Austinb37's First BP Run - Goal: Destroy All PRs

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Re: Austinb37's First BP Run - Goal: Destroy All PRs

Post by austinb37 »

matter2003 wrote:
RobRegish wrote: I was completely shocked at how my body responded... For the first time in my life I had clean and full energy throughout the day. I was able to think clearly all and I had no afternoon/post lunch crash. The craziest thing was that after lunch time past (when I usually tell myself to eat) I had no hunger at all.

A. Absolutely, and its a shock to MANY. You finally have the chance to distinguish between real (physiological) hunger, and faux hunger. Faux hunger is when you're not hungry at all, watching TV and all of a sudden you're hungry - after seeing a Burger King commercial... :)
There are a lot of people(although probably not too many that workout on a regular basis since they know the importance of it) who are in a constant state of dehydration and their thirst mechanism has become so weak they mistake it for hunger...
Thanks Matter. I try to keep myself very hydrated throughout the day. I'm drink anywhere from 4 to 8 liters of water every day not including the 3-4 large glasses of milk I also drink.

I've re-discovered the power of milk during this BP run and I drink about a half gallon of whole milk every day:) It really helps with recovery and getting my macros in.
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Re: Austinb37's First BP Run - Goal: Destroy All PRs

Post by matter2003 »

austinb37 wrote: Thanks Matter. I try to keep myself very hydrated throughout the day. I'm drink anywhere from 4 to 8 liters of water every day not including the 3-4 large glasses of milk I also drink.

I've re-discovered the power of milk during this BP run and I drink about a half gallon of whole milk every day:) It really helps with recovery and getting my macros in.
I figured you probably did, that was just something related to more of the normal population who doesn't workout on a regular basis...I am with you on the milk brother!! I call it "Diesel Juice" and probably drink somewhere between 1/2 gallon and a gallon a day myself...and always make sure I slam a protein shake with 2 cups of milk, yogurt, oatmeal and olive oil mixed together right before bed...
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Re: Austinb37's First BP Run - Goal: Destroy All PRs

Post by bigpelo »

matter2003 wrote:I slam a protein shake with 2 cups of milk, yogurt, oatmeal and olive oil mixed together right before bed...
Does this improve/impair with your sleep?
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Re: Austinb37's First BP Run - Goal: Destroy All PRs

Post by matter2003 »

bigpelo wrote:
matter2003 wrote:I slam a protein shake with 2 cups of milk, yogurt, oatmeal and olive oil mixed together right before bed...
Does this improve/impair with your sleep?
Well, the only thing that sucks is that I wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss, but other than that I really can't tell much of a difference...
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Re: Austinb37's First BP Run - Goal: Destroy All PRs

Post by austinb37 »

bigpelo wrote:
matter2003 wrote:I slam a protein shake with 2 cups of milk, yogurt, oatmeal and olive oil mixed together right before bed...
Does this improve/impair with your sleep?
I usually eat cottage cheese with milk right before bed and it usually knocks me out right away. No sleep problems at all. In fact I have slept like I am in a coma this entire BP run.
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Re: Austinb37's First BP Run - Goal: Destroy All PRs

Post by bigpelo »

austinb37 wrote: No sleep problems at all. In fact I have slept like I am in a coma this entire BP run.
You are a lucky man! I am so jealous right now... I should have used Adaptagen N this run. Oh well.
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Post by austinb37 »

Well I had my first Bench GLP workout on Turkey Day. I wanted to make sure that I got a hell of a workout in so that I could eat like a monster guilt free. Thanksgiving is the perfect BP and IF holiday!

I guess in my excitement I forgot to bring my workout sheet so I quickly scrambled to pull together GLP #1 (or what I thought it was).

GLP Bench- with 1 sec pause when the bar touches my chest
150 x 10, 185 x 8, 205 x 8, 220 x 6 (started to feel myself approach failure so I cut it 2 short), 230 x 7 (my spotter touched the bar as I was moving it up on the 8th rep)

EDT Block 1
Incline DB

90 x 6,5,5,5,4,4

Bent Over Row
145 x 6,155 x 6, 165 x 6, 6, 5

Static Holds
Decline Bench 335 x 15 sec, 355 x 12 sec

EZ bar Pullovers I put these at the end of the workout, which I will probably change. Also I have tweaked my left shoulder twice doing these. This happens when I am approaching failure and my left should pops/sub-luxes at the top of the motion.

50 x 8, 60 x 6, 60 x 3 (fail hurt shoulder)

If anyone has additional tips for treating the shoulder other than the typical RICE and rotator cuff rehab exercises, I would appreciate it.
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Post by JlCh »

What about using a dumbell instead?
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Post by austinb37 »

JlCh wrote:What about using a dumbell instead?
The first time I hurt my shoulder doing pullovers I was doing a dumbell. Go figure...

I have been rehabbing the shoulder and icing it pretty regularly which seems to help a lot.
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Post by austinb37 »

Well I have completed two workouts since my last post. I did my squat workout on sunday and hit some pretty good numbers... It is really nice to see the strength in my legs returning

GLP Squat Workout 2
195 x 10
235 x 8
255 x 6
285 x 6
305 x 6
335 x 6 (easy I could have done more)

I am thinking I will increase all of my GLP weights for squat next week by 20 lbs.

I also did my EDT block with Hack Squat/ Romanian DLs. The first time I did this workout I almost died. Recently these workouts have been getting easier :) I can definitely tell I am starting to hit my Feast sweet-spot. I AM ON THE FAST TRACK TO GAINSVILLE!!!
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Post by austinb37 »

Well it is that time of year again... People who realize that they own a gym membership and have been overeating all year try to make up for it by coming to the gym and doing some light cardio and bicep curls.

My gym was absolutely packed today, full of people trying to work off their Thanksgiving food hangovers. I was in BEAST MODE today and people were looking at me like a madman.

GLP Bench Workout 2
I actually had my workout sheet with me this time (huge advantage) and was ready to pump.
150 x 10
180 x 8
195 x 6
215 x 6
230 x 6
I had not used a spotter yet and knew I needed one for my last set, so I asked the older man next me to give me a spot. Little did I know that this man was part of the "Thanksgiving Hangover Crew" and had no business spotting anyone. He was by far the worst spotter imaginable...

I told him not to touch the bar until I failed. He nodded in agreement, so I thought that meant he understood. I started my first rep at 250 and I was in BEAST MODE so the weight was flying up. My terrible spotter grabbed the bar from me and did a shoulder shrug with it. I stopped with the weight above my head and told him "don't touch the bar". I attempted my next rep and he put both of his hands on top of the bar. Once again I told him this time much louder and angrier. "DON'T TOUCH THE BAR". I did my next rep and the same thing happened. I couldn't believe it. By the fourth rep I quit and racked the weight. I was furious, but this old man just kept smiling at me thinking that he had done a wonderful service to me by giving me a spot.

Beware of these people at your gyms during the next two months...

Even though my bench did not go as planned I still was ready to Pump for the remainder of the workout.

EDT Block 1
Incline DB Bench- 95 x 6,5,5,4,3,4 (Yeah Baby!)
Bent Over Row-165 x 6,6,6,6 175 x 5,6

EZ Bar Pullovers (really focusing on the stretch. My shoulder seems to have healed a lot since the last time)
50 x 8, 8, 6, 6

Wide Grip Pullups (focusing on the contraction at the top of the motion and a full stretch at the bottom. Each rep last about 7 seconds)

BW x 5,4,4,3,3

Decline Bench Static Holds (everyone was watching me at I loaded up the bar and did not even do a single rep. Especially all of the "Thanksgiving Hangover Bicep Curl Crew")
355 x 12 sec
375 x 10 sec

Other Thoughts
My recovery has been ridiculous lately. I started doing the alternating HOT/Cold showers like Rob suggests and that makes all the difference in the world.

I also purchased my first order of Kre-Anabolyn for my next BP run. I ordered 2 bottles from MASS last night and should be getting a free bottle of Burn It Up With it. My next BP run is going to be off the charts. I am pretty excited about KA as I have used a lot of worthless supplements and KA seems to be the King of Kings.
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Post by austinb37 »

I completed the third GLP squat workout yesterday. This was another awesome workout and I felt like an animal in gym. I can't wait to try my next BP run with KA, which arrived yesterday in the mail. If KA works half as well as advertised, i will be a happy customer.

GLP Squat ( I increased all of my weights by 15-20lbs, because the last workouts have been way too easy)
205 x 10
275 x 8
295 x 6
315 x 4 (this is where i felt like I entered "THE ZONE")
340 x 4
360 x 4 (easy I could have done 1 or 2 more)
Followed by 1 set of stiff leg DLs 225 x 4 (hold stretch)

EDT Block 1
It is amazing how much stronger I am getting during this EDT block! The Romanian DLs just keep getting lighter every-time I do them.
Hack Squat: 380 x 6, 390 x 6, 400 x 6,410 x 4,4,5
Romanian DLs:255 x 6, 265 x 6, 275 x 5, 285 x5, 295 x 4, 305 x 3

Calf Raise Holds (my calves are killing me today :)
250 x 4 sec
250 x 4 sec

Static Ab Crunch ( this one is always an attention getter)
160 x 7 sec
165 x 5 sec

Other Thoughts
I am really hitting my stride right now. The weights are flying up and I am feeling like a Beast in the gym. I have noticed that my recovery has been off the charts.

I ran into a couple of gym buddies I had not seen in a month and they both accused me of running a cycle of pro-hormones. What a compliment :) My overall weight since I started BP has only increased from 225-230 lbs so far, but my bodyfat continues to shrink. I'm guessing I have gained about 7-8 lbs of fat free mass.

On a stranger note my hair, nails, toenails, facial hair etc. have been growing 2-3x faster than usual. Has anyone else has experienced this while running BP? It could be a factor of increased GH, but I can't find any research to validate it.
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Post by JlCh »

Hahaha, shitty spotters suckkkkkk. I haven't had one that put his hands on top of the bar/moved the weight for me, usually they just stare at me mesmerized or some shit. I start to fail and they just sit there waiting for the weight to help itself up -- usually end up contorting my body into all sorts of crazy positions just to get it up before I crush myself (a bit exaggerated).

Glad to see you're getting the BP "superman" feeling. Nothing better than walking into the gym and hitting PR's every time -- really not many other feelings that compare. I never noticed the extra growing before, but now that I think about it I did have to trim my finger nails what seemed "early" 2 days ago. I'll have to try and pay closer attention to it. My first run last year I got asked if I was roiding as well.
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Post by matter2003 »

austinb37 wrote: On a stranger note my hair, nails, toenails, facial hair etc. have been growing 2-3x faster than usual. Has anyone else has experienced this while running BP? It could be a factor of increased GH, but I can't find any research to validate it.
Hmm, that is usually one of the effects of KA, as it basically enhances virtually every function of the body in a positive way...are you taking anything with ecdy in it?
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