Interested to hear your thoughts regarding this...

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Interested to hear your thoughts regarding this...

Post by matter2003 »

OK, I am bringing this up because of my experiences over the last few months especially regarding women out of the blue just hitting on me and trying to make logical sense out of it. I kinda like the attention, but at the same time I really don't because I am happily married with 2 kids and some of the women have been pretty attractive and I am afraid I am going to have a lapse in judgement one of these days in a weak moment.

Now, let me bring up the reason I am wanting your opinions on this. I don't consider myself to be a guy that women normally try and go out of their way to strike up conversations with or otherwise make sexual based comments regarding. Don't get me wrong I think I'm a decent enough looking guy, but not a guy that girls would call "hot" or anything like that. Certainly experiences from the past don't have any of this happening and I don't look a whole lot different, well other than being larger and more muscular, which probably plays somewhat of a role, but I don't think explains anywhere close to the whole picture here.

That being said I think something else has to be at play here. Is there any scientific basis for women sensing testosterone levels in guys and somehow being attracted to it like a pheremone would be for animals? I am just trying to make sense of it because it really doesn't make much sense to me right now. This has never happened before in my life to this extent. Between work and going out for the first time in years with a few of my buddies last night, I was approached 4 separate times by women hitting on me(once at work and 3 times while out), which might be the total for a year in the past.

This is becoming pretty routine, where it happens at least 4 or 5 times a week now and I am convinced something else has to be at play here because the talk is almost always related to something sexual, whether its blatant or more behind the scenes, and they have almost what I would call a sex-crazed look in their eyes. The strange thing is it always happens when I am in close proximity to them, which makes me believe it has to do with picking up testosterone or some kind of scent coming from me, because I haven't had a single case where they have said anything until I had been near them for a while(a few minutes or more).

I am not really complaining, but I am just trying to make sense of the situation and see if others have noticed anything similar. I know that animals have pheremones that attract other animals, so I am assuming humans would have the same type of thing...

Any thoughts on this?
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Post by Street-dreams »

Its possible that pheromones are playing a role here. Could be something else however like improved posture/improved body language/ more confidence.. women eat those things up too.
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Post by JlCh »

It's the BP t-shirt :)

More than likely confidence, as Sweet Dreams pointed out.
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Post by matter2003 »

JlCh wrote:It's the BP t-shirt :)

More than likely confidence, as Sweet Dreams pointed out.
Possibly, but I also uncovered some other information that I found interesting regarding the research into attraction while looking for some answers about Testosterone levels, which opinions seem to vary on.

Apparently there are a few body ratios that were found to be the highest predictor of attraction by females. First was the Waist-To-Shoulder(WSR) ratio, and second was the Waist-To-Hip(WHR) ratio. Optimum WSR ratios were found to be .6 to .74 and Optimum WHR was found to be near. 9

I found it interesting so I measured my shoulders at 54.5 and waist at 36, giving me a WSR of. 66 and hips measured at 42(thanks squats and static leg press holds) giving me a ratio of if these studies are to be believed, this might also give some explanation to the situation as well, I suppose, since I am directly in the middle of the WSR ratio range and fairly close on the WHR ratio(somehow my hips have gotten too big for the optimal ratio?)

Man, Rob, you might need to put this as a warning for new BP'ers..."this program may lead to optimal attraction ratios"...hahaha

EDIT: I actually had my wife re-measure my shoulders because I didn't think my reading was too accurate, because it is near impossible to measure your own shoulders, and she came up with 54.5 inches, which dropped my WSR to .66...I guess if I can drop my waist to 34 and increase my shoulders to 56, I will be "perfectly proportioned" according to this study..
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Post by DaCookie »

I remember seeing this show where they put these glasses on a woman that could tell where her eyes are looking, well they went mostly to his chest, face and shoulders so there you go.A small waist will definitely add that aesthetic look.Also reckon its the confidence bro...too bad girls dont like muscular guys here, fuckin sucks dick big time!
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Post by matter2003 »

DaCookie wrote:I remember seeing this show where they put these glasses on a woman that could tell where her eyes are looking, well they went mostly to his chest, face and shoulders so there you go.A small waist will definitely add that aesthetic look.Also reckon its the confidence bro...too bad girls dont like muscular guys here, fuckin sucks dick big time!
I am sure they like it, they might be a little more reserved than here perhaps..
The funny thing is with the whole confidence thing is most of the time I haven't even said anything to them!
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Post by RobRegish »

Terrible side effect, this attracting women thing...

They're a mystery man - and every one is different. I wouldn't ask yourself why or try to figure it out, just enjoy the moment.

Someone needs to get Allie in here or Beefer, for a ladies opinion. Of course, it won't be like men - consistent across the board. Food and sex.

"Complex" isn't a word used very often, to describe us... :)
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Post by tufluk »

as complex as it gets is putting eat, sleep, lift in the right order :D
a little interesting fact I once read though is that woman on "the pill" tend to be more attracted to guys in touch with there feminine side.

I believe the theory was that back in the day strong masculine men would pass on a strong gene to help the child overpower all the hippo-croco-dinos prowling around, while the weak feminine men would try to over power the predators by curling them into submission in the squat rack.

any way the pill makes the woman's body think its pregnant and supposedly hormones were released that naturally chose the strong male to pass a good survivalist gene on, however once they are pregnant they have no need for a strong male and they just want some one to look after the kids.

I think its bull, but why not trying to add some of them there magic hormones in your aftershave? im pretty sure that's what matter has done. :wink:
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Post by DaCookie »

matter2003 wrote:
DaCookie wrote:I remember seeing this show where they put these glasses on a woman that could tell where her eyes are looking, well they went mostly to his chest, face and shoulders so there you go.A small waist will definitely add that aesthetic look.Also reckon its the confidence bro...too bad girls dont like muscular guys here, fuckin sucks dick big time!
I am sure they like it, they might be a little more reserved than here perhaps..
The funny thing is with the whole confidence thing is most of the time I haven't even said anything to them!
Nah im tellin ya they dont man.BB was never big here, arnold never existed until now etc.They like skinny lanky tall guys.
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Post by nigh70wl »

DaCookie wrote:Nah im tellin ya they dont man.BB was never big here, arnold never existed until now etc.They like skinny lanky tall guys.
I was around 5'11, 6' and 130lbs all through college and had a ridiculous amount of involvement with women. I didn't give a fuck what my body looked like, whereas people who think of themselves as bodybuilders definitely do; it wasn't until I discovered weight lifting that I started to think of my body as something that needed improvement, rather than something that's fine the way it is. Since I've been lifting and really embracing that lifestyle, I've noticed in my own thinking and in that of others that we really tend to over-analyze minute physical characteristics, whereas in reality when you meet a woman in whom you're interested, and who is interested in you, she doesn't get a chance to notice those things that we're talking about because she's preoccupied with the same self-conscious feeling.

I read somewhere "nobody but you gives a fuck whether or not your abs have veins on them" and I think that's a great way to look at it. lol

that being said... matter, your original question is something that I myself have wondered. I couldn't find anything via the google regarding what would cause humans to generate more pheromones than normal, but, *woop woop woop bro science alert* it would make sense, wouldn't it? Testosterone is the male sex chemical; maybe it doesn't cause a directly measurably proportionate increase, but maybe it causes you to have those thoughts more, thereby causing you to generate more pheromones.

it's probably a combination of factors. you're married - women can sense the self-confidence of a man who's in a relationship, it's very attractive to them. you're a weight lifter - you have self-confidence from that, plus the actual physical effects. oh and you said that it'd been the first time you'd gone out with your buddies in a long time - so your sample population of females is definitely skewed
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Post by DaCookie »

nigh70wl wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Nah im tellin ya they dont man.BB was never big here, arnold never existed until now etc.They like skinny lanky tall guys.
I was around 5'11, 6' and 130lbs all through college and had a ridiculous amount of involvement with women. I didn't give a fuck what my body looked like, whereas people who think of themselves as bodybuilders definitely do; it wasn't until I discovered weight lifting that I started to think of my body as something that needed improvement, rather than something that's fine the way it is. Since I've been lifting and really embracing that lifestyle, I've noticed in my own thinking and in that of others that we really tend to over-analyze minute physical characteristics, whereas in reality when you meet a woman in whom you're interested, and who is interested in you, she doesn't get a chance to notice those things that we're talking about because she's preoccupied with the same self-conscious feeling.

I read somewhere "nobody but you gives a fuck whether or not your abs have veins on them" and I think that's a great way to look at it. lol

that being said... matter, your original question is something that I myself have wondered. I couldn't find anything via the google regarding what would cause humans to generate more pheromones than normal, but, *woop woop woop bro science alert* it would make sense, wouldn't it? Testosterone is the male sex chemical; maybe it doesn't cause a directly measurably proportionate increase, but maybe it causes you to have those thoughts more, thereby causing you to generate more pheromones.

it's probably a combination of factors. you're married - women can sense the self-confidence of a man who's in a relationship, it's very attractive to them. you're a weight lifter - you have self-confidence from that, plus the actual physical effects. oh and you said that it'd been the first time you'd gone out with your buddies in a long time - so your sample population of females is definitely skewed
I know what your saying bro but I think whether they know it or not, definitely subconsciously at least that when they see a guy with abs they think thats hot.Pretty much all girls like abs, just here they dont like veins or big guys which is quite contradictory TBH.Or veins is at least.
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Post by JlCh »

The women here don't really like the veins either (US) :p.
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Post by matter2003 »

nigh70wl wrote: that being said... matter, your original question is something that I myself have wondered. I couldn't find anything via the google regarding what would cause humans to generate more pheromones than normal, but, *woop woop woop bro science alert* it would make sense, wouldn't it? Testosterone is the male sex chemical; maybe it doesn't cause a directly measurably proportionate increase, but maybe it causes you to have those thoughts more, thereby causing you to generate more pheromones.

it's probably a combination of factors. you're married - women can sense the self-confidence of a man who's in a relationship, it's very attractive to them. you're a weight lifter - you have self-confidence from that, plus the actual physical effects. oh and you said that it'd been the first time you'd gone out with your buddies in a long time - so your sample population of females is definitely skewed

I had a few reasons I was thinking about pheromones. The first involved a study done on Axe to see if they could find any scientific evidence to back up the many anecdotal reports of women going crazy over the smell of it, and what they found was pretty surprising.

Apparently certain scents contain chemicals that stimulate testosterone production in women when they smell them, which ends up acting like a pheromone. They found that Axe, indeed, does have this affect, along with Musk and also Rose scented colognes. Males cannot smell musk, its scent can only be picked up by females. The funny thing is, the same scents that sent women's testosterone levels rising, actually lowered men's testosterone levels. So wearing Axe or Musk actually sends your testosterone levels downward, but increases the testosterone levels in females, which is why they react so strongly to them...

Another study also showed that when women were given random t-shirts to smell after being worn by men for a 24 hour period(to impart their odor on it), they almost universally chose the shirts of the guys who had the highest testosterone levels. This study was done sight unseen, ie, the women had no information about any of the men, they only judged the t-shirts by which ones they liked the best.

To even throw a monkey wrench into things further, I read another study that talked about how women actually prefer different types of men at different times--for instance, a woman will prefer a man with a higher testosterone level at the times when she is most fertile, versus at other times. It also talked about how birth control pills can totally alter the scents that are attractive to her.

Perhaps it is a combination of things, but in virtually all cases, there is nothing I have done to outwardly project any more confidence(sometimes I am just standing there doing nothing). Many of the time I haven't even said a single word to them, they approach me first, and it usually involves some sort of touching or grabbing of my arms or shoulders(sometimes chest too). I am honestly starting to feel some kind of way about the whole thing, almost like I am a piece of meat. I cannot even imagine what it must be like to be a hot chick and have that happen 20 times as much every day...its honestly starting to get annoying--I even had some 60 year old lady coming at me the other!!!

I guess I shouldn't complain, although I can see my wife is becoming less and less thrilled about all of this going on. I am just curious as to what it is that is causing this to happen all of a sudden...its like someone just turned on a water faucet. Maybe I'll just ask them next time and see what they say, although if it is pheromone related they probably will give me a deer in the headlights kind of look and have no real idea.
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Post by DaCookie »

JlCh wrote:The women here don't really like the veins either (US) :p.
A woman in the US I talk to on skype a lot says quite the opposite, showed her a pic of my forearm vascularity and she says she wants to bite me!
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