5.0stang's First BP Run

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5.0stang's First BP Run

Post by 5.0stang »

5.0stang’s Blueprint LOG


Started Famine on Sunday morning.

Famine Notes:

-Consuming 800-1000 calories each day (goal is 1960 calories – 245 lbs x 8 )
-Protein is below 20 grams (less than 10% of body weight)
- 6-7 hours of sleep
-No supplements are being taken whatsoever
-No static holds
-Meals have consisted of apples, V8 (low sodium), ruby red grapefruit juice, spinach leaves w/ FF Italian dressing sprinkled with a pinch of shredded mozzarella, green tea, & ¼ cup of mixed nuts.
-Low Sodium V8 has been a life saver, since I found out I didn’t like raspberries and carrots all that well.
-Consuming 100+ oz. of water
-Executed Famine workouts 1 & 2 & part of 3 per: https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=377

Aside from hunger, I did not feel anything for the first couple days including workout #1, until workout #2! My muscles had no endurance, compared to normal and I ran out of energy quickly. I woke up this morning very sore. Since I am not feeling sick, I will do a light version of workout #3 tomorrow (Thursday) to ensure that I finish famine the way it should be. On my two OFF days, I did some quick cardio.

Famine is tough (weak, hungry and having virtually no energy). However, I realize now that it is 100% doable with the right mindset and I am glad it is almost over.


Friday begins my 72 hour loading phase with an emphasis on protein, can’t wait! The first workout is on Sunday.

My Meal Plan:

Meal 1 (666 calories): Dry Wheat Oats (1.5 oz. dry) – 3 scoops of Muscle Milk Collegiate – Skim Milk (12 oz) – Natural PB (1 TB)
Meal 2 (320 calories): Large Eggs (2 eggs) – Wheat Bread (2 slices)
Meal 3 (650 calories): Mac & Cheese (2.5 oz) – Yellow Zatarains Rice (½ cup cooked) – Chicken (4 oz.) - Ultimate Omega (1 teaspoon)
Meal 4 (348 calories): “The Formula” (ON Days/OFF Days is omitted)
Meal 5 (810 calories): Mac & Cheese (2.5 oz.) – Chicken (8 oz.) – Yellow Zatarains Rice (1 cup cooked)
Meal 6 (360 calories): Dry Wheat Oats (1.5 oz. dry) – Mass Pro Protein (1 scoop) – Skim Milk (1 cup)

This places me at 61%(434 grams)/32%(231 grams)/7%(51 grams) with 3154 calories, on a goal of 3140 (very close).

-120% days get one more scoop of MM Collegiate & 5 oz. of Mac & Cheese on Meal 3
-100% days are as is.
-85% days removes Meal 4 (“The Formula”) and Oats on Meal 6
-70% days remove Meal 4 (“The Formula”), Oats on Meal 6, and Mac & Cheese on Meal 5

Supplements for Run 1:

-Adaptogen N
-The Formula (minus TMG/GPA)
-Ultimate Omega
-MassPro Protein
-Muscle Milk Collegiate

Feast Notes:

-Adaptogen N (Bedtime) - 3 caps/night for the first 3 weeks, thereafter 2 caps/night M-F with weekends "off".
-Kre-Anabolyn - 3 times a day (OFF) during high carb/protein meals/ON Days (1 hour prior with natural PB, 3 fish caps or tablespoon fish oil, 1 immediately post, 1 hour after during 60 carb/40 protein with a bit of fish oil fat, solid meal) – take one extra cap on Week 3 on ON days (optional).
-Whey (primarily)/Casein the first 4 hours after workout.
-Pure Karoblyn, L-Leucine, MassPro, Crystalline Fructose
-Multi-Life (3 times a day)
-Sprinkling a little salt on applicable meals
-Caloric goal is 3140 for 100% maintenance days
-Caloric goal is 3768 for 120% days
-Caloric goal is 2670 for 85% days
-Caloric goal is 2200 for 70% days

Workout Plan:

Week 1: 3 minutes rest (4-6 rep) – 120% (3768) calories ON/100% (3140) OFF (KA/AN Day 1 at beginning of Day 1)
Week 2: 2 minutes rest (6-8 rep) – 120% (3768) calories ON/100% (3140) OFF (check body comp% at end to adjust if necessary.)
Week 3: 1 minute rest (10-12 rep) – 100% (3140) calories ON/85% (2670) OFF – Begin taking extra KA Capsule ON days
Week 4: 3 minutes rest (4-6 rep) – 100% (3140) calories ON/85% (2670) OFF
Week 5: 5 minutes rest (2-3 rep) – 100% (3140) calories ON/70% (2200) OFF

**On 120% days, it should be 50/30/20 (carbs, protein, fat), not 60/25/15 (carbs, protein, fat).

Workout One (Sunday)

Two Static Holds (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure)
EDT Block 1
-Deadlift (end with a heavy shrug after each rep)

Two Static Holds (Decline Bench Press – 20 to 40% more than 1RM – 3-5 minutes rest on holds)
EDT Block 2
-Incline Dumbbell Curls
-Dumbbell Pullovers

Workout Two (Tuesday)

Two Static Holds (Decline Weighted Crunches – Hold about ¼ of the way up – 3-5 minutes rest on holds)
EDT Block 1
-Bench Press
-One Arm DB Rows

Two Static Holds (Military Press)
EDT Block 2
-Wrist Curls
-Weighted Towel (Rising Strength/Pronation/Supination Curls/Holds)
-Rowing Dumbbell Holds (Alt. Hammer/Curl Position)

Workout Three (Thursday)

Two Static Holds (Hanging Leg Raises)
EDT Block 1
-Wide Grip Pulldowns
-Arnold Presses

Two Static Holds (Hammer Curl Pulldown Hold)
EDT Block 2
-Barbell Curls
-Skull Crushers

Cardio Options For OFF days

-(Low Intensity, Steady State) – straight Jog for no more than 30 minutes (no hills)
-Physical Preparedness Training (Medicine Balls, sled drag, etc.)
-HITT for no more than 20 minutes (sprint, walk, sprint, walk, etc.)

On the EDT’s, I am going to muscle failure on the last set, then intend to slowly lower the last rep (negatives) and perform a stretch hold at the end when applicable.


To come…


I have been lifting on/off for the last six years. I first read about the Blueprint a couple years ago and was intrigued, but didn’t pull the trigger as getting in shape was not a priority in my life at that point. I began to place my body/health on standby, and decided to make a change. That change is going to Gainsville!

I am 6’ 3” @ ~250 lbs @ 32% BF.

-41” waist line (relaxed)
-15” arms (relaxed)
-16.9” arms (flexed)
-13” forearm (relaxed)
-13.8” forearm (flexed)
-25” legs in the middle of the quad (relaxed)

I plan on losing a few % from my current BF, while gaining a good amount of strength. Strength is my primary goal, but recomp is a close second.

Current 1 Rep Max’s:

Bench Press – 310 lbs
Barbell Curl – 130 lbs
Squat – 230 lbs (est.)

I expect good gains for squat as it is not a normal exercise I do at all, hence the low number. I am an amateur armwrestler, which is why you will see a some unorthodox workouts above, but still keeping the big compound movements in and integrating static holds + EDT blocks. I already have a plan laid out for Run 2 with supplementation/meals/workouts.

The Plan: Follow BP 3.0 Protocol + eat the right macros + proper nutrition timing + intensity = Gainsville!
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Post by 5.0stang »

Weighed in at 247 lbs today, a loss of 8 lbs after famine (255 lbs after coming off of vacation). Tomorrow, I feast and begin taking AN/KA/Multi-Life/MassPro Protein. :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Oh my, loaded for bear I see...

Right here for you man, let's get to Gainsville! Nice work, on Famine... :)
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Post by 5.0stang »

You are right Rob, I am ready to go!

I had my first workout today. It was quite a humbling experience, especially the big compound moves in EDT Block 1. :shock:

Two Static Holds (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure)
EDT Block 1
-Deadlift (225 lbs x 4 sets, + 1 set at 175 lbs on the last set)
-Squats (175 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Holds (345 lbs first hold/385 lbs on the second hold)
EDT Block 2
-Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls (50lbs x 5 sets)
-Dumbbell Pullovers (60 lbs x 5 sets)

Even with 3 minutes of rest between sets, I almost threw up at the end. :oops: This actually made me feel good, knowing I was putting in the intensity.

Having never done static holds, I went light but it was still tough, shaking the whole time. I see a big jump coming very soon on the static bench press holds. I bought some soy lecithin granules, so I may start mixing those in my morning protein/carb shakes.

Took the "Formula" for the first time ever, of course coupled with the KA. It didn't taste to bad and I think it is going to go a long way towards recovery.

I am going to throw in some protein in tonight and take my AN before bed and get a good night sleep. Some cardio tomorrow is the plan, then I am going to hit my next workout on Tuesday.
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Post by 5.0stang »

So my first question that I got to thinking about today:

With the decreased rest periods between sets next week (2 minutes compared to 3 minutes), should that be my ONLY adjustment to my workout, or should I possibly add a bit of weight, while maintaining the decreased rest period? Of course, this is only if I feel I can do it on certain exercises.
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Post by renman01 »

I use the Target Reps as a guideline, i.e., I guage by where I ended up in Week One with the programmed 4-6 Target reps. If I was able to maintain ~6 reps all the way through, I will keep the weight the same and target the higher end of the rep range on week two, aiming for the same weight + higher ( 7-8 ) reps + decreased time period = greater intensity. May not get there, but I make sure I am still getting at least 6.

Alternatively, if I was hovering around the lower end (4 reps) in week one, I will definitely decrease weight to allow for the new week 2 parameters.

This is my strategy, anyway. Hope it helps.
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Post by 5.0stang »

Thanks renman for the thoughts.

Alright, second workout was today. All rep ranges were 5 reps with 3 minutes of rest between supersets, unless noted.

Workout Two (Tuesday):

Two Static Holds (Decline Weighted Crunches - 60 lb dumbell at my chest)
EDT Block 1
-Bench Press (245 lbs x 5 sets, assistance needed on last two reps of last set)
-One Arm DB Rows (110 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Holds (Military Press - 185 lbs/205 lbs for about 10 seconds)
EDT Block 2
-Wrist Curls (115 x 2 sets of 5 reps, 95 x 2 sets at 7 reps)
-Weighted Towel (Rising Strength Hold for 10 seconds with 45 lbs)
-Rowing Dumbbell Holds (2 sets at 60 lbs in curl position)

My arms/upper body was pretty well beat-up by the time I got to EDT Block 2, but I still got a good workout in - intensity was high again.

"The Formula" tasted better today. :) About to take my AN and go to bed, for some quick cardio in the morning while I am fasted.
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Post by RobRegish »

Upping the weight while reducing the rest periods is asking a lot, but if you feel up to it... try!

Hopefully by now, you feel "The Formula" has improved your recovery. I know it does for virtually everyone, and hoping you find the same.

On the AN, I'm betting you're sleeping like a baby (or will be). Everything you're doing looks spot on, so no doubt in my mind Gainsville awaits.

I saw a post you started on BP over on body building dot com. Then you said something about editing/formatting issues?

Just curious...
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Post by RobRegish »

Upping the weight while reducing the rest periods is asking a lot, but if you feel up to it... try!

Hopefully by now, you feel "The Formula" has improved your recovery. I know it does for virtually everyone, and hoping you find the same.

On the AN, I'm betting you're sleeping like a baby (or will be). Everything you're doing looks spot on, so no doubt in my mind Gainsville awaits.

I saw a post you started on BP over on body building dot com. Then you said something about editing/formatting issues?

Just curious...
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Post by 5.0stang »

RobRegish wrote:Upping the weight while reducing the rest periods is asking a lot, but if you feel up to it... try!

Hopefully by now, you feel "The Formula" has improved your recovery. I know it does for virtually everyone, and hoping you find the same.

On the AN, I'm betting you're sleeping like a baby (or will be). Everything you're doing looks spot on, so no doubt in my mind Gainsville awaits.

I saw a post you started on BP over on body building dot com. Then you said something about editing/formatting issues?

Just curious...
There are only a couple exercises that I feel I can "up the weight/decrease the rest time" on. That is the squats (slightly) and dumbell rows. Everything else looks like I am going to need to just use the decreased rest period in order to add the intensity.

I fully believe "the Formula" is helping my recovery. I haven't worked this intense in quite sometime, which normally makes me very sore. Now, I am just a little sore in all the right areas. It works for sure.

My lower and upper back have been the most sore, but not in pain.

I have noticed AN's "side-effect" is better sleep and even a couple more dreams than normal (REM?). :)

Good eye on BB; I was making a post over there last week, but when I copied it over, the format just made it all look like a one big paragraph and at the time I didn't have to time to fix it. After thinking about it, I may wait a couple more weeks for the "results" to come along so my post will appear more credible.

I am beginning to see gains coming and soon! I may start seeing "traction" occur next week I hope.
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Post by matter2003 »

5.0stang wrote:So my first question that I got to thinking about today:

With the decreased rest periods between sets next week (2 minutes compared to 3 minutes), should that be my ONLY adjustment to my workout, or should I possibly add a bit of weight, while maintaining the decreased rest period? Of course, this is only if I feel I can do it on certain exercises.
No, you should be looking to increase weight every workout...sometimes it ends up being some pretty sizable increases...20 lbs or more..more weight + less rest=higher intensity which leads to big time muscle growth...dont worry if it doesnt happen right away, it will soon enough
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Post by 5.0stang »

matter2003 wrote:No, you should be looking to increase weight every workout...sometimes it ends up being some pretty sizable increases...20 lbs or more..more weight + less rest=higher intensity which leads to big time muscle growth...dont worry if it doesnt happen right away, it will soon enough
I am assuming I will do this, if I know it is possible to stay within the target rep range. I know the first couple sets I could get buy with adding more weight, but it would catch up with me in the latter sets and I would not be able to complete the sets within my targeted rep range.

Obviously, my static holds will increase each time by significant amounts.
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Post by 5.0stang »

Workout Three (Thursday)

All rep ranges fell within 4-6 reps.

Two Static Holds (Hanging Leg Raises - Completed)
EDT Block 1
-Wide Grip Pulldowns - 185 lbs x 2 sets/160 lbs x 3 sets
-Arnold Presses - 45 lbs x 5 sets

Two Static Holds (Hammer Curl Pulldown Hold - 160 lbs x 1/185 lbs x 1)
EDT Block 2
-Barbell Curls - 105 lbs x 5 sets
-Skull Crushers - 85 lbs x 5 sets

It appears most of my weights will stay the same (hopefully), with next week getting a decreased rest period + higher rep range (6-8).

Thanks for the ideas/support so far!
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Post by matter2003 »

Nice work 5.0stang! Keep up the good work...

BTW, what is an "Arnold Press"? I am assuming it must have something to do with Arnold Schwarzenegger...
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