Bullet Train to Gainsville- Run #1

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Post by JML2011 »

Off day today, and of course I didnt get my weight because the batteries died on the scale this morning! Got some new ones though, so should be pumpin tomorrow. Busy day tomorrow but gonna hit the gym in the early afternoon.

Today Cals: approx 950. Right under 1k.

I have been super hungry. Going from eating almost constantly to literally eating light snack meals haha... has been killer. My stomach has been wanting food sooooo bad today.

Friday here I come...

Saturday morning all you can eat pancakes aren't ready for this train to pass their station...
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Post by RobRegish »

Calories under 1.000? That's nuts.

How much do you weigh? Remember the formula is BW x 8. Take care you're hitting this. In the event you're really light, suggest getting those up to at least 1,200.

The missing macro and the training will take care of the rest. Great start!!!
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Post by bigpelo »

Have you take your rest heart rate? It seems to be a very useful marker to me, just like body weight.
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Post by JML2011 »

Just took it this morning... tough for me cause 1 I was tired... so wasnt paying attention too well, 2. I take it by hand with a stopwatch on my phone while im layin in bed... eyes werent working well this morning haha.

was approx 65? this morning. weight down 2 pounds. Will update tonight after workout and whatnot!
Calories under 1.000? That's nuts.
Yes... its an estimate. I would guess that I actually took in just over 1000. BWX8 puts me at 1120. Sometimes its hard to find out exactly what I got since I dont have the nutritional info for my meals at the chow hall. I use livestrong to get a great estimate though. Still workin out the kinks.

I weighted 140 avg before starting famine, which is actually low for me.. but thats what it came out to.

I will probably jump quickly back to 145 at the start of feast.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man! Doing good homework here.

Nice to see.. :)
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Post by JML2011 »

sorry it has been so long since an update! I go out on the weekends so not at my normal computer.

Day 3: BW 138.2 pulse 65
Day 4: BW 136.6 pulse 66
Day 5: BW 136.4 pulse 72

Famine Start to finish: BW 140.4-136.4 = 4 pounds. ( I think this is pretty good for how small I am. I really dont have a lot of fat on me to begin with.)
Pulse went up about 12 beats.. might have also been all the alcohol I had thursday night ;)

Second workout of famine was much harder than I expected it to be. I didnt feel as weak as I was... did not expect to be as weak as I was.

Wide bench:
135x6, 115x8, 115x8, 115x6
shoulder press:
55x10, 55x8, 50x8, 40x8
incline press: 65x8
shoulder press: 35x8
decline press: 85x9
shoulder press:35x8
decline close grip: 85x10
skull crushers:50x9
cable pressdowns: 35x10

was tough. Will admit that...

that was on thursday I believe.

Finished out famine strong, hungry as a bear. Woke up yesterday and ate about 10 blueberry pancakes I made. Could not have been happier.

Today I am feasting again :) Tomorrow will be the last day of the 72 hour. Can I do workout 1 tomorrow or should I wait until tuesday?
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT work man!!!! :)

Workout #1 is Tuesday... Sorry to do that to you but there's a method to the madness.

Promise :)
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Post by JML2011 »

haha no worries! Looking forward to it.

Gonna sit down and write out my schedule for taking my supplements, and then divide into my pill organizer :)

Going to be running:
Adaptogen N
Mass Pro Amino
Mass Pro Whey
BIU (towards end into cruise)
and may take my Gold Standard Whey in the evenings...

any suggestions?
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Post by JML2011 »

Workout 1 went great! Felt good and had a decent workout.

Taking today off, as I have had a splitting headache and also working on gathering data for my research, which has been very unproductive.

Tomorrow will be a great day to get a nice long tough workout in. I have a rock climbing class in the morning and that is it. Will probably do more research and then hit the gym in the late morning before lunch.

Rain and sleety snow here... miserable day. nice day for a cozy nap or some tiger woods golf :)
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Post by bigpelo »

JML2011 wrote:
.. miserable day. nice day for a cozy nap or some tiger woods golf :)
Good way to recover from working out !
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Post by JML2011 »

Workout two on Thursday:
Bench: 135x8
Hvy DB PO: 50x7

Squats: 165x6
Deadlift 185x8

Then a variety of other lifts, workin on bicep, traps, and upper back.

Little ab work and calves as well.

Workout #3- Friday
Felt good on Friday and decided to get on #3.

Bench: 165x2
Hvy Pullover: 60x3

Squats: 185x2
DL 205x3

Not sure I am doing DL correct, so I will probably get a buddy to help me out, so weight may go down a little.

Taking today and tomorrow off and hitting deload on Monday.

Have been taking supps as perscribed. Not taking the Adaptogen N though. Not sure that i need it. Any thoughts on that?

Weighed in at 141 on Friday morning. Up from 136.4 at end of Famine.
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Post by JML2011 »

Hey guys,

sorry I havent been around lately... have had some personal issues going on. Still staying on track with the program though!

Did the last few workouts of the first 5. Deload went well, felt good afterwords, not too sore.

Had day 5 today! 1RM Day! :D

Settled for 175 on bench. Gotta start somewhere...

Started at 200 for squat, but then went to 215, and still easy, so went to 225. Felt like that was probably as far as I could go.

Might have been able to get another 10 if I hadnt done the other sets right before...

still a good base for me though. Not bad for being 140 pounds..

Going to take tomorrow off, and probably hit the gym on Friday starting GLP1....

was thinking about starting with GLP2 instead of 1.....

Thoughts on that???

Thanks for the support guys.
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Post by bigpelo »

Depending on your weekend schedule, I would take more than 1 day of rest from this 1RM bridge workout. Rob suggests 3 rest days before starting GL1, GL2 or 10% solution. I did well with only two but it was only because my schedule was tight.

GL1 or GL2? never did either of them so I won't comment. But I bet you can't go wrong whatever is your choice.
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Post by JML2011 »

bigpelo wrote: GL1 or GL2? never did either of them so I won't comment. But I bet you go wrong whatever is your choice.
Hahah... ok what do you recommend?

I will probably end up taking 2 or 3 days. Was a little sore this morning from the workout. I did some stuff after the 1RM, as well as normal abs and stuff.

Well bigpelo... what do you recommend then vice GL.
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