restoman45's log

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Post by steveh »

Very nice - congrats man
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Post by restoman45 »

steveh wrote:Very nice - congrats man
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Post by restoman45 »

GLP Upper

155 - 10 pie
170 - 8 pie
190 - 8 pie
210 - 8 pie
230 - 8 not too bad, but got pretty pumped up
245 - 8 Last rep was a grinder. I definitely got some "traction" going now. 2 workouts ago I only did 7 reps with 245 as a single max effort set...I did one more this time after already being kinda spent...

Then did EDT's. Chose to do standing cheat presses s.s. with bent over wide grip rows since thats something I can also do when I am home
did 135 pounds 5 sets, 8 reps each with 2 min rest inbetween was too light, will do 145-155 next week depending on how I feel
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Post by restoman45 »

Been busy with work and baby so fell behind on my log...again...
I will try and post everything tomorrow, but my glp1 is going far I hit all my reps in first two days of lower body. I missed last 2 reps in last set of bench on second upper body day. I have upper body again tomorrow and am hoping for the best. I have been trying to get 5 days off before repeating as having only 4 is why I missed those reps on bench I think. I feel strong though and am up to 218 a.m. bodyweight.

I feel like I'm going to go well past that 42 day feast recommendation if I continue with the amount of off days between lifting if I add glp2 on after I finish that ok or do I need to skip it and go to cruise instead?
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Post by restoman45 »

I have been very bad with the updates...

Without my gym notebook in front of me, I have easily hit all my glp1 squat reps. If I hit the last set reps easily, should I bang out more if possible or stop at the predetermined number? Bench has not been going as well...I have hit all my reps on every set but the last set. For example, the other day I got 305 for 0 reps when the goal was 2. I did get all the reps on the other sets. I am just thinking positive that it will all be good on max day like it says in the glp1 section of the blueprint.

I am hoping to blow my squat out of the water on max day next week...all time best is 405, best at end of HIT was 395...I am hoping for well into the 400's...

I am hoping for anything over 315 on bench (maxed 315 at end of HIT which was my lifelong goal).

Weight has been stagnet at 218am for past week and change...however I was 220 this morning...trying to stuff my face as hard as I have time for with maxes coming up!
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Post by restoman45 »

Well, work has hurt my progress pretty badly.

To make a long story short, GLP1:

Maxed out on bench the other day and missed my 320 attempt just halfway up and stalled out. The program called for a 330 attempt and I knew I didn't have it in me. Oh well, I am still VERY happy with my 315 although I already want more haha.

Yesterday I maxed out on squats. I felt like crap, but still was able to get 415 parallel with a belt. If I didn't feel bad, I feel like I could have easily banged out a 425. However, I didn't even attempt more than 415. I feel like I may have a stress fracture just below my knee as it starts to hurt some when I squat or if I jump/walk around all day in my steel toe boots...

Now I do not know what to do?...I have ran out of KA as of last week and been out of AN for a few weeks now. Also been out of protein powder for a week as well and just upped my milk intake. Should I take a week off and start up the Russian program and order some more supps to use during the program or should I take a week off and start famine again? I am 219ish am bodyweight right now and am a little chunky. I have a very fast metabolism so I think I could start my cut in May and be ok possibly for summertime? Anybody have any thoughts? I feel like I need to lose about 20 pounds of fat to look good, but now that I got 315, I don't want to lose strength either...
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Post by RobRegish »

restoman45 wrote:Well, work has hurt my progress pretty badly.

To make a long story short, GLP1:

Maxed out on bench the other day and missed my 320 attempt just halfway up and stalled out. The program called for a 330 attempt and I knew I didn't have it in me. Oh well, I am still VERY happy with my 315 although I already want more haha.

Yesterday I maxed out on squats. I felt like crap, but still was able to get 415 parallel with a belt. If I didn't feel bad, I feel like I could have easily banged out a 425. However, I didn't even attempt more than 415. I feel like I may have a stress fracture just below my knee as it starts to hurt some when I squat or if I jump/walk around all day in my steel toe boots...

Now I do not know what to do?...I have ran out of KA as of last week and been out of AN for a few weeks now. Also been out of protein powder for a week as well and just upped my milk intake. Should I take a week off and start up the Russian program and order some more supps to use during the program or should I take a week off and start famine again? I am 219ish am bodyweight right now and am a little chunky. I have a very fast metabolism so I think I could start my cut in May and be ok possibly for summertime? Anybody have any thoughts? I feel like I need to lose about 20 pounds of fat to look good, but now that I got 315, I don't want to lose strength either...
First, fantastic work and congratulations on the PR's!!

Second, these stress fractures and such are your body speaking to you... listen to it. She's telling you to "stop". The answer then, is simple - discontinue. Take AT LEAST a week off, treat yourself to at least ONE chiropractic adjustment, massage and get AWAY from the gym.

Mentally and physically relax. Take up to 10 full days and THEN commence the Russian Program. Finally, do so knowing you did one HELL of a job my man..

So happy for you... :) We'll address the excess fat when it's time. For now, revel in the strength and power you posses (or however it's spelled :))
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Post by restoman45 »

RobRegish wrote:
restoman45 wrote:Well, work has hurt my progress pretty badly.

To make a long story short, GLP1:

Maxed out on bench the other day and missed my 320 attempt just halfway up and stalled out. The program called for a 330 attempt and I knew I didn't have it in me. Oh well, I am still VERY happy with my 315 although I already want more haha.

Yesterday I maxed out on squats. I felt like crap, but still was able to get 415 parallel with a belt. If I didn't feel bad, I feel like I could have easily banged out a 425. However, I didn't even attempt more than 415. I feel like I may have a stress fracture just below my knee as it starts to hurt some when I squat or if I jump/walk around all day in my steel toe boots...

Now I do not know what to do?...I have ran out of KA as of last week and been out of AN for a few weeks now. Also been out of protein powder for a week as well and just upped my milk intake. Should I take a week off and start up the Russian program and order some more supps to use during the program or should I take a week off and start famine again? I am 219ish am bodyweight right now and am a little chunky. I have a very fast metabolism so I think I could start my cut in May and be ok possibly for summertime? Anybody have any thoughts? I feel like I need to lose about 20 pounds of fat to look good, but now that I got 315, I don't want to lose strength either...
First, fantastic work and congratulations on the PR's!!

Second, these stress fractures and such are your body speaking to you... listen to it. She's telling you to "stop". The answer then, is simple - discontinue. Take AT LEAST a week off, treat yourself to at least ONE chiropractic adjustment, massage and get AWAY from the gym.

Mentally and physically relax. Take up to 10 full days and THEN commence the Russian Program. Finally, do so knowing you did one HELL of a job my man..

So happy for you... :) We'll address the excess fat when it's time. For now, revel in the strength and power you posses (or however it's spelled :))
Thanks Rob! I owe you a big thanks, without you I would still be a grumpy guy who hasn't ever got his 315 bench life-goal...and I got a 415 squat as a bonus haha...I'm physced to tackle this russian program next!

Unless you think otherwise I am going to order some more ka, an and protein to get me through the russian program...
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Post by RobRegish »

Great going man!!

If you're going to use supps, The Russian Program is the one to be loaded for bear on. It's a very long yet, rewarding road to walk.

Very savy though. The perfect fit too, for use within The BP Periodic given the way that "Mixelflick" guy positioned it.

Sharp guy, IMO :)
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Post by restoman45 »

Rob, I lied...I am doing GLP2 next. I guess I got a little ahead of myself. You mention an every other day format for the first 7 or 8 workouts. If I do squats and bench press as my two staple movements and do them on separate days, do I bench, off, squat, off, bench, etc etc or do I bench, squat, bench, squat?? I know its a guideline but I don't want to take too much break between workouts and extend the program too long...

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Post by RobRegish »

restoman45 wrote:Rob, I lied...I am doing GLP2 next. I guess I got a little ahead of myself. You mention an every other day format for the first 7 or 8 workouts. If I do squats and bench press as my two staple movements and do them on separate days, do I bench, off, squat, off, bench, etc etc or do I bench, squat, bench, squat?? I know its a guideline but I don't want to take too much break between workouts and extend the program too long...

Ideally, you want to structure as follows:

OFF DAY etc..

Now, this schedule is going to change. For as you grow stronger you'll be lifting heavier weights for more reps. It logically follows that the stresses increase on the body.

You absolutely must insert extra rest days periodically (meaning go to a 1on/2off) at some point to allow the body to supercompensate and grow larger/stronger.

If there is one "trick" it is this: Managing workout frequency and staying ahead of that curve. I like to re-evaluate every 10 days, though at this point I'm so "in tune" with my body I can sense signs of over-training setting in almost immediately.

This is part of the beauty of The BP.... it gradually "teaches" this over time - how to listen to your body and know (precisely) when to change workout intensity, volume, frequency and even the exercise template (i.e. EDT blocks, excellent example).

It's beautiful to me, anyway... :)

Hope that helps!!!
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Post by restoman45 »

Glp2 on Friday...
Bench 235 all the reps fairly easily
Edt push press/mid grip rows: 185 6, 6, 5, 4. Cleaning the weight for the push press reps. I only got 4 sets in 16ish min b/c of a work call I had to take unfortunately...
Bench static hold 345: 15 sec, 15 sec. It was suprisingly light feeling..

I may add another edt block next upperbody day for biceps and triceps if I feel my recovery time will not be adversly effected...

Weight was 215 am...down 3 pounds from end of glp1 but I think that will shoot right back up...
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Post by RobRegish »


Now, take note of the following: "Red Zone" workouts start during workout #5.

Something to consider as you bite off more on those EDT blocks. Otherwise, absolutely fantastic work thus far!!!
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Post by restoman45 »

RobRegish wrote:Terrific!!!

Now, take note of the following: "Red Zone" workouts start during workout #5.

Something to consider as you bite off more on those EDT blocks. Otherwise, absolutely fantastic work thus far!!!
So would you consider adding an additional edt block just for workouts 2-4 depending on my current recovery?

Also, this may be a dumb question, but should I continue the static hold the entire glp2 or will that be too taxing on my nervous system?

Thanks for all your help Rob!
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