DaGymWarrior's 1st BP Run

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Post by DaGymWarrior »

FEAST PHASE - Workout 3
Decline Bench Static Holds - on Smith Machine
Warm-up: 135x10 full reps, 225x4 reps, 315, 405, 495, 585
1) 610x5sec 2) 610x6sec
Weighted Dips/1-arm DB Rows
1) +90x8 / 90x8 2) +90x8 / 100x8 3) +90x8 / 100x8
4) +90x8 / 100x8 5) +90x8 / 100x8 6) +90x8 / 100x8
Seated Military Static Holds - Power Rack
Warm-up: barx10reps, 135 ,225
1) 315x6sec 2)315x12sec
Incline DB Curls / 1-arm OH Tricep Extensions
1) 35sX8 / 35x8 2) 35sX8 / 35x8 3) 35sX8 / 35x8
4) 40sX8 / 40x6 5) 40sX8 / 35x8 6) 40sX8 / 35x8
Time: 70 minutes
Avg Heart Rate:119 Peak Heart Rate:216

It took me a while to set up the Smith Machine for the Decline Bench SHs. But, it was much safer and more effective than doing them with free weights. Again, feel it in the traps a lot.

I put on my heart rate monitor to gauge exertion. I think the peak of 216 bpm is an error because I rarely go over 185, even when doing HIIT sprints.

My Karbolyn came in the mail yesterday! First workout using The Formula. I'll give it a few more workouts to assess its effectiveness. I'm back to working out in the mornings (4:00 am), so my body needs to adjust to that as well. I know that sleep is very anabolic and essential, but I'm deciding to workout before work so that I have more time to spend with the wife and kids. Trying to at make this a "balanced" obsession.
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Post by matter2003 »

That's some serious weight on the statics!! Nice work!
Man I give u props if u can make it happen at that time in the morning.
I am a firm believer that morning weight lifting sessions are less than optimal, and in my case laughable...that being said, if u can pull it off I will shake your hand long distance style thru the forums cause you are a better man than me!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man, for trying to make time for the family. Eagerly looking forward to your feedback on, "The Formula"... :)

SOLID work!
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

I've been in California for the past 3-4 days for an asphalt pavement workshop. My brain hurts. There is a decent gym (for a hotel) here, but no power rack or DBs over 50 lbs. Nice cardio machines though. Did cardio on Tuesday and Wednesday. Last weight workout was on Monday morning, before flying out...

Monday (10/17/11)
Rack Pull SHs
WU: 225, 405, 495, 585
1)675x7sec , 2)675x7sec
Squats/Hamstring Curls
WU: 135x10 / 70x8 , 185x5 / 0
1-5) 225x8 / 110x8
6) 225x8 / 110x6
Seated Calf Raise SH
WU: 45x10reps, 135, 180
1)215x9sec, 2)215x9sec
Romanian Deadlifts
WU: 135x8, 185x5, 225,3
1)245x8, 2)245x8
Weighted Decline Crunches / Weighted Hyperextensions
1) NWx8 / 45x8
2) 10x8 / 55x8
3) 25x8 / 55x8
4) 25x8 / 55x8
5) 25x8 / 70x8
6) 25x6 / 70x8
Time: 72 min

This is my first business workshop trip. 3 days of 8-9 hours of intensive classes during the day, followed by 3 nights of shmoozing w/clients at night. Took in A LOT of caffeine to stay alert in class. Kept the diet relatively strict... just stayed away from carbs. I know BP recommends 60% carbs during Feast, but my body seems to react better to low-carb, mod-high fat, high protein.

Flying back home at lunchtime on Friday. Going to try and squeeze in FEAST workout 5 before a busy weekend chock full of 3 birthday parties with the family. Yeehaaw!
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Post by skia123 »

Hey man!

Nice workouts!
Just a tip on your next run.
Given the huge increase in your HR I think you didnt have to preform a 3rd w/out in the famine.
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Skia, I think you're right. However, I was looking forward to doing the third Famine workout. Looked fun! Man, it was tough though.
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Post by skia123 »

The same here

Even i wasnt supposed to do a 3rd w/out i went to the gym anyway and did 3ss instead of 5.
I couldnt resist!!!

Rob made us hooked :)
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Post by RobRegish »

skia123 wrote:The same here

Even i wasnt supposed to do a 3rd w/out i went to the gym anyway and did 3ss instead of 5.
I couldnt resist!!!

Rob made us hooked :)
Wow, this is amazing. It looked fun/you WANTED to perform workout #3? Masochistic, or whatever that term is... :)

"This is my first business workshop trip. 3 days of 8-9 hours of intensive classes during the day, followed by 3 nights of shmoozing w/clients at night..."

Ah, business travel is glamorous, isn't it? The only thing your friends/family heard was, "He's in CA, lucky guy...".


"The Franchise", Rob's Corporate America alter ego - knows better... :):):):):)
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

RobRegish wrote: Ah, business travel is glamorous, isn't it? The only thing your friends/family heard was, "He's in CA, lucky guy...".
I have new respect for anyone who has to travel for work on a regular basis. Jet lag, gym unavailability, unhealthy meals, etc. It definitely set me back a bit. Although I flew back on Friday, I am still feeling the effects.
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

FEAST Workout 5 (10/22/11)
Smith Decline Bench Static Holds
Warm-up: 135x10, 225x4, 405, 495, 585
1) 635x5sec , 2) 635 - Fail, 2a) 585x14sec
[Still having some trouble setting this up, as it is hard to get the decline bench centered and in the right spot]
EDT Block 1
Dips / One-arm Dumbbell Rows
1) 70x12 / 65x12 , 2) 70x12 / 65x12, 3) 70x12 / 65x12
4) 70x12 / 65x12, 5) 70x8 / 65x8
Seated Military Static Holds
Warm-up: 45x10, 135x4, 225, 275
1) 315x15sec , 2) 365 - Fail , 2a) 335x3sec
[Felt great during the first set, but then couldn't stabilize myself for the subsequent sets. Doing this in a power rack setup. Next time I will try doing this with the Smith machine]
EDT Block 2
Incline DB Curls / Overhead DB Tricep Extensions
1) 30s X 12 / 30x12 , 2) 30s X 12 / 30x12 , 3) 30s X 12 / 30x12
4) 30s x 8 / 35s x 8 , 5) 25s x 12 / 30s x 12 , 6) 25s x 12 / 30s x 10
TIME: 74 min
Avg Heart Rate: 124 Peak Heart Rate: 170

Did not feel great coming back from the 4-day work trip. I kept up the supplementation (KA, AN, Multis, etc), but the diet was not optimal. It was 5 days since Feast workout 4... too long, I felt. I think "The Formula" kept my energy levels up though.

Feast workout 6 scheduled for tomorrow morning. Hoping to get back on track to BIG GAINS.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, good job sticking with it while on the road trips from HELL.

Things will improve - drastically, now that you're home. Can't wait for the update... :)
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

FEAST Workout 6 (10/25/11)
Rack Pull Static Holds
1)675x8sec 2)675x9sec
EDT Block 1
Squats / Ham Curls
1) 185x12 / 90x12 2) 185x12 / 90x12
3) 185x12 / 90x12 4) 185x12 / 90x10
5) 185x10 / 80x10 6) 185x10 / 80x10
Seated Calf Raise Static Holds
1)215x9sec 2)215x10sec
Romanian Deadlifts
1) 275x4 (no straps) 2) 275x6 (with straps)
EDT Block 2
Decline Crunches / Hyperextensions
1) NWx12 / +45x12 2) NWx12 / +45x12
3) NWx12 / +45x12 4) NWx12 / +45x12
5) NWx10 / +45x12 6) NWx8 / +45x12
TIME: 72 minutes

Started upping dose of KA (5 caps a day) about a week ago. Taking AN consistently every night (3 caps) for the last 3 weeks. Also, multis, alkaplex, Greens, fish oil, "The Formula", green tea extract, etc. I believe "The Formula" is helping my endurance as I am easily able to complete 6 sets of the EDT Blocks, however to be honest, I expected more from the ecdy supps,... don't quite feel like Superman in the gym... no noticeable rise in libido. Not as much increase in strength and size as I hoped for. But, it's only been 3 weeks. I'll reserve judgment until at least the end of FEAST and CRUISE. I may do my next run without the ecdys to see the difference.
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Post by bigpelo »

If you were to workout like this without the supps, you would probably be overtrained. You will understand the effectiveness of those products when you will get off them. My 0.02$
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Post by DaGymWarrior »

FEAST Workout 7 (10/28/11)
Decline Smith Bench Static Holds
1) 585x11sec 2) 585x11 sec
Not progressing much in this lift. The palms of my hands are starting to hurt more, progressively. I may look into investing in those "Newgrips" Rob talks about.
EDT Block 1
Dips / 1-arm Dumbbell Rows
1 to 6) 135x6 / 115x6
This felt good. Only completed 4 sets in FEAST Workout 1.
Seated Military Press Static Holds
1)335x6sec 2)335x11sec 3)335x17sec
Had trouble with balancing the bar during the first two sets so I did a third. I think I finally figured out the optimal position of the bench in relation to the power rack. Happy about this one.
EDT Block 2
Incline Dumbbell Curls / Overhead 1-arm Dumbbell Extensions
1) 50s X 5 / 40x6
2 to 5) 45s X 6 / 40x6
6) 45s X 6 / 40s X 5
TIME: 87 minutes (PR!)

Wow that was a long workout. But, "The Formula" kept me going (along with a strong pre-workout sup with lots of caffeine :shock: ). Got up at 3am, made it to the gym by 4:15am, but didn't make it home until after 6am. Arrived at work a little late. Jeez, don't tell me I have to wake up before 3!

Felt good in the EDT blocks and Military SH. I'm curious to see how these workouts affect my bench press and military press max lifts. Haven't done either lift in weeks. I wonder if my upper chest is being worked enough. Also curious to see how my deadlift will hold up after not doing them for so long.
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