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Post by DaCookie »

Hank! wrote:from what i have heard that one is a makes Bane's list of useless compounds

google " Bane's+Big+Useless+Compounds+List"

1st link is Shadars post on BB
Yes for me kre alk is a joke, I like some of mass products but kre alk is something else...

I was surprised on what was wrote about trib, I thought it heavily depended on what kind of trib it is.Bare in mind I didnt read those studies as I didnt have the time, when I have the time I will.But I still suspect they used some crappy generic trib.
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Post by Hank! »

dropthebeats wrote:
Hank! wrote:from what i have heard that one is a makes Bane's list of useless compounds

google " Bane's+Big+Useless+Compounds+List"

1st link is Shadars post on BB
Hey Hank,

I just checked out that bulletin. He also has Kre-Alkalyn on there. The Blueprint is hugely based on that. Here's what he said:

How to make your own kre-alkalyn:Buy 100grams baking soda from your local grocery. Costs a few cents. Throw it in your regular mono. Voila. You just saved 10$. Nuff said. I'm not even going to adress the crappy claims that mono gets rapidly cyclyzed e.t.c."

I don't agree with him, that is just what he said. Do you have any comments about that John?
I think you are confusing Kre-Akalyn with Kre anabolyn (KA)

Other than in KA i haven't use Kre-Akalyn, I have used creatine mono and creatine nitrate, and CEE

CEE < CMONO < Creatine Nitrate
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Post by askmass »

I have had a number of bodybuilders over the years say they prefer CM because of the water retention imparting artificial "size" and leverage.

I can understand that on a couple of levels, but you don't see them using that stuff come contest time. Kre-Alkalyn is no joke to them, especially then.

It was and remains a very real and valid advancement in efficiency of uptake and the elimination of side effects.

To each his and her own, it's no skin off my nose.

Truth be told- The naysayer "studies" were directly linked to competitors with heavy investments in mono and/or who did not want to pay the price to get on board with a Kre-Alkalyn license.

The concept and Patent was so solid that it shook the foundation of those guys and scared the sh*t out of them. They did a decent job of damage control for a time, I suppose, by attempting to shift the focus off of CM's shortcomings and to casting doubt on pH being a factor in creatine uptake... What is hilarious is to now see where the marketplace has dictated that some of those very same companies begrudgingly now have Kre-Alkalyn in their line up because of public demand.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Truth be told from my perspective

I have found about 100% equivalence in efficacy of all creatines used solo.

Best effects I've gotten have been from blends of different sorts.
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Post by seasoned »


What you say may be 100% true, but the anti CM crowd, as a group, tends to tell a LOT of lies! If their estimates of creatnine conversion and danger were even 25% correct, creatine would have been deemed WORTHLESS long ago and MANY would have KIDNEY damage.

There would be no Kre-Alkalyn! I mean many estimated like 100% conversion in 15 seconds. Gee, you wouldn't even be able to drink it. The Kre-Alkalyn was created to improve on what worked.

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Post by askmass »

Sorry this thread has gotten so far removed from the discussion of ZMA...

Steve- I honestly do not know exactly who this "anti-CM crowd" is, but I can state that we've never been a part of it.

We state that Kre-Alkalyn has a far better uptake and absorption ratio, and that's a proven fact and part of the Patent awarded. We state that it is free of the common side effects of plain CM, such as bloating, headaches, dehydration and cramps. That's a true statement, also.

Now, does everyone see those side effects to an extent where they double over? No, but a significant number of people do experience some of the side effects. It's not uncommon for fairly serious sides to be seen. Not so for Kre-Alkalyn, and people who can not use regular CM in particular swear by it like the holy grail because of the lack of those side effects.

You are 110% correct in saying that it was created to improve upon what was already wildly popular for millions. No question about it, and in fact that is precisely how we open our promo paragraph for it.

As I've stated many times, we were a major distributor of premium Pfanstiehl Creatine Monohydrate under our brand name Pure Power Creatine for almost a decade.

You better believe PPC worked, but lots of people did have significant side effects. That's just the facts.

I've seen so much of the Kre-Alkalyn side of things misquoted, misapplied and outright distorted over the years to where it starts to sound like a bunch of Washington politicians fighting over pork barrel money.

I have no doubt that many on the pro kre creatine side of things do the same, make no mistake. I make no apologies for anyone doing the hype to the moon or scare tactic approach, no matter the product/company. But, I really have no desire to follow or engage in the piss wars in the industry, and never have. It is a waste of time and energy.

Below is excerpts from our write up/promo on Kre-Alkalyn, just to show how we present it and for proper context.

No one speaks for us but us, is what I am saying.


KRE-ALKALYN™ is pH Correct Creatine

Kre-Alkalyn is an exciting Patent Technology Creatine that takes creatine monohydrate - long the most popular muscle, fitness and sports supplement - to stunning, state-of-the-art performance levels.

NOW you can say goodbye to loading phase hassles and multiple daily dosages because muscle tissue absorbs 100% of Kre-Alkalyn Creatine.

• Get immediate results - Works from the very first serving, no loading needed
• Easy-to-use capsules - Forget messy, gritty, foul tasting creatine powder
• 100% absorption - No bloating, stomach upset, dehydration or toxic conversion
• Save money - Experience your best-ever results with only 2-3 capsules a day
• This new-age "Metabolic Acid Buffer" clears lactic acid, so you perform at higher levels

Five years of intensive research and development went into bringing Kre-Alkalyn to you. First offered by us on May 17th, 2001 - with Patent #6,399,661 awarded on June 4th, 2002 - we've never sold regular creatine supplements since. Remarkably, 100 capsules (a full 4-7 weeks worth of Kre-Alkalyn) is still only $27.95 at MASS, same as always. Be Smart, Be Strong... Secure your personal supply of Patented Kre-Alkalyn Creatine today and start seeing your very own state-of-the-art results tomorrow.

"Unlike all the other creatine supplements I've tried, Kre-Alkalyn gives me the maximum amount of benefit in strength and endurance without any stomach upset or bloating. In about 9 years of dealing with MASS I haven't been steered wrong yet!" -Gavin Chachere, New Orleans, LA
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Post by askmass »

You guys got me to reminiscing a bit, and we are working tonight, so I opened up the archives and snapped a shot of this flyer from bygone days.

I think this was about '96...

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Post by RobRegish »

I've used 'em all. They all "work" (provided it's a quality product and NOT that CEE garbage) and prefer Kre-Alkalyn..

That's all I'm/we're sayin'.... :)

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Post by seasoned »


By antiCM crowd, I mean the people that say that CM changes to creatinine almost immediately AND say that creatnine is a deadly poison. The obvious fact is that it DOESN'T change to creatnine NEARLY so quickly. Also, it is not NEARLY as dangerous as advertised. In a way, it is like sugar, you need it. BUT, like sugar, there are mechanisms to limit it. Doctors care about creatinine primarily because an excess is an indication that your kidneys might not be doing so well, since they would tend to get rid of creatinine. Of course, if not for the adverse effects, high blood sugar might be a good thing. A fasting of 100 really isn't bad. The ONLY reason why doctors say otherwise is because it indicates there is a problem with insulin, and that can drive values above 100 and it can cause brittle blood vessels which cause a myriad of symptoms, etc... That said, I'm happy I tend to be around 80, and I DO check it at various times.

And I am not counting YOU in the anticm number. I am only saying that some say such things. They try to obliterate creatine Monohydrate and make it sound like poisonous and worthless junk to better sell their stuff.

And WHO KNOWS what junk is? When I was a kid, people seemed to speak about DHT like it is JUNK. It turns out that they can now basically shut DHT off like a switch, but they don't DARE do a wholesale shutoff. It turns out that males can't develop properly without it.

As for ZMA, it seems like it was discussed rather fairly. It looks like it CAN help BIG TIME if you have a deficiency and/or a metabolic problem, but otherwise is near worthless. And many speak against the store calcium/magnesium/zinc supplements, but I can tell you they DO work.

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Post by RobRegish »

"As for ZMA, it seems like it was discussed rather fairly. It looks like it CAN help BIG TIME if you have a deficiency and/or a metabolic problem, but otherwise is near worthless...."

Amen brother!!!

Props for the thuth!!!
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Post by matter2003 »

seasoned wrote:Askmass,

What you say may be 100% true, but the anti CM crowd, as a group, tends to tell a LOT of lies! If their estimates of creatnine conversion and danger were even 25% correct, creatine would have been deemed WORTHLESS long ago and MANY would have KIDNEY damage.

There would be no Kre-Alkalyn! I mean many estimated like 100% conversion in 15 seconds. Gee, you wouldn't even be able to drink it. The Kre-Alkalyn was created to improve on what worked.

Creatinine occurs when kidneys get damaged. It also occurs if CM is left in water or liquid too long, or if too much creatine is used and it is excreted as waste. This has nothing to do with kidney damage, merely with having creatine that has either broken down prematurely or excessive amounts of creatine that is not used. Since it is a marker that is used for kidney damage, anyone with excessive creatinine supposedly has impaired kidney function, but in many cases they really don't.

It would be akin to saying that your car is leaking gas if you merely overflow your gas tank. Yes, you have the same odor as a car that leaks gas, but it definitely doesn't come from the same area and isn't caused by the same problem.
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