Matter2003 BP Journal #2...Gonna Explode

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Matter2003 BP Journal #2...Gonna Explode

Post by matter2003 »

OK, just finishing up my off week, wanted to lay out my plans for the upcoming BP run #2...

I have noticed that even though I have not done anything this week other than rest up and chill out really, I appear to still be gaining some muscle...I am looking bigger still...was pretty shocked by this, but Rob said it is definitely possible, so I guess this is an added bonus :D I am definitely not complaining...

Famine starting Monday with workout #1, Wednesday workout #2, and likely will not need workout #3, since I will probably drop 7-8 pounds like last time...gonna rest up Friday/Saturday and hit feast workout #1 Sunday...

Going to be doing the CNS Workout by Pete Sisco fo this run(all except 1 workout), which is basically a once per week lifting program, focusing on very heavy weights doing reps in the strongest range of motion. The workout is as follows:

Super Rep 1:
Wide Grip Bench
Close Grip Bench

-do 10 reps of Wide Grip then immediately switch to Close Grip. Continue to alternate until you can only do 2 or fewer reps.

Super Rep 2:

Toe Raise

-do as many cycles of this as possible until failure

Super Rep 3:
Leg Presses
Toe Presses

-do 10 reps of Leg Presses, then immediately switch to Toe Press and do 10 reps. Continue cycle until you can perform only 2 reps.

The idea is to utilize these exercises to completely exhaust the entire CNS, not any specific muscle group, which is why you are only able to perform this once per week as it takes longer to recover.

I will need to mix in 1 BP 3.0 week in as I can only do this 3 times in the first month and twice in the second month, which will conclude the 6 week feast portion of the BP.

Looking forward to explosive results, as this seems to be tailor made for the BP...lifting very heavy weights with short rest periods and then long periods of rest and recovery.

Pete claims that the CNS is what controls the true muscle building effects of training and by significantly stimulating it, you can trigger staggering muscle growth potential...the CNS workout is not targeted towards any specific muscle group, but rather targets the CNS as a whole to deliver the highest possible systemic intensity. The workout was designed in a specific order to target the large muscle groups of the body and allow them to be performed in rapid succession, to force the CNS to cope with maximum output per unit of time.

Very very excited to be the guinea pig for this workout within the BP, as far as I know at least...

Will be supplementing with HIIT cardio on all days EXCEPT Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to allow proper recovery(days before and after workout)

Supplements for this run:

Famine: Opti-Men Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Alkaplex

Feast: All of the Above plus,
tbol trib
cbol creatine
"The Recipe"
Testofen---fenugreek extract that significantly boosts "T"

-I am gonna be one horny "Mofo" for about 6 weeks...told my wife to get ready...hahahaha

Planning on dosing as follows:

E-Bol: 6 caps per day for first 4 weeks
Testofen: 2 caps per day throughout Feast
tbol trib: 6 caps per day for last 4 weeks, starting in week 3
"The Recipe": used throughout feast in morning after shower, this time have real D-Limoline instead of orange peels extraction...
cbol creatine: 8 caps per day throughout feast

So excited to start, I can barely wait til Monday gets here...
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Post by tufluk »

very interesting program, ill keep checking in to see how it works for you.

Best of luck with your run! :D
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Post by RobRegish »

Oh my, looking forward to this!

I should alert Pete, he's going to be interested... :)
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Post by sergio BD »

I am in to follow your next run Matter, very solid plan.
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Post by 5.0stang »

I am with sergio, excited to see the results as I follow.
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Post by matter2003 »

Thanks guys, I am hoping to really give some results worth reading about with this run!

Weighed in this morning at 215 lbs, so I guess my week off and less than stellar diet during that week led to some weight gain back..really not too worried about it, as it appears at least some of it was muscle...goal is to get down to about 200-205 lbs by end of cruise this run...

Well, today was the first day of famine and it was about as fun as I expected it to be. Felt kinda slightly hungry and grumpy all day long, as my meals consisted of brown rice and olive oil, with some corn mixed in for my after workout meal.

Workout was pretty rough, especially on squats, body is shaking right now and muscle fatigue is setting in already...tomorrow and especially Wednesday(100 mph freight train day) are gonna not be fun days...

Squats Warmup: 145 x 8/235 x 6/325 x 4/415 x 2
Squats: 415 x 5 x 4 x 1+3 75% partials<---completely done
Seated Cable Row: 220 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 <---no issues at all(should've done 240?)
Standing Bicep Curl: 95 x 6
Preacher Curl: 130 x 6
Alt Curls: 130 x 6

-biceps again limited by my left forearm, which will not go away..oh well, just gonna have to deal with it

Famine sucks so bad, but the results it leads to are well worth it!

Looking forward to(or not) some early morning cardio tomorrow and famine day #2
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Post by matter2003 »

Ok, just found out I really didnt gain 5 lbs last week, I gained 1 scale had to be calibrated, which I only figured out after weighing myself on my old scale...dropped a pound this morning back to 210....

Again continued with my brown rice and olive oil for 5 meals but mixed it up with some mashed potatoes with shredded cheese and a handful of grapes...

Body was getting more and more sore as day went on...preparing for the freight train feeling I am gonna wake up to tomorrow morning....

Did some medium-high intensity cardio this morning, did not feel up to HIIT...did 25 minutes and got heart rate up around 155 or so....

Am hating the thought of working out tomorrow..
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Post by RobRegish »

Ah, scale calibration...

This is why we use multiple, objective and subjective diagnostics. Live and learn, round #2 is on!!!
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Post by matter2003 »

Well, surprisingly not feeling as bad as I remembered, but still very sore...almost like a really deep muscle ache...freight train only hit me at 40 mph instead of 100...

Weighed in at 209.5 so I am down between 1.5 and 2lbs after the first 2 days....

Had to get a new belt because the old belt was too big, pretty good feeling....starting out on first hole on my size 36 belt, looking forward to having to replace this in a few months too...

Workout #2 later today...will post log later...


Well, I guess the "100 mph freight train" decided to hit me during my workout. This might have been the single worst workout made my early morning workouts a few months ago look like all-time best workouts...

I had no energy, I would start doing reps and get the first few no problem and then I ran into a brick wall...

My notation of #/# means a pause, ie, 5 reps, paused for 5-10 secs and then 3 more reps for a total of 8...

Wide Grip Bench: 195 x 8
Military Press: 125 x 6

Close Grip Bench: 175 x 4/155 x 4
Military Press: 125 x 2/105 x 5

Incline Bench Press: 175 x 2/145 x 2/125 x 2/2
Military Press: 105 x 8

Decline Wide Bench: 175 x 5/3
Military Press: 105 x 5/3

Decline Close Grip: 155 x 4/2/2
Tri Extensions: 155 x 5/2/1
Seated Tri Pressdown: 170 x 5/2/1
Standing Tri Pressdown: 50 x 4/57.5 x 5

I felt like a freaking pansy in there today...I was almost embarrassed for other guys to be witnessing that...For almost everything I did, first few reps were no issue, 3rd rep started getting hard, 4th rep was hard, and 5th rep was a fight to get back up to rack it. After pausing a few secs, sometimes I could rip off the other 3 reps, but a lot of times, I could only get 2 more reps and then rest again and get the last one...

Wow, I dunno what to say, thank goodness its only temporary, and I guess it shows what happens when your energy stores get really low...
I am feeling super fatigued right now, and pretty weak...I am sure my body will be aching by tomorrow...

Meals today consisted of 1 cup of cheerios with a 1/4 cup of milk(protein only about 5 g total) and an apple, 1 cup of fruit juice and a tablespoon of olive oil, an apple and a cheddar bay biscuit from red lobster, some frozen seasoned fries with ketchup and a big salad with red raspberry vinaigrette dressing, and probably some brown rice and olive oil later...
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Post by matter2003 »

woke up this morning and weighed in at 209 pounds, which is only 2 pounds lost it when I started famine. body does not want to seem to lose weight this time. still feeling very weak from yesterday's workout although not as sore as I thought...

Did some medium high intensity cardio for 20 minutes this morning, and was struggling with it...

felt pretty lethargic all day long, had no energy, just felt really "blah". Actually had a few people comment on how I just looked like I was really tired or had no energy...just told them I as tired, didn't want to bother going into long explanations...

one more day left...Saturday, it is on for the refeed!! Subway here I come!

Looking to finish famine strong the next 2 days and get ready to grow....
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Post by matter2003 »

woke up today weighing 208.5 lbs, down about 2.5-3 lbs from start of famine. I am about a pound short of ideal, as this is beginning of day 5, but I am not overly concerned about it, although last famine I dropped 8 lbs...most of the other signs are there, mainly the constant "blah" feeling and having no energy at all...

Looking forward to finishing off famine strong and starting the refeeding process. First Feast Workout will commence Wednesday, giving me an extra refeeding day, as I didn't want to start with one refeeding day as based on how I feel right now, I cannot imagine that will be enough time to get myself ready to lift those type of weights...super important to me I have great workouts each workout since I will only be doing 7 total workouts during feast(5 CNS workouts and 2 BP 3.0 workouts), excluding cardio...

Going to continue eating some brown rice with olive oil, and get ready to start doing some serious eating tomorrow!!!
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Post by matter2003 »

Well, finished off famine pretty well, weighed in at 206.5 lbs, which ends up being about a 5-6 lb drop over the 5 days, which is right where it should be thanks to a 2 lb drop from yesterday...

Time to start refeeding for 4 days and taking my BOLs stack...its about to be on in a big way starting Wednesday...
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Post by matter2003 »

Feast Day #1!

I got it in as far as the eating department went today! Started it all off with a four egg and cheese omelette with 3 tortilla shells and some salsa and 2 glasses of milk. Followed that up 3 hours later with a huge bowl of pasta and about 40g of protein worth of mackerel. Next two meals consisted of Subway Footlong Oven Roasted Chicken subs with lots of veggies on them. So full, I am skipping my 5th meal...I think I ate enough for the day!

Started with my feast supps of testofen, EBol and cbol creatine. Making a batch of "the recipe" tomorrow morning so I can start that as well. Feeling really good to be eating again, strength and energy seem to be coming back too...

Can't wait til Wednesday!
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Post by 5.0stang »

Sounds like a delicious first day of feast. :)

Good Luck on Wednesday!
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