5.0stang's First BP Run

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Post by 5.0stang »

I had my third workout today.

Workout Three (Thursday)

All rep ranges were 3 reps, with 5 minutes of rest.

Two Static Holds (Hanging Leg Raises - Completed)
EDT Block 1
-Wide Grip Pulldowns - Weighted with Body Weight, put me right at 3 reps
-Arnold Presses - 70 lbs x 5 sets

Two Static Holds - Hammer Curl Pulldown Hold - 255 lbs x 2

EDT Block 2
-Barbell Curls - 135 lbs x 5 sets
-Skull Crushers - 105 lbs x 5 sets

After an "okay" workout two days ago, this one went much better since my arm was not in pain. For the first time, I was actually sore in my biceps before I even got home, so I knew my arms got a good workout!

Ready for a few days off and some cardio a couple times in between.
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Post by RobRegish »

The magic ingredient, is rest... :)
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Post by 5.0stang »

I had my first workout of the week and am now in cruiseTwo Static Holds (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure - Done)
EDT Block 1
-Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls (70lbs x 5 sets)
-Dumbbell Pullovers (100 lbs x 5 sets) - Increased 40 lbs on my individual reps)

Two Static Bench Press Holds (445 lbs)
EDT Block 2
-Squats (195 lbs x 5 sets) - Increased 20 lbs on my individual reps)
-Light Shrugs

Tuesday I am going with the GLP:

Next two workouts go like this for Week 6:

Descending sets of 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 1 and 1 again for 1 RM attempt. Minimum of 3 and up to 5 or more minutes of rest between sets.

Workout One
Two Static Hold (Decline Abs/Powerband)
Two EDT Exercise (One Arm DB Rows/Bench Press)

Workout Two
Two Static Hold (Legs) for 5-15 seconds/3-5 minutes rest between sets
Two EDT Exercise (Barbell Curls/Skull Crushers)
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work brother!

You can hold some mighty weight, on those static holds! Will go a LONG way, toward improving your strength, hardness etc.. :)
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Post by 5.0stang »

RobRegish wrote:You can hold some mighty weight, on those static holds! Will go a LONG way, toward improving your strength, hardness etc.. :)
I would do more if my bench could hold it without wobbling...lol.
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Post by RobRegish »

5.0stang wrote:
RobRegish wrote:You can hold some mighty weight, on those static holds! Will go a LONG way, toward improving your strength, hardness etc.. :)
I would do more if my bench could hold it without wobbling...lol.
Uh oh, you have one of those where the supports are narrower vs. wider? Not the best equipment, but I suppose you have to make do.

PLEASE tell me, you have a spotter? ... :)
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Post by 5.0stang »

RobRegish wrote:Uh oh, you have one of those where the supports are narrower vs. wider? Not the best equipment, but I suppose you have to make do.

PLEASE tell me, you have a spotter? ... :)
Yep, I have a spotter, but there have been two workouts where I haven't, so I don't do it. :(

Well, I had a GOOD workout today for my first attempt at GLP and I TRIPLE setted it.

Descending sets of 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 1 and 1 again for 1 RM attempt. Minimum of 3 and up to 5 or more minutes of rest between sets.

Workout One
Two Static Hold (Decline Abs/Powerband) - 130 lbs (70 lbs more than my first go at it).

Three EDT Exercise (Bench Press/One Arm Dumbbell Rows/Wrist Curls)

I ended up doing 315 lbs for a 1RM, but this would be roughly 20-30 lbs heavier without the other two exercises in it + the powerband holds. I feel really good where I am at. I chose weights that kept me working for each rep. My stamina is really starting to improve from set to set.
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Post by RobRegish »

5.0stang wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Uh oh, you have one of those where the supports are narrower vs. wider? Not the best equipment, but I suppose you have to make do.

PLEASE tell me, you have a spotter? ... :)
Yep, I have a spotter, but there have been two workouts where I haven't, so I don't do it. :(

Well, I had a GOOD workout today for my first attempt at GLP and I TRIPLE setted it.

Descending sets of 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 1 and 1 again for 1 RM attempt. Minimum of 3 and up to 5 or more minutes of rest between sets.

Workout One
Two Static Hold (Decline Abs/Powerband) - 130 lbs (70 lbs more than my first go at it).

Three EDT Exercise (Bench Press/One Arm Dumbbell Rows/Wrist Curls)

I ended up doing 315 lbs for a 1RM, but this would be roughly 20-30 lbs heavier without the other two exercises in it + the powerband holds. I feel really good where I am at. I chose weights that kept me working for each rep. My stamina is really starting to improve from set to set.
Fan f'n tastic man! Soooo happy, it worked out for you. Not that I ever had any doubt. I am after all, the guy who dreamed this sh!t up!... :)
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Post by 5.0stang »

Been very busy as of late, but still keeping the GLP workouts going and feeling good. I have slacked on my strict diet, but trying to reel that back in.

It has been an entire week off of Kre-Anabolyn and I see the difference being off of it. This last couple weeks on it, I saw some serious improvements in strength and primarily endurance (ex. my first set was as easy as my fourth set).

If anyone is following this, get some KA - it makes a world of difference!
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Post by RobRegish »

5.0stang wrote:Been very busy as of late, but still keeping the GLP workouts going and feeling good. I have slacked on my strict diet, but trying to reel that back in.

It has been an entire week off of Kre-Anabolyn and I see the difference being off of it. This last couple weeks on it, I saw some serious improvements in strength and primarily endurance (ex. my first set was as easy as my fourth set).

If anyone is following this, get some KA - it makes a world of difference!
Is so true. I have two bottles just begging me to open them... :). I'm so happy it works for you...!
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Post by 5.0stang »

Five Reps x Five Sets:

Two Static Holds (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure - Done)
EDT Block 1
-Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls (80lbs x 5 sets)
-Dumbbell Pullovers (85 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Bench Press Holds (Did not complete; I had no spotter)
EDT Block 2
-Squats (205 lbs x 5 sets)
-Heavy Shrugs

Had a workout tonight a little early (busy week next week at work).

My hammer curls went up another 10 lbs, even though I am off KA/AN and my squats went up another 10 lbs.

I started off at 50 lb dumbell curls, to 80 lbs for a 5x5 set. My squats have went up from 175 lbs to 205 lbs, for a 5x5 set.

My BP Run #2 is going to start soon - very happy with BP Run #1. 8)

Rob, you have a PM!
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Post by JlCh »

Great work. Have you been losing any noticeable fat?
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Post by RobRegish »

5.0stang wrote:Five Reps x Five Sets:

Two Static Holds (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure - Done)
EDT Block 1
-Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls (80lbs x 5 sets)
-Dumbbell Pullovers (85 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Bench Press Holds (Did not complete; I had no spotter)
EDT Block 2
-Squats (205 lbs x 5 sets)
-Heavy Shrugs

Had a workout tonight a little early (busy week next week at work).

My hammer curls went up another 10 lbs, even though I am off KA/AN and my squats went up another 10 lbs.

I started off at 50 lb dumbell curls, to 80 lbs for a 5x5 set. My squats have went up from 175 lbs to 205 lbs, for a 5x5 set.

My BP Run #2 is going to start soon - very happy with BP Run #1. 8)

Rob, you have a PM!
Just picked it up and responded. So happy you're doing great with BP!
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Post by 5.0stang »

It was a good day; great weather to workout in! This workout is 5 sets @ 5 reps each, with 3 minutes of rest.

EDT Block 1
-Bench Press (265 lbs x 5 sets) - I did this EASY and my workout partners couldn't believe how easy it was. I should have jumped up and tried 275 lbs, which I know I could have done. By the end of BP Run #2, I may be repping 300lbs, 5 x 5. :D
-One Arm DB Rows (170 lbs x 5 sets) - 20 lb increase over last 5x5 workout.

EDT Block 2
-Wrist Curls (heavy and low weight variance)
-Rising Strength & Rotational Strength Exercises

Famine will begin next week, after I rest a week.
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