H.E.M Method of Ankle Rehab works miracles....

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Post by JlCh »

Anyone else have any feed back on this?

How about people using it for nagging old injuries? My elbows, wrists, and shoulders always have some sort of pain shooting threw them on various exercises for years. More feedback would be awesome.
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Post by BrainSquirt »

JlCh wrote:Anyone else have any feed back on this?

How about people using it for nagging old injuries? My elbows, wrists, and shoulders always have some sort of pain shooting threw them on various exercises for years. More feedback would be awesome.
For "nagging old injuries", try
Part 1 combine the best of (for you personally) zHealth RPhase and IntuFlow. In the movements, focus on going to the pain / just beside the pain - not through the pain! (Want to heal? add 1000 exclamation marks to that last sentence!!!!!!!!!... !!!!!!)
Part 2 Bikram (Hot) Yoga and Prasara Yoga. Ditto - In the postures, go only to the pain not through the pain! Also, differentiate pain from discomfort and endure all the discomfort ...
Part 3 Your own workout regime modified to slow way down in the injured areas and be aware of the quality of the pains. Avoid most of the pain, but gradually (and again, in slow motion) work just the right type/quality and amount of pain into the movements...

We are always either in pre-hab or we are in re-hab. In the short term, most of us try to get away with neither. For the long haul, pre-hab is preferable... no free lunch...etc etc. Note that 1 and 2 above are both full body prehab work, not just the targeted areas like the ankle in the ankle book - because susceptibilities to injuries and nagging, old chronic issues in one area of the body (ie the "some sort of pain shooting threw them ") are always related to overcompensations, etc from loss of tensegrity in other parts of the body / whole body.

The OP 'ankle' protocol in this topic could definitely transfer over to working with minor 're-injuries' / soreness in the rehab process. The hot cold protocol, or similar protocols, are definitely helpful. Massage with the oil is indicated but in addition to the pulling heartward type of massage recommended in the book, also add deep, spreading apart sideways tissue work. The third part of the book is better addressed by 1 and 2 above. (Also, fwiw, I have gotten some good results adding periodic sessions with a MendMe ultrasound unit to these chronic types of conditions - shoulder, elbow, wrists, etc - but this is definitely no technological substitute for doing the real tensegrity work in 1 and 2 above.)

Will post some supplemental / nutritional options here soon
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Post by RobRegish »

"We are always either in pre-hab or we are in re-hab..."

Brilliant... :)
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