Bullet Train to Gainsville- Run #1

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Post by JML2011 »

great day outside today... 72 degrees!

Im wearing shorts!

hit the biceps and a little back today, then went for a 2 mile run.

Need to hit it hard next week, but need to back off due to my PRT on Saturday. I dont want to be too sore...

However, I also want to hit it hard because I finally broke my gain problem and have gained nearly 4 pounds this week... up to 144. Most of that has happened in the last few days.

I feel as if I dont go heavy again next week like Im supposed to, then I may lose that momentum....

HMM Decisions Decisions....
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Post by JML2011 »

High Repo WO#6 today...

cold out today with the new snow that came in overnight.

Also cut back on workout due to PRT this saturday morning.



Hit the treadmill for some sprintish work.

Hip Flexor is bothering me a bit today as well as I think I pulled something in my hand/thumb area. Hurts when I go to bench the bar..weird.
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Post by RobRegish »

First, great work!!

"Hip Flexor is bothering me a bit today as well as I think I pulled something in my hand/thumb area. Hurts when I go to bench the bar..weird".

That's a sign right there. Your body's telling you something. Like you need to insert a rest day between weight training sessions.

As you grow stronger you're lifting heavier weights for more reps. Meaning the stresses increase on your body. The muscles will adapt by growing larger/stronger. Keep this is mind though..

Every day is kidney day..

Learned that from Pete Sisco (author of Static Contraction Training). Means your organs don't keep pace with the muscles and can't clear the metabolic waste, etc.

I had this hammered into me the hard way. Now I tell people the following: If you don't believe that, try squatting your best set for 10 reps. Let's say 250 x 10. Not do that Monday and every day thereafter.

I'd be surprised if you make it to Friday. If your brain doesn't stop you your body will. You'll get injured, sick or both. It's the body's way of protecting itself...

Hope that helps!
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Post by JML2011 »

Thanks Rob! I appreciate it. Only thing is that I actually had three days off since my last lift. Too kit easy and plan to do the same the rest of the week. May rest till sat after the PRT and hit it hard then. Will stick to just a pushup and abs sessions this week with a little running to loosen up for sat.

Really glad to see you back! Makes me feel even better! Your prescence is moving :)
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Post by JML2011 »

Had a great little short workout today... Tomorrow will be off to relax before the PRT Saturday morning... going to be really cold at 7am! Dang the weather!


1xFx155 (3)

2xFx210 (6)

Based on failures, I am still on par for Bench but I am supposed to move up 5lbs on my squat....

Will have a look at the sets and see if I am going to be able to go up 5 or not. Most likely will stay on current track.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work!!

Now listen to what your body is telling you... meaning the presence/absence of strength gains.

If it's absent or not where it needs to be, consider inserting just one extra rest day prior. Just one meaning if you're on a 1on/1off right now goto a 1on/2off.

For many, it makes a world of difference....
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Post by JML2011 »

Thanks for the tip Rob. or Mix. Or whoever sent it :P

Gains are still being seen right now! So no need to change the cycle yet :)

Will take friday off, and then hit it hard saturday. Cannot wait!

You will see some major changes over the next few months. I have big goals to have accomplished by the end of August :)

My maxes are pretty low right now, but im a small guy, so im ok with it :)
Gotta start somewhere...
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Post by RobRegish »

That's great to hear!!

Keep on truckin' man... :)
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Post by JML2011 »

Nice little saturday morning lift. Had the PRT this morning. 101 situps, 95 pushups ( was distracted and ran out of time before I could get 101) and ran a mile and a half in 10:11. Didn't push myself on the run since I only needed to pass it :)

Went to the gym pretty shortly afterwards.




Felt really good especially after being tired from the PRT. Was tough to hit the marks but I did it without a problem. The sets of 2x1 were also above my original 1RM so that definitely felt good to know that I'm hitting above the starting point and gaining that forward progress.

Rest day tomorrow possibly :) we will see if I am sore in the am.
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Post by JML2011 »

Today was a good day. Sort of a quick workout. Had some things to take care of.


1xFx160 (2)

1xFx220 (4)

Felt really good on squat. I think I could probably go up another 5 and bust ass on it, but will stay where im at since i just went up :P

Bench was tough today. Felt like I went backwards a little on it. Had some really good progressions. Will take an extra rest day if needed. We shall see.

All for now I guess.
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Post by JML2011 »

Been a few days... Computer had to get wiped and I lost everything. Saved files on my external, but I have been downloading all my programs back on again to keep up with research.

Anyways... I have been keeping up on the workouts.

1x1x180 New PR

1x1x245 New PR

Felt good, had a quick workout, as I did it before lunch.

Today was a nice long workout with some back and bi's afterward.

1xFx165 (2)

1xFx225 (2)

Felt a little weaker today. Should have been better on squat, but it seemed to drop off a little finally. Gettin tough. Bench the last 2 or 3 have been really tough. Going to take the weekend off to see if that helps.

Heres to the weekend![/b]
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Post by JML2011 »

Today was not a good day in the gym. Squats ended up going well, but started rough with Bench. Didnt hit all my set today, so going to go down a 5lb increment next time and see how I land. Hopefully on the last workout I will be able to bump back up and hit the mark.



1x1x250 new PR

Felt good on the squat, was a good leadup, and made 250 much easier than I anticipated. Will see how the 13th goes and if possible I may try to bump up on the last workout :)

Long week... but then its off to Charleston for a few days of sun and beach!
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Post by JML2011 »

Decided to skip the next workout and go to my last one for this cycle.

Did some warmup sets but completed new 1RMs

190 (+25)
255 (+30)

No biggie :)

Going to cruise a little and then take some time off before the next run. Cant wait already!!
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Post by JML2011 »

Gearing up for the next run. Supps are in, now to finish formulating the plan and ugh... back to the amazing but dreaded famine. Oh how I have missed you.....

Hopefully will be able to put quite a few pounds on this round. Bench and Squat were phenom last run, we shall see how run 2 goes. Predicting the same if not better... :)
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