Regarding Shipping of supplements from MASS

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Regarding Shipping of supplements from MASS

Post by sammm »

Hi guys, I'm new, and I'll be starting out on the blueprint training soon.

On the MASS website, I wanted to order some items but on the shipping preference for Worldwide it says to contact customer service for quote. I contacted them via the customer service form but it has already been 3 days and i have yet to receive any reply.

So i thought that it might be better to ask around here...
Can anybody or a MASS representative tells me how the order works?
The order page has no TOTAL SUM.. so i'm not sure how much am i paying? I'm from Singapore.

My order will be:
"This is my FIRST ORDER" x 1

Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:04 pm

Post by hally83 »

Hey Sam,

Shipping internationally isnt a problem. Just click on World Wide 1st Class. It says the price right there.

Mass pro amino weighs 240gms
Kre-anabolyn prob weighs close to 100gms

You would be looking under 1 pound shipping - so to Australia for eg it would cost you $15 USD for shipping. $3-7 for each additional pound.

Once you purchase and put in your credit card details and you press submit it will bring u to a order receipt page which tells u how much ur order will likely cost.

It is all processed offline so that might not be the final figure. Yes they probably should have a shopping cart with subtotal but i'd say it would be in the works. But im sure u can just use the windows calculator and add up the prices of the stuff you have bought :D

If you have any questions regarding shopping at MASS or ur order PM ASKMASS on here and he will get back to u.
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:11 am

Post by sammm »

Ok thanks.

If i input my credit card details, and i click submit, is the order confirmed?
or do i get to see my grand total inclusive of shipping before i can confirm.

Sorry for asking so much questions.. I'm too used to the highly automated shopping systems of other websites :P

I'm from Singapore.
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:04 pm

Post by hally83 »

As soon as u press submit u get a receipt page showing the likely cost and shipping. As said before the order is processed offline and not at the point of u clicking the submit button.

As said before just use a calculator... MASS isnt about fancy websites and labelling... They focus more on giving the customer quality products that actually work, and quick ,fast, reliable delivery.

I know im deployed in the middle east, have ordered from them numerous times and it only takes a lil over a week to get here each time..
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