Rob’s custom lean bulker program for my 2nd round

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Post by KE »

I quit the ibuprofen after starting the "BP." I used to take it (alot) after racquetball or when I started to feel a new "tinge" somewhere. Gonna have to try Cissus. Thanks for the info.
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Post by RobRegish »


Do let us know how it works for YOU!!
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Post by bigpelo »

Feast day 59 - March 14 2011

12th upper body workout, 3000 calories

achieved: 2957 calories
58g fat (19%)
256g protein (37%)
341g carbs (44%)

Carbs composition:
227g complex (67%)
78g sugar (23%)
36g fibre (11%)

Bench press:
325 x 2 --> super easy and fast. Thought it was supposed to be 335 but no.
335 x 3 --> Tried 335 because this is what I visualized. Went well but I bump on the upper left pin at the end of the 3rd rep, made me lose my momentum. I really thought I could have done 4 reps. PR!

EDT #1: Incline dumbbells bench press / one arm dumbbell row (both with 120 lbs dumbbells)
6,6,6,5,5 --> 50 reps in 14min15 seconds. I honestly didn't think I would made it for 6 on the first set. Really happy with that. All the high school kids stopped talking each time I was doing a superset 8)

EDT #2: seated dumbbell shoulder press (74 lbs) / upright barball row (95 lbs)
7,7,7,6,5 --> 61 reps in 14min

Decline barbell bench press static hold:
325 x 6 sec
325 x 6 sec --> no more juice. disappointed by this exercise but overall satisfied with this last feast upper body workout.

Total workout time: 70 minutes
body weight after workout: 249.5 lbs

Took some measurements after dinner:

biceps at rest: 16.25 in
biceps flex: 18.5 in
neck: 16.5 in
calves: 18.5 in
chest (nipples height): 46.5 in
waist at belly bottom: 40.5 in
waist below belly: 39 in

I really need to cut soon! 40.5 belly inches is too big for my liking... So I am probably around 21% body fat, just like at the beginning of this run but I am 6-7 pound heavier.

Feast day 60 - March 15 2011

No training, 2400 calories

1 feast workout remaining, tomorrow or Wenesday, then cruise.
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Post by RobRegish »

Holy smokes.

I've created a Canadian Big.Jaz. This is nuts...

GREAT work bigpelo!!!
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Post by bigpelo »

You or they?

Thanks rob/mix/tfof/etc!

Feast day 60 - March 15 2011

No training, 2400 calories

Achieved: 2419 calories
35g fat (14%)
206g protein (36%)
316g carbs (51%)

carbs composition:
260g complex (82%)
32g sugar (10%)
24g fibre (8%)

I am far from my 40-30-30 macros goal, need to readjust my diet...

Feast day 61 - March 16 2011

12th and last feast lower body workout, 3000 calories

I am going to give it all! PR on squat? probably. Rack pull? probably not. Pain isn't going away in the right trapeze. It goes from the back of the head to the front of the shoulder all the way through the trap... I need to do something about it.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, now do consider taking just ONE extra day to mentally prepare.

Look at it like this (because it's the truth).... all of the physical work has been done. It's a mental game now. Rehearse it, 3x a day and visualize your 1RM not for a single, but for a triple!!

Build that into your subconscious mind. I build it into all 3 of mine. Does amazing things, like allowing you to kick doors down at the hospital and go free. Just kidding, that was bad.

For you, I want new PR's!!!
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Post by bigpelo »

Feast day 61 - March 16 2011

Last feast workout: 12th 10% solution lower body WO, 3000 calories

Achieved: 2577 calories
40g fat (15%)
200g protein (33%)
345g carbs (52%)

Carbs composition:
247g complex (72%)
63g sugar (18%)
35g fibre (10%)

Didn't feel that hungry yesterday, which is completely abnormal! I usually easily down 3000+ calories if I am not monitoring. I think it's a sign of overtraining.

425 x 2
425 x 1.5 --> did 2 but the second one was not as deep as would like it to. Should have bent 4-5 inches more but probably couldn't... Is that a PR? I have done 415 for 5 reps in the past but they weren't taken quads to horizontal at that time. I will let the jury decide.

EDT : Romanian dead lift (310 lbs) / Hack squat (380 lbs)
8,8,8,8,7 --> total 77 reps in 14min, that's definitely a PR!

Skipped rack pull for trap pain reason

Skipped ab crunch because I planned on doing some during the active recovery phase between feast and cruise

Pull ups:
body weight x 10
body weight x 7 --> that exercise didn't improve at all...

Total workout time: 59 minutes
Body weight after workout: 247.5 lbs

Cruise day 1 - March 17 2011

No training today, but I will try to get an appointment for my trapeze. I barely slept last night because of the pain. I will continue kre-anabolyn, test-freak, ecdysten and alkaplex green+ for another 2 days (march 17 and 18.) Then I will start burn it up! at 3 caps/day. First cruise workout will be March 21st. In the meantime, I will try to do 2 active recovery days.

Feast phase discussion

First: 61 days of feast is too long! I think I reach my limit at day 50 or so. Recovery wasn't the same after that point and I also hurt myself doing heavy rack pull. It's sad because it was increasing really fast before the incident.

Second: Upper body develop pretty well during this feast in both size and strength. But, I wish it had more back exercises and less pecs exercises. My pecs were already well develop before this run.

Third: My strength in squat has disappoint me a bit. I think I am better at developing my core legs exercises in the higher reps range. I successfully did squat workout in the pass using 15-20 reps. In the 2-3 reps range, I never felt my legs getting stronger. But! The EDT composed of Romanian DL and hack squat is a different story! I continuously experienced increase in reps and weight. When I thought: "this workout is going to be so hard, I reach my limits" I always got great surprises of doing it all and at a easier effort! Legs are so big right now, biggest ever! Forgot to mention on an earlier post about measurements that my upper legs are at 26 inches not flexed. Also, little story, on Monday: after work, I walked to my car and there was this huge water lake surrounding some cars (including mine) from melted snow. I did a step not to put a foot in that but the legs contraction with the wider (split like) stance ripped my jeans apart! Ok, they were not new but still... My girl laugh is ass out when she saw that!

Forth: Lots of supplements during this run. I don't mind taking them all but if I had to pay for that year long, I will need another mortgage loan on my house!

Fifth: I probably over estimate my maintenance calories at 3000 calories/day. I gained weight doing 3000 on workout day and 2700 on non-workout day. I stayed around the same doing 3000 on workout day and 2400 on non-workout days. I will try to stay at 2700-2800 calories/day during cruise in an effort not gaining more fat.

Sixth: Body fat stayed around the same, which is in line with my 2nd run goal. Body weight went from 243 to around 248, so +5 of lean muscle. It may not seem a lot but keep in mind that I have been seriously weight lifting for more than 11.5 years and that for the last 10 years, I gained a average of 5 lbs / year with some fat so I am really happy with the results of this feast!

Seventh: Cruise will be from today to April 5 2011, then a week off and then 3rd run. The goal will be a cut and again Rob will custom design the program!
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Post by beefcake66 »

So overall, a pretty successful run!
5lbs of lean mass with little fat gain is pretty extraordinary especially considering the length of time you've been lifting!

Great work Big Pelo!!

I'm looking to seeing your cut plan in action 8)
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Post by RobRegish »

Absolutely fantastic work man!!

Tell you why... it's not all about PR's and such. You learned something... something very valuable.

How long is "too long" for you during Feast.. :)
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Post by bigpelo »

Quick update:

Last two nights has been horrible sleep wise because of the pain. So this morning I decided to call an osteopathy specialist (don't know the english word for that... sorry). I was able to see me at 10:30am.

- Explained to him what happen: 2 minutes, no pain

- Diagnostic: torsion of the vertebra column between my shoulders. 30 seconds, painful

- Realign the vertebra: less than 2 minutes, no pain

- Massage to relief nerves that where pinched: 20 minutes, painful

- Massage to relax myself for the previous step: 20 minutes, no pain

65$, covered by my job insurance at 70%

I will see him again next week to complete the job. I have to much inflammation for a complete relief today. He said I should be able to lift more. Damn I suffer form his method but now it's so much better!
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Post by RobRegish »

You've found gold my friend...

Nice work :)
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Post by bigpelo »

Cruise day 3 - March 19 2011

I just got back for the gym. I did 10 minutes warm up on the bike, fellowed by 15 minutes of light to medium intensity abs work. Finished with 20 minutes eliptic at 150 bpm steady state.

Pain is 66% gone approximately. Appetite is good. Started burn it up! At 3 caps before working out. Nothing else to report.
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Post by RobRegish »

Terrific news!!

Please do let us know either way how you like Burn It Up! Whole lotta' fans here:

Burn It Up!! - Feeback Thread ... .php?t=943

Hopefully, you find the same. Either way, I want open and honest feedback only. This ain't no fluff board...
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Post by bigpelo »

I reply on december 17 on that thread ;-)
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