y0lked's first run

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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT work y0lked!!

Famine was textbook.. :)
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Post by y0lked »

RobRegish wrote:GREAT work y0lked!!

Famine was textbook.. :)
Thanks Rob! :)

status= Eat as much as humanly possible
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Post by y0lked »

Feast workout 2:

Bench: 185 x 5
Dbell flys 2x 10 (slow and stretch, light weight) 30lbs a hand
Pullup chest stretch: 5 sets of 8-15 seconds

(Slow stretch at bottom) Hammer curls:
45's x 6
50's x 5

Hang chin-ups, pause at top:
BW x 7
BW x 5

Squat: Went big here!! New PB
285 x 6
285 x 5

Up from my fast 5x5 and normal pb of 275 for 4 and 5 :D

Hack squat, super high foot position:
2 sets of 100lbs

Lots of leg stretches + 1 set of hyperextensions

Ab machine 2 sets of 12

Weight: 180lbs (up 7lbs from saturday, 5lbs from day 1)

Notes: Super excited about the 180. My heighest weight ive been is 186! Its only day 5 of the feast and im about to hit 190 baby!!

If i got to 190 id be really happy! 15lbs the first cycle of BP, and another 10-15 on 3.0.... id be set to get shredded :D

I love this program!!
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Post by y0lked »

Did alot of training today! Did about 2 hours of throwing, footwork, sled pulls, 40's, agility, flexibility, hurdle jumps etc on the field. Re-hydrated ate some burgers, relaxed and then a few hours later hit the gym.

Squats were better than expected today! We worked legs hard earlier so it was a challenge to squat in the 1-3 rep range!! haha

warm-up + 275 x5, then
295 x 3 (PB)

195 x 3
200 x 3

Hanging chin-ups 2 sets of 5

Leg press (high foot position):
5 plates per side x 12 for 3 sets plus calves superset

Incline dbell bench:
60's x 8
70's x 8 (PB)

I was crazy tired after the workout so i bailed. Im gonna get in my assistance work on sunday with some arms, abs and a solid full body stretching session. Then gonna rest up and take about 2-3 days off then get some maxes! And then ill be on to the german loading pattern.

My hopefull maxes are:
Bench: 215/225
Squat: 335-355

Havent deadlifted in nearly 2 weeks and its wierd for me lol. When i run the GLP i think im gonna split up to a 5 day.

Monday- Squat (quads n calves)
Tuesday- off
wedensday- bench (chest n abs n bis)
thursday- off
friday- deads (hamstrings n back)
Saturday- military (shoulders abs n tris)
sunday- off
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Post by RobRegish »

warm-up + 275 x5, then
295 x 3 (PB)

Soooo happy for you, when I/we saw this!! Welcome to Gainsville.. :) :) :)
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Post by y0lked »

RobRegish wrote:Squat-
warm-up + 275 x5, then
295 x 3 (PB)

Soooo happy for you, when I/we saw this!! Welcome to Gainsville.. :) :) :)
Thanks Rob! Parents gonna be gone for the week so guess whos in charge of meals?? haha on the menu...


hmmmmm 185 end of this week fer sure!!
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Post by y0lked »

Took kinda an evaluation week this week. After the transfer from famine to feast phase my strength went UP, and i was really un-sure of where i was at. Basically kept myself from failure and worked on form. Started this week off with my GLP and squats. Also back on accutane this week (known for catabolism, depleting water from the body, and being hard on the knees) :(

Squats felt heavy, but pushed through and made 2 PB's so i felt good. First time squatting in the little bit higher rep range. Sets of 8 were killer after being at sets of 3-5 lol

Based on a 325 max. All sets were complete at proper depth and form!
50% x10, 54% x8, 61% x8, 66% x8, 73% x8, 78% x8

Finished off with rack pull from bottom pin (plates were about 6 inches from the ground)
315 x 5
365 x 5
385 x 5

Wide grip proper pullups. 3 sets of 5
Standing calf raise 3 sets of 12 slow rep timing, felt hyouge burn!!

Weight: 179 so 9 lbs up from end of famine. My diet has been better and better, but still needs more cals. Really wanna hit 190 by the end of my first BP cycle :D
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Post by y0lked »

Bench GLP day 1
50% x10, 54% x8, 61% x8, 66% x8, 73% x8, 78% x8

Then did my QB rotator cuff and elbow exercises followed by

Decline bench: 135 x 10, 185 x 6

Flat Dbell flys: 30's x 12 for 2 sets (solid stretch)

Standing press: 95lbs x 4 for 3 sets (holy sh*ttt weak lol)
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Post by Linkiroth »

Nice lifting in here. Consider me following along with your ride; it looks like we may be similar in weight and strength and differ only in our plan of attack for the Blueprint.
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Post by y0lked »

Linkiroth wrote:Nice lifting in here. Consider me following along with your ride; it looks like we may be similar in weight and strength and differ only in our plan of attack for the Blueprint.
Yea i noticed that as well! My goal is 15lbs gain from day 1, 20 lbs from post famine.
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Post by y0lked »

I pulled my groin badly in practice last week. Fukin sucks, im staying off the legs till it is 100%, which is fine as i really need to work on my upper body strength right now. Calories will all go to upper body which should allow for a nice boost. The plan is to push and pull with 1-2 days in between workouts.

50% x10, 61% x8, 66% x6, 73% x6, 78% x6, 85% x6 (only got 4 :()
Dbell Bench: 75's x 8 for 2 sets
Dbell Flys 2 sets of 10
Military press circuit:
95 x 8 BB military, then 115lbs military x8
seated dbell press 55 x8
45lbs plate front raise x 6
25 ball crunches

2 times through

Diet has been really good last few days, along with a nice 2k caloric cheat meal. 179 tonight. Really gotta focus again this week on diet, wanting 185 BADDDDD!!!

Milk and ground beef = best friends forever :D ahaa
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Post by Street-dreams »

good move resting the groin.. Part of the blueprint is listening to your body.. I.E giving it rest when it needs it.
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Post by y0lked »

Street-dreams wrote:good move resting the groin.. Part of the blueprint is listening to your body.. I.E giving it rest when it needs it.
Yea without a doubt! Even abs are hard to do :( i have 5 days left of ball and then we get summer off for like 7 weeks so it will be a good time to let it heal!!
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Post by y0lked »

Stressed out tonight, decided to hit a lower body workout and do as much as i could with the hurt groin.

Did some light sets of squats just got up to 275 x 5 but felt the groin so cut it short.

Then some romanian deads for 2 sets of 315 x 10 (groin was fine)
Rack pulls from lowest pin about 6 inches from the ground (my sticking point)

worked up from 365 x5 to 405 x 3, then 425 x1 for a PB and then finished off with 315 x 10

Worked the calves and upper abs!

Weight: 182 highest ive ever been in my life feels sooo good man! My dad is doin keto diet so he cooked a giant ammount of pork chops and chicken on the bone! Im confident ill get to 190 before round 1 of BP ends!!

I cant even wait to run this on 3.0 and with x-factor or e-bol or kre-anabolyn!!! 2 bills here i come!!

Rob, i cannot thank you enough for the time and effort you have devoted to making this training protocol. It is truly the ONLY way to train. Words cannot describe the cloud 9 i am on right now.

Btw, ladies been crawlin all over me left and right, they can sense the confidence and obvious gains :p mikel flick is getting me laid lmao
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