Are the Supplements Required to Succeed with BluePrint?

Serious supplementation, focused on the MASS line at
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Are the Supplements Required to Succeed with BluePrint?

Post by EctoBuilder »

I'm kind of low on cash at the moment and all of my money is going to have to go to food in this program due to my Ecto nature(I need tons of calories), so my grocery bill is going to be high. So my question is, are the supplements absolutely necessary to succeed with the blueprint program?

I would think that they wouldn't be since the program in of itself has more to do with your body and how it adapts and changes to the various stages explained in the manual.

If I can afford a supplement, it might just be a protein powder...Thoughts on anyone else that has succeeded with blueprint without the strength incucing supplements etc??

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Post by askmass »

It absolutely works without any supplements.

That said, a few things we have and Rob recommends can help you double up on the results.

I always love to see guys go without Kre-Anabolyn, MASS PRO or anything else for a first run and then use them the second time around.

It proves both points abundantly.
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Post by EctoBuilder »

thanks askmass.
I'll have a bit more money saved by the time I get to the 2nd or 3rd run, so then I should have enough saved to buy a couple of bottles of Kre-Anabolyn
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

they are not required by ANY stretch.

Are they helpful? Hell yeah!
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Post by nigh70wl »

here is a stripped-down supp list:

kre-anabolyn or e-bol
protein mix of choice - if you're going the cheap route, hit up trueprotein for a mix.
flax/fish oil

depending on how much you use your protein mix you're looking at maybe $130 for the run. do you go to the bar, do you smoke cigarettes, anything extraneous that can be cut out? you don't need supps but they sure help.
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Post by RobRegish »

nigh70wl wrote:here is a stripped-down supp list:

kre-anabolyn or ebol ecdy
protein mix of choice - if you're going the cheap route, hit up trueprotein for a mix.
flax/fish oil

depending on how much you use your protein mix you're looking at maybe $130 for the run. do you go to the bar, do you smoke cigarettes, anything extraneous that can be cut out? you don't need supps but they sure help.
SOLID, nigh70owl!!!
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Post by EctoBuilder »

nigh70wl wrote:here is a stripped-down supp list:

kre-anabolyn or ebol ecdy
protein mix of choice - if you're going the cheap route, hit up trueprotein for a mix.
flax/fish oil

depending on how much you use your protein mix you're looking at maybe $130 for the run. do you go to the bar, do you smoke cigarettes, anything extraneous that can be cut out? you don't need supps but they sure help.
Nope, my problem is extreme credit card debt from when I lost my job years ago.... I don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs... I'm glad this program isn't like other programs I've seen where they have you depending upon supplements for your success. Then it makes you start thinking that it's the supplements and some lifting making you successful and not the actual program itself.....I've got burned before on that, but I won't get into that...... Anyway, so glad to hear that the Blueprint isn't like this..... That's a breath of fresh air!! I'm just going to do the first 2 runs without any supplements and I'll have some extra money rolling in late this far for the supplements on the 3rd run....
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man, Ectolifter!

I state on page 1 of 2.0:

"Let's be up front about this; The Blueprint protocol is what's important here, not the supplements..."

It's on page 1 for a reason. It's staying there... :)
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Post by matter2003 »

EctoBuilder wrote:
nigh70wl wrote:here is a stripped-down supp list:

kre-anabolyn or ebol ecdy ecdy
protein mix of choice - if you're going the cheap route, hit up trueprotein for a mix.
flax/fish oil

depending on how much you use your protein mix you're looking at maybe $130 for the run. do you go to the bar, do you smoke cigarettes, anything extraneous that can be cut out? you don't need supps but they sure help.
Nope, my problem is extreme credit card debt from when I lost my job years ago.... I don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs... I'm glad this program isn't like other programs I've seen where they have you depending upon supplements for your success. Then it makes you start thinking that it's the supplements and some lifting making you successful and not the actual program itself.....I've got burned before on that, but I won't get into that...... Anyway, so glad to hear that the Blueprint isn't like this..... That's a breath of fresh air!! I'm just going to do the first 2 runs without any supplements and I'll have some extra money rolling in late this far for the supplements on the 3rd run....


I can respect that, I don't have a lot of free money either...

I firmly believe I would have progressed nicely without the supplements, although the one I would make sure you never lift without again is something called "The Formula".

It basically allows you to have as much energy on your last set as you did on your first, which is no small feat considering these workouts can be brutal...

You can get by with a "poor" man's version substituting some gatorade/corn starch for the Karbolyn(I am gonna try that today cause I am in a pinch and my new supply of Karbolyn hasn't arrived yet---thanks for the suggestion Rob!), although Iam unsure of what results would be like compared to the Karbolyn...probably not as good, but still likely a lot better than using nothing or drinking just water.

Add some Leucine or BCAA's in with it, some protein and some crystalline fructose, and you can likely get a full run supply of ingredients for under $60...

Leucine by itself is cheaper than BCAA's and you use less, so on a budget, you might want to go that route. Protein, I love MASS Pro, but its pretty expensive(and for good reason), but u can go to and get some good protein there, and another brand I think is excellent is Syntrax, which is a fairly good price(about $45 for a 5 lb bag, although I was getting it a few months ago for $30 if you find the right place online).

The research done showing the effects of supplying a constant flow of nutrients to the muscle before, during and after a workout(especially DURING),is astounding and it would be a real shame if you did not at least utilize this nugget of gold found in the BP...

Yeah its spending about $60(maybe less if you get a good deal), but look at it as an investment in YOU!
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Post by EctoBuilder »

Thankx for the info Rob and matter2003.....I'll look into that formula.
Also, I am going to want to get the kre-anabolyn , and if I come into some money sooner, then I'll grab it sooner than later.

Also, I don't think I'll have a problem with sustaining energy throughout my workouts, because back when I did have the money a few months ago, I grabbed about 3 tubs of "Lit-Up" That stimulant totally kicks my ass and gives me great energy throughout the workout. So at least I have that area taken care of....
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Post by EctoBuilder »

I also found this thread regarding a gentleman who ran the blueprint without supplements....It's great info!!! ... =127285713
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Post by nigh70wl »

different kind of energy. while a stimulant pre-workout mix will give you focus and mental drive, The Formula actually supplies your muscles with proteins, fast-acting carbohydrate to power muscles, a slower carb to replenish your liver glycogen, and a BCAA that maximizes recovery. so where your pre-mix is going to get you in the gym, The Formula gives your muscles fuel to get through a long workout, but IMO more importantly it speeds your recovery up drastically, making you better able to handle your next workout.
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