KatZilla Run III: The Full Periodic

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KatZilla Run III: The Full Periodic

Post by KatZilla »

KatZilla Run III: The Full Periodic

Well, the wrestling season is finally over. I finished 3rd in a district of ~15 teams, and now it's time to regain my health. Maintaining 145 took a toll on me, which is also why I intend to run the full periodic, and bulk the whole time (excluding famine phases, of course). A little fat will not bother me. I finished famine last week, and have been spending Saturday-today loading up on calories and protein. Tomorrow will be my first Feast workout, and then GLP1 will get started.

I'm confident that this run will be made even better because:
--I'm still in school now, so my lifting schedule is less likely to be interrupted like it was over the summer.
--This time around I'll be focusing a lot more on making sure I get enough calories.
--Mostly got the hang of doing a single run, and now I'm shooting for the whole thing.

I've also noticed that I respond better to more frequent workouts, so I think it's feasible that I could see the same results even faster. Obviously if this changes, so will my approach.

Pertinent Information
Age: 18
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Last check was 144.7, but I'm sure I'm closer to 150 now. Fortunately, through wrestling, I have access to a very accurate scale, which I can use regularly; I'll update this again within a couple days to get a more "official" starting weight.

-Lotsa food, water, and milk.
-Beverley International Whey (probably order some MassPro next. Just a note for askmass, sending me that sample was a GOOD IDEA).
-Vitamin C
-Fish Oil
-Adaptogen N
-Creatine (Currently loading with monohydrate, should be getting some krealkalyn soon)
-Potentially Scivation XTend (free from a friend, positive reviews, might as well try it out)
-And of course my new BP Tshirt.

1RMs (These will all be updated once I've finished these first Feast workouts and have my starting 1rms)

Measurements and pictures will hopefully be added soon! And if anyone's interested in folkstyle wrestling I can upload some match videos (also some good examples of me using my "deadlift muscles.") And I'll work on putting this log up on that other forum in the near future. Hmm... I guess that's all for now. Did I miss anything?
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Post by KatZilla »

Maxes are in! I wanted to get them done a little later this week or next week so that I'd have a few workouts in beforehand, but I was forced into it during wrestling today and yesterday. So here are my PREVIOUS maxes first (right before the wrestling season, early November-ish) and my new maxes that I'm running my GLP1 off of right now, so you can see how my lifts were affected by the wrestling season.

Bench press: 215 --> 190
Squat: 320 --> 285
Deadlift: 360 --> 365*

...Yes, you read those correctly. My legs have gotten noticeably smaller since before the wrestling season (mostly due to cutting weight), and so has my chest (not really a muscle group used in wrestling). These numbers are about what I had expected, except I figured benchpress and deadlift would each be a little lower. I'm only somewhat surprised that my deadlift went up, as wrestling is huge on core strength.

*EDIT: While reading through previous threads, I've discovered that my PREVIOUS max on DL was also 365. I've just realized that, when brought up, I have been telling people my max was 5lbs less than it was...for the last few months. Whoops.

EDIT 2: Here's my thread on that other forum: https://forum.BB.com/showthread.php?p=629935363#post629935363
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Post by KatZilla »

GLP1 workouts #1 and #2 were successfully completed for both squats and bp, and I've been feeling great!

...Although, the primary reason for this update is about my bodyweight. I can tell my bodyfat% has gone up a little, but to give you an idea about how hard wrestling is on me, I'm about to tell you what I weighed across the last three days. I estimated I'd be around 152-155. Keep in mind that I do not get to weigh as soon as I wake up, and also keep in mind that less than two weeks ago I weighed under 145lbs...

Wednesday: 161.0
Thursday: 162.5
Today: 161.5

This is the absolute heaviest I have ever been in my life... HELL YES!
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Post by KatZilla »

Update: GLP#5 has been completed for both BP and SQ. These last two workouts were both pretty tough, but I haven't missed a rep so far. Looking forward to breaking new PRs in the coming week! I have no doubt I'll get at least 200 on bench and 300 on squat, and I'll update again when that happens.
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Post by KatZilla »

Technically not PRs, but my 1RMs are up!

Bench: 205 lbs.
Squat: 315 lbs.

I just barely missed 330 on squat. My spotting partner said he couldn't have been giving more than a couple pounds of help on the way up, but I'm leaving it at 315 because that's what I got on my own. I'll probably take a few days off before starting GLP2 next week. My diet has been fairly solid, but I still need to work on getting more calories/protein down. Matter of fact, that's what I'm going to go do right now.
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Post by KatZilla »

I may have been gone from the forums for a long time, but I've been hitting the weights hard. I'm almost at the very end of the GLP2 section of the periodic. Here are the new stats that I have so far:

Weight: 171; been floating around 170 for the last couple of weeks. Highest I've weighed so far was 176. Keep in mind it's largely due to rebound from cutting so much weight for wrestling, but that's over 30 lbs. in just a couple months. I look and feel better than I ever have in my life, and I'll try and post some pictures up in the coming weeks to prove it.

Bench Press: As of today, I hit a new personal record at 225. Right on target with GLP2.
Squat: To be determined! I'll get it done and update again in a few days. I'm shooting for around 345ish.
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Post by RobRegish »

KatZilla wrote:I may have been gone from the forums for a long time, but I've been hitting the weights hard. I'm almost at the very end of the GLP2 section of the periodic. Here are the new stats that I have so far:

Weight: 171; been floating around 170 for the last couple of weeks. Highest I've weighed so far was 176. Keep in mind it's largely due to rebound from cutting so much weight for wrestling, but that's over 30 lbs. in just a couple months. I look and feel better than I ever have in my life, and I'll try and post some pictures up in the coming weeks to prove it.

Bench Press: As of today, I hit a new personal record at 225. Right on target with GLP2.
Squat: To be determined! I'll get it done and update again in a few days. I'm shooting for around 345ish.
The Kat, is back - with a new PR already..!!!

Please do me/us a BIG favor, log this baby on body building dot com. STILL many doubter, trolls and assclowns over there - who'd rather debate how many more rounds of "pink magic" it's going to take to get to Gainsville!!

Many, many thanks!!!
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Post by KatZilla »

No problem! Posted it in the same thread that's been on there a while.

Here's a comparison: the one on the left is from sometime last summer. I dropped 15lbs from the one of the left for the season (down to 145), and now I've gone up 25lbs from there (to 170), in the months since that picture.
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Post by KatZilla »

New squat PR at 365lbs! Tried to get a video of it but I could only get a picture:


Here's another picture from a couple days ago

Couldn't be happier right now, and I've already started the Russian Program in the periodic.
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Post by beefcake66 »

Love the pic with the lionface :p

Great work Kat! Keep it up!
How's your recovery been...? Not having to insert extra day's rest yet?
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Post by RobRegish »

KatZilla wrote:New squat PR at 365lbs! Tried to get a video of it but I could only get a picture:


Here's another picture from a couple days ago

Couldn't be happier right now, and I've already started the Russian Program in the periodic.
Hope you're posting these, on body building dot com... :)

Nice pie in the face, to all the doubters/trolls/assclowns.. :):)
Keep up the GREAT work!!

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Post by KatZilla »

beefcake66 wrote: How's your recovery been...? Not having to insert extra day's rest yet?
So far so good! I noticed in previous runs that I benefit more from more frequent workouts. For the periodic, I take a few days off between each section (GLP1, GLP2, etc). I'll also take an extra day off between workouts near the end of each section when the weights get heavier. I just graduated highschool last week so it'll be a challenge to restrain myself from going every day now that I have more free time :P

Hope you're posting these, on body building dot com...
Of course! My thread hasn't been too active, but I keep it updated:


Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a heart-to-heart(s) type of writeup about how glad I am that I became involved in this sport, and particularly with the BP. Although I might wait to finish the Periodic before I do it , as part of a final conclusive update on this run. Thanks for the support guys!
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Post by KatZilla »

As of my post made on Feb. 15th, my squat max was 285. That was just four months ago. Yesterday was workout #8 of the Russian program, where I did 6x6 at 295lbs. That was probably the hardest workout I've had since I've started lifting again. After the six sets of squats I had to give it a few minutes before starting DLs to keep from puking. I was sore before the sun even went down but I've been loading up with plenty of extra BCAAs and glutamine.

Today is a rest day.
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Post by RobRegish »

KatZilla wrote:As of my post made on Feb. 15th, my squat max was 285. That was just four months ago. Yesterday was workout #8 of the Russian program, where I did 6x6 at 295lbs. That was probably the hardest workout I've had since I've started lifting again. After the six sets of squats I had to give it a few minutes before starting DLs to keep from puking. I was sore before the sun even went down but I've been loading up with plenty of extra BCAAs and glutamine.

Today is a rest day.
EPIC GAINS, Katzilla!!!

Now, we want to keep this Gain Train chuggin' along. Therefore, please consider the following, even given your AMAZING recovery powers, at that blessed age. Made me/us cry, just thinking back... :(

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... php?t=1405

Linkiroth -

"Rob recommended it to me and I have to say that the supplement so far has been huge. I was having some chronic elbow pain and within 3 days time of starting, my pain is virtually gone.

I am doing Rehab, taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin and I haven't benched in several days but I can say with confidence that I believe in SuperCissus and recommend it to anyone who has joint issues or even just has some money to blow on a phenomenal joint supp. I imagine it's just as good if not better for prevention as it is for recovery..."

CONFESSION: Rob was tipped off by "Kcilflexim", who in turn is Mixelflick's split-AOL, personality. This, after a recent 5Faces of Fear(tm), conference call..... :):):):):)
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