I almost got the second)

EDT Block 1: 17 min total
Incline DB Bench:100sx26 reps
Bent Over Row:190x24 reps

EDT Block 2: 16 min
Shoulder DB Press 70sx27 reps
Wide Full Stretch and Contraction Pullups:BWx18 reps

Static Decline Bench
385x14 sec
405x7 sec (yeah baby!)

Other Thoughts
I have been continuing my intermittent fasting on my non-workout days and I love how it makes me feel. When fasting I eat my last meal about 8 pm the night before and do not eat again until 12:30 or 1. This really gives me great focus at work and keeps my energy up throughout the day. There are also some really prominent fat burning effects that I have also noticed.
Great work on the 285! I love doing IF while at work also because it makes lunches so much easier to pack. I usually start at 11pm or midnight depending on when I go to bed and then eat at 3 or 4pm, workout around 8:30pm and then eat post workout and post-post workout right before bed...
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Post by austinb37 »

RobRegish wrote:"285x1 (I almost got the second)..."

This a new PR? If so, CONGRATS! Curious to know if it was the called for +5% on your previous 1RM?

Good lifters have mediocre sessions when they start the workout feeling "off". GREAT lifters did what you did. Man up and take care of business.

Remember that... :)
Unfortunately this was not a new pr for me. I hit 295 a couple of weeks back so my +5% would put me at 310. I have 3 more GLP workouts left (2 squat and 2 bench), then it is cruise time :)

I'm actually pretty amped up for round 2 of BP, because I have two bottles of KA and 1 bottle of BIU waiting for me. It is torture not using them right now. Can't wait to try this out with a little extra help from some ecdy.
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Post by RobRegish »

austinb37 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:"285x1 (I almost got the second)..."

This a new PR? If so, CONGRATS! Curious to know if it was the called for +5% on your previous 1RM?

Good lifters have mediocre sessions when they start the workout feeling "off". GREAT lifters did what you did. Man up and take care of business.

Remember that... :)
Unfortunately this was not a new pr for me. I hit 295 a couple of weeks back so my +5% would put me at 310. I have 3 more GLP workouts left (2 squat and 2 bench), then it is cruise time :)

I'm actually pretty amped up for round 2 of BP, because I have two bottles of KA and 1 bottle of BIU waiting for me. It is torture not using them right now. Can't wait to try this out with a little extra help from some ecdy.
That's great news!

PLENTY of time to set new PR's. Plus, you have "friends" coming to the party soon!... :)
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Post by austinb37 »

It has been a while since my last post. I was out of town this past weekend and tweaked my back last wednesday, so I had to take some time off. I seem to be all rested, healed up and ready to break some PRs!

GLP Bench

EDT Block 1 (I decided to deload because next week is the 105% day)
Incline DB Press

Decline bench static
405x15 sec
445x9 sec (holy crap!)

Pullups Wide (full hang with contraction at top)

other thoughts
I've been experiencing some signs that my body is telling me to move on to cruise so I have been spacing my workouts a little more to give myself a little more rest.
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Post by austinb37 »

I finished the GLP 105% bench workout today. I needed to take some time off again due to my CNS starting to shut me down. I probably did too many sets of the EDT blocks for both bench and squat days. I took a total of 5 days off since my last workout.

During my time off I really tried to focus on eating the right foods (the right amount) and sleeping 8+ hours every night. Also after speaking with Rob again, he recommended that I mentally rehearse my 1 RM max attempts for 3 reps. A technique that I also hear about during a Podcast with Rob and Wade Johnson on SHR. Every night before bed I would spend about 10 min mentally rehearsing my 1 RM max attempts for 3 Reps.

Even with this added emphasis on rest and mental rehearsal, I still was not able to get my attempts for the GLP 105% bench. I went into the gym still mentally rehearsing my 1 RM attempts and was absolutely positive that I could not fail. Every inch of my body was focused on my bench.

GLP Bench
310x FAIL
305x FAIL

I was pretty bummed after failing on bench and tried doing my EDT blocks, but my focus was gone.

If I were to do this whole process again, I would take it easier on the EDT blocks and would add in some type of ECDY. I wanted to try BP without an ECDY, to see how my body responds without it. I would not recommend doing it without one, seeing how others responded while using one. My nutrition and rest were there, but I was constantly on the verge of CNS overload, even with the 1 on 2 off format.

I might give the GLP 105% bench a try next week, depending on how my squat workout goes.

Oh well, time to reload and focus on my GLP 105% squat. I'm shooting for 420 RAW, so I'll post how that workout goes sometime this weekend (need 3 days rest after today). I have hit much bigger numbers on squat before, but I was always using knee wraps and a belt. The knee wraps always added about 20-40 lbs to my squat and the belt added another 30-50 lbs.
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Post by austinb37 »

Well I tried my 105% GLP squat day and it did not go well. I am definitely over trained and my CNS has shut me down. The beginning of the workout felt great and I firmly believed that I was going to hit 440. The first 4 sets were incredibly easy and the weight was flying up. My first set at 400 was a real struggle and I knew I was in trouble.

GLP Squat

I might try these numbers again later next week, but at this point i think I might cut my losses and move onto cruise. I don't think I'll attempt another BP run without a proven adaptagen.
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Post by matter2003 »

austinb37 wrote:Well I tried my 105% GLP squat day and it did not go well. I am definitely over trained and my CNS has shut me down. The beginning of the workout felt great and I firmly believed that I was going to hit 440. The first 4 sets were incredibly easy and the weight was flying up. My first set at 400 was a real struggle and I knew I was in trouble.

GLP Squat

I might try these numbers again later next week, but at this point i think I might cut my losses and move onto cruise. I don't think I'll attempt another BP run without a proven adaptagen.
Yup, I had the almost the exact same experience with my final squat day...although I initiated training in a fasted state with only some BCAA's prior, so I likely could have improved it a little bit by consuming some calories...
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