My intentions.

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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My intentions.

Post by j10nke »

Hello All,

I just bought a copy of The Blueprint yesterday and have already read it once front to back. Very interesting I must say. Since I will be here in your community I thought it be only appropriate for me to introduce myself. Before I do so I want to state that I plan on giving this a 100% honest shot... that being said I think it only be fair that I am 100% honest with my initial thoughts of the book/ program. I don't mean to be disrespectful to any of you all especially to Rob so please try to be open minded with what I am about to say.

First a little background about myself. I am a 26 year old former Marine with a decent amount of weight lifting background. I worked out through high school during my wrestling and martial arts days although I was part of the general populace who classified leg curls and extensions as an entire leg work out. While in the military I stopped lifting and got back into it multiple times. The typical was having nothing better to do getting back up to my peak while in Iraq then slacking off when returning home and losing my gains. I did this a total of 3 times on 3 tours. A brief summary of my lifting experience would be I have about 12 years of off and on weight lifting experience, the past 5 years of that off and on lifting has included trying to assimilate a healthy relationship with squats and dead lifts. I can do them... I'm just not 100% confident with my form ect but I'll get the job done.

I have tried numerous supplements over the years... to include garbage ph's while still in highschool. This leaves me looking at my hair line wondering if I'd have more today... also looking at any bit of puff in my nipples and wondering if it will go away when I lean out. I am currently 5'11" and 185. On the leaner side of what I normally am with the exception of being a little soft due to just getting back into the groove right now. Back on track... my knowledge of supplements and nutrition is decent although I would consider myself an average joe who doesn't have much of an attention span to read through case studies etc.

My first impressions of this forum and advertisements on BhypeBdotcom Now before I say these words that may get me condemned here... I will say that I read through the blueprint already the same day I bought it and was thoroughly impressed. The information provided is nothing ground breaking... and yet at the same time it is. A lot of the diet, loading techniques, etc can be found piece by piece via google search... but this was such a great read that flowed well and saved you the hassle of having to do your own garbage filtering. It is also refreshing to have someone put together a skeleton of your diet and workout program to take out some of the guess work for you. Based on what I have just said, if the BP yields me no results that are beyond what I would get from what I am doing now, it was worth the money based on the read. One thing I will say is I have noticed Rob very active in support for his product and anyone ambitious in what they are doing, even if trying to sell you a box of rocks, deserves a little reward for their effort. At times I feel that there is a little hype in this community and that the "freedom of choice" moto that is thrown around liberally may be a marketing strategy to make the consumer feel good about spending their money exactly where the company wants them to. (MASS, although I know it is repeated over and over no affiliation.) Please do not take this skepticism personal though, this is my nature and the manner in which we all protect our best interest... you all seem to be nice people for what it is worth.

My intentions... As stated in my long-winded post (sorry guys I ramble), I am religious at times and then neglectful for twice as long in the gym. That is my cycle in which I wish to break. I recently bought a house and was able to set up a modest small gym... something I have wanted for a while when I get my own place. Hopefully this will help with my off and on dedication. I have been lifting again for 3 weeks with strength coming back really fast. I will do "MY OWN" thing until I 1.) exhaust my supplement stash completely and 2.) get back to my own standards more or less. An indicator for this with me is when I can hit 225 on the bench for 3 x 10. In my second week back in the gym I hit it for 3 reps after finishing my routine... which is amazing for me(I know, I'm not that strong but that's why we all lift). Normally I jump back into the gym working my way back up from 155 - 185. I forgot to mention, I haven't worked out consistently since Dec 2008. Once I meet these obstacles I will start the BP (With 100% honest effort I may add) as close to the prescribed protocol and supplementing only where advised (ecdy, the formula etc). Still not sure if it will be E-bol or Kre-Anabolyn yet. Hopefully then I may obtain some of the results you guys claim and be turned into a true believer rather than someone who is a fan of reading theories.

Sorry it's so long winded but figured I owed my story for those who wish to read it.

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Post by JML2011 »

Thanks for your thoughts. Welcome aboard!

Hope to see things from ya in the future and hopefully I will be able to keep tabs when you actually decide to start your run! :)

Welcome back to the world of weights.
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Post by j10nke »

Thanks for your words.

Not to be the biggest fan of my own thread but a thought just occurred to me.

Quite possibly I obtained "BP" like results back in 2004/2005 while in Iraq while not noticing it.
In a nutshell:

While over seas I broke up with my gf (she fooled around). I naturally got depressed... couldn't sleep, eat, etc. My body weight dropped to about 150 lbs (just a hair shy of 6 feet tall). I think I must have been 180 or at least 170 before this. One day I got fed up of dragging my feet through the sand so I started cramming food down my throat as much as possible when ever as possible. I started hitting the gym again, in which I could not even pump out a full set of 135 for 10. Every meal I felt like throwing up from eating so much. In 3 months I went from 150 to 195 in body weight. There was some fat gains but my stomach was flat and my body was pretty defined. My bench went from falling short of 10 reps of 135 to maxing out at 275 for 3 reps. 225 3 x 10 was a breeze.

Could this have been a famine/feast example without knowing it? Heh just thought I would post this... not meaning to pimp my own thread. To be honest getting a bit excited to try this though.
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Post by beefcake66 »

Thanks for the big read dude, welcome to the forums.

Just for reference... I'm a chick, and I gained ~35lbs on my squat and deadlift doing the Blueprint with a totally different routine than outlined in the book. And eating at maintenance/a deficit. The squat may have been partial muscle memory (I had ACL reconstruction surgery last May), but the deadlift is totally new territory for me.

I agree with most of what you said but I was expecting something else than what you actually wrote in there after all the setups like "dont condemn me for what im about to say" lol...

Anyways, welcome aboard! Many folks around here to help out.
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Post by j10nke »

beefcake66 wrote:
I agree with most of what you said but I was expecting something else than what you actually wrote in there after all the setups like "dont condemn me for what im about to say" lol...
Don't want anyone to think I am calling them "con-artists" or "sheep".
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Post by RobRegish »

First things first, WELCOME to Gainsville and THANK YOU for your service to our country. Can't say it enough man. My thoughts on this are well know (at least I hope they are).

I am elated that you'll be providing open and honest feedback. You may be wondering why? It's because it helps me craft a bigger, better BP for us all.

EXAMPLE: When Draco ran into problems getting "traction" with The Blueprint 1.0, he let me know about it! So I went to work figuring out better solutions.

Bridge workouts 1-5 into Feast were born and presto, it was there in 2.0 when guys like Turboflex and Big.Jaz picked it up!! Now, almost everyone gets the traction they need.

So I am excited to hear your open and honest feedback sir.

Anything you need beyond answers I and other provide in these forums, please PM me.

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Post by Hank! »


1st Thank you for your service

2Nd thanks for the candor

If you give this an honest shot, you will probably be surprised at the results.

I was pretty skeptical too. I had spent $35 over and over again on supplements looking for exactly what I got with the Blueprint.

This is a good community too, and you wont get blown out for having a contradictory opinion. Judging the level of verbal dexterity in your opening monologue it sounded like you thought you'd be crucified for speaking your this isnt

anyhow welcome and thanks for joining us.


brb setting up a new shrine to the leader of our cult
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Post by RobRegish »

A new shrine, you say?

I've always wanted one lol :) I'll tell you this though, The Blueprint has evolved so far past my initial expectations I consider myself the luckiest man alive.

To clarify: This is YOUR book, YOUR board and YOUR community. It's the world I've always sought for both myself and you. That being putting the consumer at the center of everything, getting YOU the results you've been seeking.

My days in the sun are gone. But I look at Big.Jaz and feel so much pride. I look at you too Hank and many others here and all the good this book... this little book has done in the world.

I feel really, really good about it too. That's all I've ever wanted or needed in life. The one dream I never thought I'd realize. Well, the dream is alive and in fact, here today every time I log on.

I don't know what little Maximus's gift is going to be, but I'm going to reinforce the fact that he needs to share it with others.... because there is NO greater feeling in the world than seeing you guys doing well with The Blueprint.

They could put me into the ground tomorrow and I'd be a happy man :)
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Post by ckeahey76 »

Welcome to the community. I was not in the military, but I grew up on Marine Corp. and military bases from Hawaii to North Carolina. My father served for 23 years. I, too, want to say thanks for serving.

Now, I understand your skepicism, I too was skeptical. I tried the blueprint after working out for almost two years and had great gains. I also did my first run with no major supplements. I used only fish oil and protein. I believe that you will have great results and if you have any questions, from what I have seen, Rob's customer service would rival walmarts.
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Post by RobRegish »

ckeahey76 wrote:Welcome to the community. I was not in the military, but I grew up on Marine Corp. and military bases from Hawaii to North Carolina. My father served for 23 years. I, too, want to say thanks for serving.

Now, I understand your skepicism, I too was skeptical. I tried the blueprint after working out for almost two years and had great gains. I also did my first run with no major supplements. I used only fish oil and protein. I believe that you will have great results and if you have any questions, from what I have seen, Rob's customer service would rival walmarts.
Thanks man, but I feel like showering after visiting WalMart, you know? :)
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Post by Street-dreams »


I know some of the stuff that is in the eBook/ hell even in our logs seems to good to be true.. but if you bust your ass gains WILL be yours as long as you follow the program!

I gained 8+ lbs on my first run

50 on my deadlift
and 35lbs on my bench on my first run
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Post by JML2011 »

hey bro, forgot to mention my stats.

Im a little guy. 5'11, 145. I gained only 6 pounds during my first run, partly due to the availability of my diet because of the military place I am at... but still. I hardly ever can gain weight, so 6 pounds was a great great start for me. Hoping for even more next run. (Will have much better food avail).

My bench went up 25 and my squat went up 30. I also started rack pulls.. At first I was a little shaky since I had never done them, or really messed around with deadlifts for that matter. I started around 225, ended up being able to pull 325x3.. not shabby for just starting those and not doing them as consistent of a basis as the bench and squat.

We do seem to good to be true, but I guess thats what you get when you bring together a group of 'elites' who dont judge you for who you are or what you ask/say.

We support you and your goals and expect nothing but the same in return....

This 'forum' is for logging your goals/progress and gettin feedback/pointers/help that you need.. and deserve!

hth (hope that helps)

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