Interesting question

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Interesting question

Post by drhowe9 »

Heres my situation. Ive completed my famine phase and am aproaching the end of glp 1( will finish in 10-12 days). Once I finish my glp 1 my plan was to take 5-7 days off and start the 10 % solution. Im going on a trip right after the end of glp 1, which is a 7 day trip and my plan was to take those 5-7 days off during the trip, the issue is that during that trip there will be lots of drinking and most likely poor eating.

My idea was to finish glp 1, run a mini 3 day famine right before the trip, take the trip and take the 7 days off and come back to start the 10 % solution. I know that after famine Rob said eating dirty for 10 days was acceptable, so that was my thought process behind the mini famine .

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Post by drtda »

I'm in a similar situation due to a business trip, so this is what Rob advised me to do.

He was going to have me finish GLP 1, then take 5 days off, then do the 10% Solution, followed by Cruise.

Due to the trip, he told me to do the following. Finish GLP1, go into Cruise, take off the 6 days during my trip, and then come back to do the 10% Solution.

If I were you I wouldn't even do the mini-famine, just stretch GLP 1 a bit to get to your trip and then you have the time off you normally need anyway before starting the 10% Solution. Just try not to eat terribly on the trip.
Posts: 53
Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:45 pm

Post by drhowe9 »

Thanks for the info, also one more questions, should I still do my edt's in workouts 5 in the glp, or just do my bench and squats?
Posts: 194
Joined: Sat May 01, 2010 11:20 pm

Post by drtda »

Yes, you should still do the EDTs.
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