ThePaul7's 2nd BP Run

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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, but don't overdo that either.

Listen to your body. If it asks for rest... rest :)
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Post by thepaul7 »


Squats 1 set 20 reps
195lbs - All reps completed

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 20lbs

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
80lbs dumbbells

Still going strong and the extra rest is very helpful.
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Post by RobRegish »


Still going strong.... GREAT work!!
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Post by thepaul7 »


Squats 1 set 20 reps
205lbs - All reps completed

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 25lbs

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
85lbs dumbbells

Steadily increasing the weights. Feeling bigger and stronger.

Rob do you advocate a full 6 weeks of SS like the book? I am roughly 2 weeks into it so I guess I will see how my body feels in the coming weeks.
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Post by RobRegish »

This is something you need to play by the ear...

The issue with SS is the intensity involved. My God, to keep topping yourself on 20 rep squats. I remember it like it was yesterday. It would start 24hrs out from the session. Just the thought of the hell that was to come was incredible. Yet... I did it.

How? I ONLY made it through 6 weeks by inserting extra rest days. Consider that, as you progress. And progressing my freind, is EXACTLY what you're doing.

GREAT work!!!
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Post by thepaul7 »

Thanks Rob. I am loving the progress as well and have not been this sore since I first started seriously working out a few years ago. I agree with the hell that is about to come. Now that my next squat attempt will be in the 215lb range it is gonna take everything I have to complete it. As it should be I know. :D Extra rest days are the only thing that will get me through it.
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Post by RobRegish »

YES there you go... :)
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Post by thepaul7 »


Squats 1 set 20 reps
215lbs - All reps completed

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 30lbs

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
90lbs dumbbells


Squats 1 set 20 reps
225lbs - All reps completed

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 35lbs

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
95lbs dumbbells


Squats 1 set 20 reps
230lbs - All reps completed

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 35lbs

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
100lbs dumbbells - hand grip giving out so I will try out some straps.

I added bulk cissus and GABA to my supps a week ago and I believe it has helped with my recovery and soreness between workouts.

I never imagined that I would be doing this much weight for this many reps as I am now on squat. It just goes to show what pushing yourself hard can do.

Beginning of the 4th week of SS and everything is still going great.
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Post by thepaul7 »


Squats 1 set 20 reps
235lbs - All reps completed

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 40lbs

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
100lbs dumbbells - Straps helped me hold onto these suckers.
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Post by thepaul7 »


Squats 1 set 20 reps
240lbs - All reps completed

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 45lbs

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
100lbs dumbbells - Still at 100lbs, but feeling like I will be attempting 105 next.
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Post by thepaul7 »


Squats 1 set 20 reps
245lbs - All reps completed. Craziness and deep breaths got me through this.

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 50lbs Starting to hit a wall on this one. Very hard!

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
105lbs dumbbells - 105 was killer. Probably going to be at this weight for a little while.

Coming to the last week of Super Squats. I probably have 2 more workouts planned for this run and then into cruise.
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Post by thepaul7 »


Squats 1 set 20 reps
250lbs - All reps completed. Tough. Cool fact- My 1 rep max was 250 when I did my first BP run in October.

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 50lbs- Easier than last time, but still hard!

Bent over rows 2 sets 10 reps
110lbs dumbbells - Got out 10 good reps for each side.

And with that I am done with Super Squats!

Quick summary of SS.

Squats went from 155lb---->250lb Never thought I would do 20 reps of 250.

Dips went from Bodyweight----->Bodyweight+50lbs

Bent over rows went to 110lb dumbbells. More than I have ever done in my life by 20lbs.

Weight 187lbs--->195lbs

Would I do SS again? Yes, but not for a long time as it is very taxing on the body. Please use a spotter especially on the higher weights because holding that weight and performing squats will not only exhaust you, but make you light headed and by the 20th rep you may not even remember which way to go to rack it. I am being serious.

All in all a great program that is quick and to the point. Eat way above maintenance and couple it with the famine and HIT before hand and you should get bigger than you ever were before.

Now onto Cruise!
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Post by restoman45 »

thepaul7 wrote:2/07/11

Squats 1 set 20 reps
250lbs - All reps completed. Tough. Cool fact- My 1 rep max was 250 when I did my first BP run in October.

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 50lbs- Easier than last time, but still hard!

Bent over rows 2 sets 10 reps
110lbs dumbbells - Got out 10 good reps for each side.

And with that I am done with Super Squats!

Quick summary of SS.

Squats went from 155lb---->250lb Never thought I would do 20 reps of 250.

Dips went from Bodyweight----->Bodyweight+50lbs

Bent over rows went to 110lb dumbbells. More than I have ever done in my life by 20lbs.

Weight 187lbs--->195lbs

Would I do SS again? Yes, but not for a long time as it is very taxing on the body. Please use a spotter especially on the higher weights because holding that weight and performing squats will not only exhaust you, but make you light headed and by the 20th rep you may not even remember which way to go to rack it. I am being serious.

All in all a great program that is quick and to the point. Eat way above maintenance and couple it with the famine and HIT before hand and you should get bigger than you ever were before.

Now onto Cruise!
Great job on the squats man! I always tell people that my best squat strength gains and size gains were doing 20 rep squats!!! I usually "forget" to mention all the days I threw up after doing them, usually to the disgust of the people in the gym hahah...
Congrats again!
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Post by thepaul7 »

Thanks man. Yeah its definitely not pretty or for the faint of heart but it gets the job done.
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