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Post by ckeahey76 »

Was just wondering about cruise. Should I do 5 sets of 5 at 80 % of my orm or should I build up to 80 %?
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Post by RobRegish »

Try starting w/it. You likely won't be able to get all 5 sets of 5 (depending upon rest periods between sets), BUT... even if you're not able to - build up to it!!

Hope that helps!!
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Post by ckeahey76 »

Alright, here is what my cruise is going to look like,

Bench 5x5 240 lbs
Shoulder press 5x5 not sure if I'm going to do db or bb
Close grip bench 1 set of 6 -10 @ 20 - 40% of my max, leaning to 40%
Abs static hold
Hanging knee raises

Squat 5x5 310 lbs
followed by static holds
Seated cable rows 5x5
Bicep static hold with hammer curl on machine
Calf raises
abs cable crunches

bench 5x5 240
shoulder press 5x5
close grip
abs static hold, hanging knee raises

Squat 5x5 310
seated cable rows 5x5
static hold preacher curl
jump rope
cable crunch

Let me know what you think. :shock:
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Post by RobRegish »

SOLID as a rock!!
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Post by ckeahey76 »

alright!!!!!!!!! I will solidify for the next 3 weeks and then take off 10 days and start over again. :lol:
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