CrPolley's Official BluePrint Journal - Round 1!!!

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by RobRegish »

crpolley wrote:Ended up taking 3 days off because my tri's were still quite sore from the workout yesterday.

Worked out today.

Bench - 165 X 6
Dumb bell pullover - 60 X 6

Squated - 235 X 6 --> This was a bit easy. Wish I had put on more weight
Stiff Legged - 105 X 6

I also did weighted dips. 3 sets.
10 X bodyweight + 45 lbs.

Without the dips I barely felt like I got a workout. These first 5 feast workouts seem so short. Am I missing anything or is it really only those 4 exercises?

Was it bad that I did the dips? Felt good/actually tired me out.
No problem on the dips/adding EDT blocks IF you have the gas and can recover from them. The idea here is to do the big barbell lifts justice FIRST!
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Post by crpolley »

Can you provide guidance on the EDT blocks? Didn't see these covered in the book (at least not in that section). What muscles am I working and how?
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Post by crpolley »

Lil update here:

Just got done with the 3rd workout.

185 X 3 Bench press
65 X 3 - Pullovers

255 X 3 - Squat - Bad form and I didn't go completely parralel though :/ Should have gone a little bit lighter.
100 X 3 - Stiff Leg Deadlifts

The EDT blocks were done with Incline bench and Tbar Row @
55 X 6 - IB
130 X 6 - Tbar row

These were TOUGH and I'm glad I added it to my workout. The 55 was a bit light though. The 6th and final set I did 8 reps instead of the 2. My muscles don't get tired that fast.
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Post by crpolley »

I've also gained 5-6 lbs so far!!! I have been using different scales but the differences have been neglible.

I do see a bit of fat accumulation though. I'm starting to lose the abs but I don't care that much. It's winter.. I'm not going to be showing them off too much anyways :wink:
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Post by RobRegish »

crpolley wrote:I've also gained 5-6 lbs so far!!! I have been using different scales but the differences have been neglible.

I do see a bit of fat accumulation though. I'm starting to lose the abs but I don't care that much. It's winter.. I'm not going to be showing them off too much anyways :wink:
Excellent work man, so nice to see it. Just a matter of fine tuning now, GREAT stuff... :)
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Post by crpolley »

Hey guys!

Been a little while since I've been on here.

Finished up the final workout last thursday.

Finished with a 200lb bench for 1rm - increase from 170 or so!
Finished with a 235lb squat - 2r - probably could have gone heavier but see injury below.

I suffered a few injuries last week that forced me to delay my working out.

First was in the bottom left of my core. Near where the hip flexor and bottom ab are. The pain moved around and spread a bit. Could barely walk for a few days. I did squats and then played a soccer game later that night so this must have caused it but there was no "moment" when it happenned. I went to the doctor and they said it wasnt a hernia. :lol:
Took a few days off and it was better!

I then squatted again and that night I could barely sleep due to what I think was a pulled nerve in my upper back. Extremely painful for 2 days and then got better. Worked out again around 4 days later.

I hope these injuries don't keep happening!

I'm back to working out and tomorrow is my first day of the new period. I'm thinking of doing super squats but honestly squats are scaring me a bit. I think my form is correct but I keep getting injured.. NOT fun.

Any other recomendations for a program? I am trying to BULK as much as possible
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Post by RobRegish »

crpolley wrote:Hey guys!

Been a little while since I've been on here.

Finished up the final workout last thursday.

Finished with a 200lb bench for 1rm - increase from 170 or so!
Finished with a 235lb squat - 2r - probably could have gone heavier but see injury below.

I suffered a few injuries last week that forced me to delay my working out.

First was in the bottom left of my core. Near where the hip flexor and bottom ab are. The pain moved around and spread a bit. Could barely walk for a few days. I did squats and then played a soccer game later that night so this must have caused it but there was no "moment" when it happenned. I went to the doctor and they said it wasnt a hernia. :lol:
Took a few days off and it was better!

I then squatted again and that night I could barely sleep due to what I think was a pulled nerve in my upper back. Extremely painful for 2 days and then got better. Worked out again around 4 days later.

I hope these injuries don't keep happening!

I'm back to working out and tomorrow is my first day of the new period. I'm thinking of doing super squats but honestly squats are scaring me a bit. I think my form is correct but I keep getting injured.. NOT fun.

Any other recomendations for a program? I am trying to BULK as much as possible
Sorry to hear about that hernia. What's the prognosis?

You may want to look into The BP Periodic, page 60 of 2.0 and identify a movement that DOESN'T aggravate the hernia. Weighted step ups and Bulgarian split squats would be a logical starting point. If you google them on youtube, I think you'll see what I'm talking about.

Hope that helps!
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Post by crpolley »

It's NOT a hernia is what the doctor told me. It's been over a week since that injury and I feel no repercussions. I am open to any exercise.

I just want to BULK BULK BULK :D
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Post by beefcake66 »

Try the Blueprint Periodic like Rob suggested, and if you're not wanting to do squats you could do deadlifts as your lower body exercise.

Another workout routine I like and have used within the blueprint is GST - Growth Stimulus Training. Look into it... all the information is available for free but you can buy the e-book which has it all easier to read/find/use.
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Post by crpolley »

Hey guys!!
I ended up going with GST. Really liking it so far. Didn't buy the book, just found info online.

After the first week I was INCREDIBLY sore. Especially after squats day and the back day. I literally couldn't walk for like 2 days after squats which was really weird because I was doing LESS weight and not that many more reps.. I think it must have been the lunges which were somewhat new for me. They absolutely destroyed me.

I think I'm plateauing around 167 lbs. I vary by about .5 each time I go to the gym. That's a solid 6-7 lb gain. Decently happy with that..
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Post by crpolley »

Hey guys! on week 3 of GST and I'm really liking it.

I've platued at 167 which means I gained 6-7 pounds of muscle. In the beginning I had more fat than I've ever had (lost my 6 pack) but I seem to be losing that with GST.

I'm planning on doing 4 full weeks of GST (1 more) and then taking a week off and then doing another round of blueprint. Does this make sense? Going for BULK all winter and then BP 3.0 in the spring for summer :)

Let me know opinions.. Am I skipping cruise or any important steps?
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Post by RobRegish »

crpolley wrote:Hey guys! on week 3 of GST and I'm really liking it.

I've platued at 167 which means I gained 6-7 pounds of muscle. In the beginning I had more fat than I've ever had (lost my 6 pack) but I seem to be losing that with GST.

I'm planning on doing 4 full weeks of GST (1 more) and then taking a week off and then doing another round of blueprint. Does this make sense? Going for BULK all winter and then BP 3.0 in the spring for summer :)

Let me know opinions.. Am I skipping cruise or any important steps?
This is just me, but given your goals I'd run The BP Periodic found on page 60 of 2.0 for your winter bulk. Then you'll have to make a choice: 3.0 or The BP Meteoric.

Hits the streets in a matter of weeks... :)
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