Matter2003 BP Journal #2...Gonna Explode

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Post by matter2003 »

Well, been eating up the last few days, weight has rebounded back to 210 lbs..

One more day to go and then workout #1 Wednesday....
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Post by matter2003 »

Weighed in at 215 lbs today, its obvious the refeeding has done its job...feeling strong like an ox today, we will see if that translates to the gym or not...
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Post by 5.0stang »

Good Luck! Let us know how it goes.
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Post by RobRegish »

Loving the ballistic weight gains... :)

Yes, it feel oh so good. Even better when traction takes hold. Like somebody stuck an air hose in your muscles!
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Post by matter2003 »

Rob, the best thing is, my omron full body composition scale, while not accurate as far as fat v muscle, IS accurate as far as tracking the changes, which is why I got it, and it tells me that by doing nothing but eating and starting my supps I have dropped a percent of BF and gained a percent of muscle. Not bad for sitting on my ass eating and popping a few pills 3 times a day....hahaha

Now on to the workout for today:


There are 3 "Super Reps" in this workout: Wide Grip/Close Grip Bench, Half-Deadlift/Shrug/Calf Raise, and Leg Press/Calf Press. The goal is to continue to do the "Super Reps" until you can only do 2, or if you are doing a SCT, only can hold for 2 seconds. Reps consist of 2-4 inches in your strongest range of motion, which is the almost fully extended position without locking out.

Bench Wide/Bench Close: 275 lbs x 8 reps/225 lbs x 8 reps, 275 lbs x 6 reps/235 lbs x 6 reps, 295 lbs x 5 reps/245 lbs x 5 reps, 315 lbs x 1 rep/315 lbs x .5 reps <---done

-My arm length puts me in a very awkward starting position for lift off on the power rack, as the weight is literally in a half-way down position, making me lift off in what would be the middle of a normal rep...very very tough to do. Problem is, if I go up the next level in the power rack, I have almost no ROM to do the reps...might need to switch to the smith machine for these...should be able to do quite a bit more next time once I remedy my starting position...

Half-DL/Shrug/Calf Raise: 275 lbs x 4 reps/245 lbs x 2 reps/225 x 2 reps <--done, grip failing, wrist straps not helping...

-I am done fucking around with this, I went out and purchased 1TonLiftingHooks, which were recommended by Pete Sisco for these exercises. I am done struggling due to grip issues...definitely not strength as I ripped 275 lbs off the rack with no issues...grip started failing...this will soon be a thing of the past, as these hooks take grip completely out of the equation:


Leg Press/Calf Press: 620 lbs x 8 reps, 800 lbs x 8 reps, 980 lbs x 10 reps/6 reps, 1160 lbs x 6 reps/4reps, 1340 lbs x 8 reps/4reps

Not happy with how everything went, I decided to incorporate some statics as well:

Leg Press Static: 1520 lbs x 25+ seconds

Decline Bench Static: 305 lbs x 10 secs/395 lbs x 7 seconds

Decline Close Grip Static: 305 lbs x 10 secs/395 lbs x 3 seconds

Funny feeling as I was driving home from the one area of my body was overly sore or anything, but I felt completely wrecked as a whole...don't know that I ever have had that feeling before, usually something is sore to accompany that feeling...My hands were literally shaking as I put them on the steering wheel...

I am very interested to see how my body responds over the next few days as far as soreness/DOMS/etc....

Planning to take an off day tomorrow before commencing some cardio days on Friday, Sunday and Monday. Going to avoid cardio on pre and post lifting days to ensure I do not limit performance and growth...

Overall a decent start, but its really gonna be on once I get those hooks...
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Post by matter2003 »

Woke up today and my traps are extremely sore...went to bed very early last night as I wasn't feeling too great...the feeling was the same one I get after a really bad sunburn...body is very warm, slight chills and nose starts running and gets stuffy, along with a really blah feeling....

Was not expecting that too happen, I guess its my body's way of being like "WTF are u doing to me!?"

Rest day today with some cardio planned tomorrow...
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Post by bigpelo »

I have a feeling those static hold at the end of your workout where too much :shock:
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Post by matter2003 »

bigpelo wrote:I have a feeling those static hold at the end of your workout where too much :shock:
Yeah u are probably right...likely will leave those out next time
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Post by matter2003 »

I am really putting on weight now...up to 218 lbs...i am starting to look and feel more thick...i am really starting to feel it again like last run...body is just feeling more muscular...gonna be putting up big weight next week I can feel it...
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Post by RobRegish »

matter2003 wrote:I am really putting on weight now...up to 218 lbs...i am starting to look and feel more thick...i am really starting to feel it again like last run...body is just feeling more muscular...gonna be putting up big weight next week I can feel it...
Nice start Matter. Unique idea/experiment here in Feast, with Pete Sisco's CNS workout in the mix. The one thing I'd counsel with such limited training frequency, is some form of GPP on your off days to stay in shape/keep the pipes clean, and give you some wind.

Otherwise, super excited to see how this turns out. Do take care not to over-do it, as static holds and partials were what led to my episode of Acute Rhabdomyolosis...
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Post by matter2003 »

RobRegish wrote:
matter2003 wrote:I am really putting on weight now...up to 218 lbs...i am starting to look and feel more thick...i am really starting to feel it again like last run...body is just feeling more muscular...gonna be putting up big weight next week I can feel it...
Nice start Matter. Unique idea/experiment here in Feast, with Pete Sisco's CNS workout in the mix. The one thing I'd counsel with such limited training frequency, is some form of GPP on your off days to stay in shape/keep the pipes clean, and give you some wind.

Otherwise, super excited to see how this turns out. Do take care not to over-do it, as static holds and partials were what led to my episode of Acute Rhabdomyolosis...
Yup I am doing cardio on the days excluding the day before and after my workouts. Not sure how many of them will be HIIT sessions, today I just didn't feel up to one of those...perhaps Sunday...did 20 mins of medium-high intensity...

Finished a 24 hour fast and am intaking some serious food now...
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Post by matter2003 »

Cardio again this morning...medium-high intensity for 20 minutes..still not feeling up to trying HIIT...body still suffering some DOMS from Wednesday's workout, which is extremely surprising to me, as no matter how sore I am, usually by day 3 I am good to go...can't imagine the DOMS I am gonna get in my traps once I start using those lifting hooks...

Traps are still very sore, even as I type this at 11pm, which makes it well more than 3 full days since the workout, as are my calves...

Did not weigh in this morning, but I will be weighing in tomorrow as well as posting my fat/muscle percentage differences for the first week.

I have a very, very muscular feeling to me right now, I don't know how to explain it, but I know it when I feel it and I am definitely feeling it. I am feeling very dense, solid and the biggest thing I notice when feeling this way is when I flex or tense various muscles, they feel different than normal. It was the same way a few weeks into the first feast run, and I didn't feel that during cruise, my off time or famine...In my mind, and I have no proof of this at all, it feels like added muscle mass/cells or whatever and that is why it feels different...almost like a heavier feeling...its just really weird to try and explain it, I just kinda of know the feeling when it happens...

I am pretty confident when I weigh in tomorrow I will be around 220 lbs and that there is gonna be some noticeable changes on the fat/muscle front according to my Omron Body Composition Monitor, and that they are going to be in a positive direction....
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Post by matter2003 »

Well, surprisingly weighed in today exactly at 215 lbs...

Good news is, the BF/Muscle composition results are pretty encouraging, especially since I do them in the exact same way each time(as soon as I wake up in the morning before eating or drinking and after using the restroom).

BF is down 1.2% and muscle% is up .8% in 1 week. This corresponds to a .5 pound loss in BF and a gain of 3.3 pounds of muscle, which gives some empirical evidence to back up my feelings...

Either way, couldn't have asked for a better start...

Believe it or not after almost 4 days since my workout, my traps are STILL sore...
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Post by RobRegish »

matter2003 wrote:Well, surprisingly weighed in today exactly at 215 lbs...

Good news is, the BF/Muscle composition results are pretty encouraging, especially since I do them in the exact same way each time(as soon as I wake up in the morning before eating or drinking and after using the restroom).

BF is down 1.2% and muscle% is up .8% in 1 week. This corresponds to a .5 pound loss in BF and a gain of 3.3 pounds of muscle, which gives some empirical evidence to back up my feelings...

Either way, couldn't have asked for a better start...
Perfect illustration here, of how the scale can lie to you. Know your numbers!

Absolutely mind blowing LBM gains! :)
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