ThePaul7 runs the Blueprint Periodic

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ThePaul7 runs the Blueprint Periodic

Post by thepaul7 »

Hello all!

I am set to start famine tomorrow and get this show on the road.

I have two BP runs under my belt now. First I ran the GLP1 and added 10lbs to my 1 rep max bench, from 225 to 235. I also added 15lbs to my squat, from 250 to 265.

I then ran the supersquat program and bulked from 187 to 195 and ended squatting 250 for 20reps.

This journal will see me running the whole periodic.

The first half of the periodic will be run utilizing X-factor advanced and the second half will be using an ecdy/test booster combo.

Anyways looking forward to getting back into the gym after my week off and really looking forward to putting the Blueprint and my body to the test!
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Post by bigpelo »

Good luck! I will be following for sure.

What's your goal this time? Strength, mass, recomp, cut?
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Post by thepaul7 »

bigpelo wrote:Good luck! I will be following for sure.

What's your goal this time? Strength, mass, recomp, cut?
Thanks man.

This will be recomping some of the softness that came from bulking over winter. The periodic has a point after glp2 that I may go into famine again and do the last two loading patterns. I may adjust my calories then to try and lose some more fat in time for summer. I am going to try and increase my lifts on bench and squat from pattern to pattern. I will be pushing Deadlift through the deadlift/leg sled EDT which I love.
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Post by thepaul7 »

Third day of famine is underway and I have my second workout tonight.

Everything is going well. Making juices, eating fruits and salads. Looking forward to feast as always though :D
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Post by thepaul7 »

Feast workout 1

Bench Press
4 sets of warmups
1 working set of 185lbs 10 reps

1 set of 65lbs 10 reps

3 sets of warmups
1 working set of 225lbs 10 reps

1 set of 135lbs 10 reps

EDT block 1
seated row 160lbs
incline bench 55lbs

EDT block 2
Leg sled 540lbs
Deadlift 225lbs

Good to get back into the swing of things. The gym was packed so it took me forever to accomplish this. I am one of those guys who goes to the gym with a mission. I am not anti-social, just don't care much for shooting the bull when I am there to train so it ticks me off when guys stand around and hog equipment without using it.
End gym rant. lol

X-factor notes: All 4 x-factor taken preworkout with glycergrow. I did have a nice pump going especially for only compound movements.

Starting pics 3/8/11
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Post by dropthebeats »

Good luck on this run. Did you like the Super Squat program? I've read about it, and it sounds like a quick workout with great results.
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic IMO, especially if you're an ectomorph or have ecto-leaning tendancies (yours truly, btw).

Incredible read and worth every penny...
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