Matter2003 BP Run #3, This time the Full Periodic...

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Post by matter2003 »

Street-dreams wrote:winning.

That was me last week..

Coworkers were asking me why I was "limping" lol
Yeah, that was the most brutal workout I have done yet...probably gonna be scaling back the DLs to 3 sets and make them non-supersetted next workout because it was affecting my squatting negatively, IMHO...
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Post by matter2003 »

Woke up today and was pleasantly surprised I was not as sore as I thought I would be...probably due to amount of weight being less than I normally do, but at higher rep ranges...

Ordered PrimaForce Yohimbine HCL to assist with fat burning since it would fit in well with my 16 hour fast days 5 days a week...I also like that it specifically targets a2 receptors which are mostly in lower back/stomach area, which is where most of my fat is I am trying to get rid of. Got a great deal on a 2 pack from for 17.98 with free shipping. Was rated as a 9.5/10 on you know where, so it seems to be pretty effective...

Getting ready to hit the gym for an HIIT session and then come back and start piling in some calories for the day...
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Post by RobRegish »

matter2003 wrote:Woke up today and was pleasantly surprised I was not as sore as I thought I would be...probably due to amount of weight being less than I normally do, but at higher rep ranges...

Ordered PrimaForce Yohimbine HCL to assist with fat burning since it would fit in well with my 16 hour fast days 5 days a week...I also like that it specifically targets a2 receptors which are mostly in lower back/stomach area, which is where most of my fat is I am trying to get rid of. Got a great deal on a 2 pack from for 17.98 with free shipping. Was rated as a 9.5/10 on you know where, so it seems to be pretty effective...

Getting ready to hit the gym for an HIIT session and then come back and start piling in some calories for the day...
Be careful when using with caffeine or ANY other stim. Potentiates the hell out of them...
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Post by matter2003 »

I have no idea what is happening to me body is turning into a trainwreck...somehow I managed to pinch a nerve pretty bad in my neck by sitting in front of my computer last night. Yes, that's right. I was sitting in front of my computer not doing anything other than normal stuff, and felt a sharp pain begin in the middle of my neck. It was worse when I turned my head or moved my shoulder. I woke up today with it still bothering me, although not as bad. It seemed to get better as the day went on today, and it didn't really bother me at all while lifting. I guess a chiropractor visit is in my not too distant future---I think the heavy weights are playing havoc with my body/joints.

Workout #3 of GLP I is complete, although I was not able to do chest today...I tested it out with some very light weights and I could still feel it stretching and pulling and it didn't really hurt, but I could tell if I increased the weight anymore, it would have pulled worse. I basically did some rehab work with some light weights and didn't push it too far...

Cable Rows: 140 x 10/160 x 8/180 x 8/200 x 8/220 x 8/240 x 8

Trap Shrugs: 315 x 6/365 x 6/405 x 6/475x 2/495 x 1/2/495 x 3/4 <--PR!
-so close to getting 495 up a full shrug...just couldn't do it---next time! PR at 475 x 2

Static Rack Hold: 405 x 10 secs/455 x 10 secs
-traps were destroyed after shrugs, wanted to hold the weight clean, obviously I should have used heavier weight as this was way too easy.

Overhead Cable Pull: 42 x 10/50 x 8/57.5 x 8/65 x 6/72.5 x 4,65x2
Standing Tri Pushdown: 57.5 x 10/72.5 x 8/80 x 8/87.5 x 6/100x2, 85x2,70x2,55x2
Seated Tri Pushdown: 130 x 10/170 x 8/210 x 8/230 x 6/250x2,230x2,210x1,190x1,180x1

-haven't really worked tri's that hard recently, so I decided to amp it up a little since I didn't do any chest...tri's are destroyed right now, barely can raise my arm over my head...

Standing Biceps Curls: 70x8/80x6/90x5/100x4/90x4/90x2,80x2,70x2
Concentration Curls: 35x3Ux3A/40x2Ux3A/40X2UX3A

-U is unassisted, A is assisted...trying to get biceps going, haven't been able to work them properly in so long they are pretty far real pain from forearm area, so I should be able t start making some progress...started really failing towards end of 3rd set...I got a lot of work to do
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Post by matter2003 »

Woke up this morning and am pretty sore all over...traps especially, triceps are destroyed, and for the first time in a long time, my biceps are sore...sooooo glad to be able to work them properly without pain and soreness limiting what I can do. That being said, I have a long, long way to go with them---they are so far behind my other body parts right now its not even funny. Even worse, they have traditionally been very hard for me to get growth in--triceps grow like weeds, biceps not so much.

Fasted til 4pm today, got off work and did about 25 mins of cardio tonite, also got my Yohimbine HCL in, so I will be adding that to the mix tomorrow morning...

Noticed something really strange today, and that is I am starting to get a peak in my biceps, but it is in a really weird area! It is in the upper part of my biceps near my armpit instead of in the middle like most people I have seen. Not sure if it is because of the exercises I am doing or some type of technique or what, but it looks freaking horrible!! Any advice as how to get the peak to move down the bicep more would be appreciated!
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Post by matter2003 »

I have to say the yohimbine hcl has some weird effects like making you feel warm and fuzzy in the "mommy-daddy area"...other than that haven't noticed anything yet although it only been a day. Weight still steady at 215 lbs, that seems to be my body's preferred weight as I seem to always go back to that point and stay there during feast.

Definitely see difference with fasting...noticing my ribs more, abs more and starting to see seperation with obliques...full body scale showing a drop of about 2.5% body fat, calipers about 1.7-2.0% depending on day...either way making serious progress...

Nothing yesterday or today on workout front, tomorrow is secong leg workout in feast, number 4 overall...planning to toss biceps in again to try and get them up to speed and will train them first as this has been shown to accelerate growth(training with legs). Going to work biceps twice a week until I am happy with where they are at...
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Post by matter2003 »

Continuing with Feast workout #4, lower body, although I am added in biceps with it, and will continue to do so until they have caught up with the rest of me strength and size wise, because they are embarrassingly far behind right now. I do them first as studies have shown they grow faster both when you do them first and when you pair them with legs...

Preacher Curls:45 x 10/75 x 8/85 x 2, 75 x 2/85 x 2,80 x 2, 75 x 2/90(HS plate loaded machine) 1U, 4A
Concentration Curls: 30 x 8/35 x 6U, 2A/35 x 6U,2A/40 x 2U,4A/45 x 6A
-frustrating to keep failing at relatively light weights, but nothing I can do other than make them stronger/bigger as quick as possible...

Squat: 244 x 10/295 x 8/324 x 6/354 x 6/380 x 6/414 x 6
-no issues here, relatively light weights for me so far...

Deadlifts: 305 x 6/355 x 4/375 x 1, 305 x 8
-hate the smith machine at my gym for deadlifts as it attempts to lock at the bottom each time and it is harder to get it out of the locked position than it is to actually lift it...think I will go to my buddies gym(same company) where they have a better smith machine that you can disengage the lock at the bottom...very irritating because I am very capable of lifting more than this, but not while having to fight twice as hard to come up every time...

Leg Press: 440 x 10/530 x 8/620 x 6/710 x 4
-no issues, could have likely went up a few plates, but legs were kinda trashed from squats and deads previously...
Calf Toe Press: 440 x 10/530 x 10/620 x 10/710 x 10
-super easy, probably should have added 3 or 4 plates on each side to each one, but I was pretty shot at that point and didn't have the energy to load and unload all those plates each time...

Weighted Ab Crunch: 110 x 10/150 x 10/170 x 10/190 x 6, 170 x 2
Back Extension(HS): 150 x 10/210 x 10/270 x 10/300 x 10
-abs started failing on last set, had to drop back a little and only got to 8...back extension was a joke as I easily maxed out machine, but man my back is sore now...not an exercise I normally do...

Overall, not a bad workout, although I definitely want to see more progress on my biceps...legs feel particularly destroyed likely from doing leg presses after squats...

Also, added about 35g of Gatorade to Dymatize FLUD to try and reduce some chalkiness...worked pretty well...
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Post by matter2003 »

Did some cardio yesterday and today, some LISS to mix it up a little...40 minutes yesterday and 30 minutes today...cycling calories on my off days down to about 2400-2500 in an attempt to shed some bodyfat, and eating around 3500-3800 on workout days...continuing with my intermittent fasting on off days(5 days a week), and am starting to see some good results with it.

Weighed in today at 213 lbs, hoping to get down to around 207-208 by Christmas with no muscle loss. Arms are looking full, triceps are really starting to come out even more and legs are rubbing together again(thanks squats!!). Front delts and traps are getting bigger and look like they are exploding out of the T-shirts I wear to the gym...

Got Feast Workout #5 tomorrow, hoping my chest is good enough to get some work in on it, although I had some indications that it likely will not be, as I had some tightness while stretching toady....If not I will do some lighter rehab work on it...must have strained it pretty good if I am still not able to do chest work as it will have been 2 full weeks now...I believe it is the area where the pec tendon and the shoulder connect, so it is a kind of dicey situation where I will not push it and risk a tear(already had a grade 2 tear in the same pec about 10 years ago and that was a BITCH, let me tell you!), and will switch to decline bench which has never given me any issues at all...
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Post by matter2003 »

Feast workout #5 yesterday, didn't have time to post as I went out with some buddies later that night...

For some reason chest still bothering me if I try doing decline, but when I tested it with the Hammer Strength Incline Press, it didn't bother me at all, so I ended up going that route...not what I wanted, but better than nothing...

HS Incline Press: 140 x 8/180 x 6/230 x 4/270 x 1/250 x 2
HS Chest Press: 205 x 8/220 x 6/235 x 2

Cable Rows: 160 x 8/180 x 6/200 x 6/220 x 6/240 x 6/260 x 6<--PR! Max Weight
Trap Shrug: 365 x 6/315 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
-for some reason traps didn't have it yesterday, so I just decided to slam them with reps at 315...

Superset Tri:

Overhead Cable: 65 x 6/72.5 x 6/80 x 6/87.5 x 6/95 x6
Standing Pressdown: 72.5 x 6/80 x 6/87.5 x 6/95 x 6/102.5 x 4
Seated Pressdown: 210 x 6/230 x 6/250 x 6/270 x 6/270 x 3
Seated DB Ext: 70 x 8/80 x 8

Preacher Curl: 45 x 8/75 x 6/85 x 6/85 x 4/90 x 4
Conc Curl: 30 x 6/35 x 6/40 x 4U, 2A/45 x 3U,3A/50 x 6A

Overall a pretty decent workout, triceps got blasted pretty good, and starting to see some progress with biceps and lifting heavier weights...looking to continue that over the next few workouts and hopefully get them up pretty quick...
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Post by matter2003 »

Continuing on with feast, IF and 2400 cals on non-lifting days...

Brutal day at work working from 6am-8pm for Black Friday...
gonna try and get up early and do some cardio tomorrow morning...

Noticed that I can flex my left trap but not my right one, which I would think indicates a muscle imbalance and I want to correct this before it becomes a size imbalance and I look like jackwagon walking around with 2 different size traps...thinking i may need to add slightly more weight to the right side of the bar...
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Post by austinb37 »

matter2003 wrote:
Ordered PrimaForce Yohimbine HCL to assist with fat burning since it would fit in well with my 16 hour fast days 5 days a week...I also like that it specifically targets a2 receptors which are mostly in lower back/stomach area, which is where most of my fat is I am trying to get rid of. Got a great deal on a 2 pack from for 17.98 with free shipping. Was rated as a 9.5/10 on you know where, so it seems to be pretty effective...
What are your initial thoughts of Yohimbine HCL with IF so far?
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Post by matter2003 »

austinb37 wrote:
matter2003 wrote:
Ordered PrimaForce Yohimbine HCL to assist with fat burning since it would fit in well with my 16 hour fast days 5 days a week...I also like that it specifically targets a2 receptors which are mostly in lower back/stomach area, which is where most of my fat is I am trying to get rid of. Got a great deal on a 2 pack from for 17.98 with free shipping. Was rated as a 9.5/10 on you know where, so it seems to be pretty effective...
What are your initial thoughts of Yohimbine HCL with IF so far?
Well, talking with Rob he says to be very careful with it cause one of the sides of overdosing is coma and death..that being said the studied dosage was. 15 to.2mg/kg of weiggt which would give me a dosage of aroung 20mg...however he told me to stick eith the lowest dosage possible so I am taking 2.5mg twice a day, not sure if that is enough to see any results or not...I am down to around 211 by following 2400 cals on off days and 3800 cals on lifting days...trying to preserve muscle but drop fat, not happy with my lack of progress on that front until recently, but in truth I was prob eating too much...
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Post by matter2003 »

Weighed in this morning at 209.8, making some good progress towards my goal of 200 lbs, hitting the weights hard today lower body session, along with biceps...starting to notice more veins and can see the vein in my biceps starting to come out, which definitely tells me I am dropping some body fat...

High calorie day today, 3800-4000, no fasting...workout will be taking place after the Bills game, where they will likely get hammered...
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Post by matter2003 »

Feast Workout #6

I am absolutely destroyed from this one...I don't even have the energy to really type this, so I am gonna make this short and sweet...

Standing EZ-Bar Curls: 75x8,95x6,105x4,115 x1U,3A,125x4 forced
Conc Curls: 35x8,45x3U,3A/50x1U,3A/55x4A/55x4A
-supersetted these together, had my buddy help me do forced reps at the end with weight that I couldn't handle by myself to try and get some good negatives in...

Squat(GLP I): 240x10/320x8/350x6/375x4/415x4/440x4

Deadlifts: 310x6/350x4/385x2/310x8

Leg Press: 478x6/658x6/838x4/Static 928x30secs/Static 1018x20 secs
Calf Press: 658x10/838x10/928x10/1018x8/1018x8

Weighted Ab Crunch: 110x10/130x10/150x10/190x2,170x8/170x8

Statics were absolutely brutal after doing all that other stuff before it...biceps are really making quick progress, looking noticeably bigger...gonna be a rough few days after this one...
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