DaGymWarrior's 1st BP Run

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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Feast Workout 13 - Transition to Cruise (11/16/11)
Bench Press
1)Bar x 15 2) 135 x 8 3)185x5 4)225x4
5)275x1 6)295x1 7)225x10
I think I could have gone heavier, but I couldn't find a spotter. Sigh
Pull-ups (bodyweight)
3 sets of 8, 1 set of 10
Overhead Rope Extensions
1)60x8, 2-4)80x8
Rope Pressdowns
1)50x10 2)50x12 3)50x10
Dumbbell Curls (suplinated, using Fat Grips)
1)25s x 8 2-4)40s x 8
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls, with Fat Grips
1)Bar x 12 2)55x10 3)55x10 4)55x12
Barbell Front Raises, with Fat Grips
1)45x12 2-3)55x12
Time: 62 min
I love these Fat Grips. The BURN! Forearms like Popeye soon!
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Post by matter2003 »

DaGymWarrior wrote: I love these Fat Grips. The BURN! Forearms like Popeye soon!
Ya, I knew you would...my forearms used to be sore for days after using them...not so much anymore unless I really do a lot of reps with them...
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Feast Workout 14 - Transition to Cruise (11/19/11)
Deadlifts - 3 minute rest between sets
1)Bar x 12 2)135 x 10 3)185x8 4)225x6
5)275x3 6)335x1 7)355x1 (PR)
I have stopped using straps for about two weeks. Just chalk. Previously, I wouldn't think about going above 225 without using them... but I think it was more of a crutch. After listening to an episode of Iron Radio, I decided to ditch the straps. So far, it hasn't been a limiting factor. This, combined with Fat Grips, are building my grip strength and forearm size.
Front Squats - 2 minute rest between sets
+185x5 x 3 sets
Hyperextensions - 1 minute rest between sets
+45x5 x 3 sets
Hanging Leg Raise to Bar - 1 minute rest between sets
1-3)10 4)8 5)10
Standing Calf Raises - 1 minute rest between sets
1-4)585x10 5)585x8, followed by 15 second static hold
Time: 70 minutes
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Feast Workout 15 - Transition to Cruise (11/23/11)
Weighted Dips / Pendlay Barbell Rows - 2-3 min rest between sets
1) +90x8 / 185x8
2) +90x8 / 185x8
3) +90x10 / 185x8
4) +135x8 / 185x8
5) +135x8 / 185x6
Standing Barbell Front Military Press
135x8 x 4 sets
Close-grip Bench Press / Barbell Curls (with Fat Grips) - 2 min rest
1) 185x8 / 85x8
1) 185x7 / 85x8
1) 185x7 / 85x7
1) 185x6 / 85x8
Cable Curls - 1 min rest
1)120x15 2)120x10 3)100x12 4)80x15
Time: 62 min
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Cruise Workout 1 (11/26/11)
1)185x5 2)225x5
Front Squats
1)135x5 2-3)185x5
Hamstring Curls
1)90x12 2)120x6 3)120x6 4)120x5
Stiff-Leg Deadlifts to the floor
1)225x5 2)245x5 3)275x6
Sitting Calf Raises
1)90x18 2)135x12 3-5)135x10 6)135x12
Time: 56 min
Stopped using ecdy yesterday. Up to yesterday I was taking 2-4 KA and 3 AN per day.
Still using "The Formula".
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Cruise Workout 2 (11/29/11)
Barbell Incline Press (with Fat Grips) / Double Dumbbell Rows (2 min rest between sets)
1)185x6 / 70s x 8
2)185x6 / 80s x 6
3)185x6 / 80s x 6
4)185x6 / 80s x 6
Pull-ups (with Fat Grips) / Straight-arm Pressdowns (2 min rest)
1) 7 / 150 x 8
2) 6 / 150 x 8
3) 6 / 150 x 8
4) 10 (no Fat Grips) / 150 x 6
Lying Tricep Extensions (EZ bar) / Dumbell Curls (with Fat Grips) (90 second rest)
1) 90x8 / 35s x 8
2) 90x8 / 30s x 8
3) 90x8 / 30s x 8
4) 90x8 / 30s x 8
Cable Curls / Pressdowns (1 min rest)
1) 120x12 / 60 x 12
2) 120x15 / 60 x 15
3) 120x15 / 70 x 10
4) 120x12 / 70 x 10 dropset to 50x8
Hanging Leg Raise to Bar / Rope Crunches (2 min rest)
10/150x12 x 4 sets
Decline Crunches
1)7 2)8 3)7
Time: 73 min
I have a hard time "cruising". As I was typing out this workout, I realized I may have overdone it.
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Cruise Workout 3 (today)
Deadlifts (2 min rest between sets)
1-2)245x5 ; 3-5)275x5
Barbell Lunges (2 min rest)
135x5 x 3 sets
Front Squats (90 sec rest)
1)135x10 ; 2-3)155x8
Sitting Calf Raises (90 sec rest)
1)90x20 2)115x15 3)135x12
4)160x8 ; 5-6)180x6 (PR)
The static holds during Feast definitely helped me get stronger here.
Hyperextensions (90 sec rest)
1)Bodyweight x 15 ; 2-3)+45x10
Decline Crunches
10 x 2 sets
Time: 66 min
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Post by biscuits »

haha its nice to see another guy from hawaii on the blueprint

what gym do you go to?
edit: you said earlier you bent the olympic bar...so im assuming powerhouse?
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Post by matter2003 »

DaGymWarrior wrote: I have stopped using straps for about two weeks. Just chalk. Previously, I wouldn't think about going above 225 without using them... but I think it was more of a crutch. After listening to an episode of Iron Radio, I decided to ditch the straps. So far, it hasn't been a limiting factor. This, combined with Fat Grips, are building my grip strength and forearm size.
I love my Lifting Hooks from 1TonHooks dot com....those things are the freaking truth!!
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