Bobby- first run starting 1/3/11

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Post by islandboy90 »

really appreciate that
could be the weight gainer i guess, only been using it for about 2-3 days but i'm sipping it throughout the day. suppose it could fill my appetite

i've been doing a 1 on 2 off for the most part
but i didnt really do a light weight for the deload today

i'm going to florida to help a friend move over the weekend so that'll be two days off, i'll just have to try to eat enough clean food on a budget and re-do the deload monday

Q : should I still be trying to improve my EDT blocks on the deload? or keep it simple?
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Post by RobRegish »

islandboy90 wrote:really appreciate that
could be the weight gainer i guess, only been using it for about 2-3 days but i'm sipping it throughout the day. suppose it could fill my appetite

i've been doing a 1 on 2 off for the most part
but i didnt really do a light weight for the deload today

i'm going to florida to help a friend move over the weekend so that'll be two days off, i'll just have to try to eat enough clean food on a budget and re-do the deload monday

Q : should I still be trying to improve my EDT blocks on the deload? or keep it simple?
A. Two things...

1. De-load means de-load. Don't turn it into a workout/heavier session than it needs to be. I know it's tempting but see it for what it is... tee'ing you up for the big 1RM day!

2. Depends upon whether you feel the urge. I know that's an intuitive thing, but listen to your body. It will tell you what to do. And it will never, NEVER steer you wrong... :)
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Post by islandboy90 »

deload round 2

bench press 6 x 140 (front of left shoulder is popping....)
pullovers 6 x 50

rest 5-10 min

squat 6 x 150
stiff leg DL 6 x 150

rest 10 min

EDT Block 1
incline db butterfly 6 x 70
seated row 6 x 90

rest 2 min

Set 2
same thing 6 reps each

rest 2 min

Set 3
same thing 5 reps

rest 2 min

Set 4
same 5 reps

rest 2 min

Set 5
same 4 reps

rest 2 min

Set 6
same 4 reps

total workout time 16 min
total reps

rest 10 min

EDT Block 2
romanian deadlifts 6 x 135
BB lunges 6 x 115

rest 2 min

Set 2
same thing 6 rep

rest 2 min

Set 3
same thing 5 reps

rest 2 min

Set 4
same 5 reps

rest 2 min

Set 5
same thing 4 reps

rest 2 min

Set 6
same thing 4 reps

rest 5 min

static crunch weighted incline
10 sit ups with hold on last one for 15 seconds x 3

16 minutes = reps

beat as usual
curious bout shoulder popping
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Post by islandboy90 »

made it all fairly easy, see how it goes on wednesday for new 1rm day
thanks rob
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Post by islandboy90 »


went well

shoulder held me back on bench pressing
1RM was 175lbs
^did it flat instead of incline, shoulder didnt bother me until around this point(still didnt hurt just pops, feels like ligament popping out of place)

squat 1RM 240lbs
deadlift 1RM 240lbs

must have made some strength gains because 240lbs is all the weight I have to use
pretty stoked about that
about perfect because I dont think I could have done 2 reps

Going to continue doing stretches and exercises for rotator cuff and shoulders, and will just sub flat bench for incline
unless something goes wrnog or shoulder continues to pop I'm not going to take time off because I'm feeling good as long as I dont use incline
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Post by islandboy90 »

for the record i weighed 175lbs this morning
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Post by beefcake66 »

For your shoulder, switching to incline from flat should help, less range of motion. If it's still popping you could try further limiting your range of motion... worse comes to worse switch to shoulder presses?
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Post by islandboy90 »


50%x10, 54%x8, 61%x8, 66%x8, 73%x8, 78%x8

Bench Press
175 1rm
87.5 X 10, 94.5 X 8, 106.75 X 8, 115.5 X 8, 127.75 X 8, 136.5 X 8
3 min rest between sets

EDT Block
decline db press 6X70 , 6X70 , 4X70 , 4X70 , 3X70 , 3X70
seated cable rows 6X100 , 6X100 , 4X100 , 4X100 , 3X100 , 3X100
3 minutes rest between sets

Decline BB Bench Static Hold X 3 X 5-15 second holds
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Post by islandboy90 »

GLP 1 Squat day

50%x10, 54%x8, 61%x8, 66%x8, 73%x8, 78%x8

240 1rm
120 X 10, 129.6 X 8, 146.4 X 8, 158.4 X 8, 175.2 X 8, 187.2 X 8
3 min rest between sets

EDT Block
romanian deadlift 6X140 , 6X140 , 4X140 , 4X140 , 3X140 , 3X140
leg sled alternative 6X115 , 6X115 , 4X115 , 4X115 , 3X115 , 3X115
3 minutes rest between sets

static hold ab crunch
3 sets 15 sec hold, 3 minutes rest between
set 1 75lbs
set 2 80lbs
set 3 80lbs
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Post by islandboy90 »

GLP 2 Squat day

50%x10, 61%x8, 66%x6, 73%x6, 78%x6, 84%x6

240 1rm
120X10, 146.4X8, 158.4X6, 175.2X6, 187.2X6, 201.6X6
3 min rest between sets

EDT Block
romanian deadlift 7X140 , 7X140 , 5X140 , 5X140 , 4X140 , 4X140
leg sled alternative 7X115 , 7X115 , 5X115 , 5X115 , 4X115 , 4X115
3 minutes rest between sets

static hold ab crunch
3 sets 15 sec hold, 3 minutes rest between
set 1 80lbs
set 2 80lbs
set 3 80lbs
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Post by islandboy90 »

GLP 3 bench

50%x10, 66%x8, 73%x6, 78%x4, 85%x4, 90%x4

Bench Press
175 1rm
87.5x10, 115x8, 127.75x6, 136.5x4, 148x4, 157.5x4
3 min rest between sets

EDT Block
decline db press 8X70 , 8X70 , 6X70 , 6X70 , 4X70 , 4X70
seated cable rows 6X110 , 6X110 , 4X110 , 4X110 , 4X110 , 4X110
3 minutes rest between sets

Decline BB Bench Static Hold X 3 X 5-15 second holds
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Post by islandboy90 »

GLP 3 Squat day

50%x10, 66%x8, 73%x6, 78%x4, 85%x4, 90%x4

240 1rm
120x10, 158.4x8, 175x6, 187.2x4, 204x4, 216x4

3 min rest between sets

EDT Block
romanian deadlift 6X160 , 6X160 , 5X160 , 5X160 , 4X160 , 4X160
leg sled alternative 6X135 , 6X135 , 5X135 , 5X135 , 4X135 , 4X135
3 minutes rest between sets

static hold ab crunch
3 sets 20 sec hold, 3 minutes rest between
set 1 80lbs
set 2 80lbs
set 3 80lbs
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Post by islandboy90 »

GLP 4 bench

50%x10, 73%x8, 78%x6, 85%x4, 90%x2, 97%x2

Bench Press
175 1rm
87.5x10, 125.75x8, 136.5x6, 148.7x4, 157.5x2, 169.75x2
3 min rest between sets

EDT Block
decline db press 8X70 , 8X70 , 7X70 , 7X70 , 5X70 , 5X70
seated cable rows 8X110 , 8X110 , 6X110 , 6X110 , 5X110 , 5X110
3 minutes rest between sets

Decline BB Bench Static Hold X 3 X 5-15 second holds
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Post by islandboy90 »

GLP 4 Squat day

50%x10, 73%x8, 78%x6, 85%x4, 90%x2, 97%x2

240 1rm
120X10, 175.2x8, 187.2x6, 204x4, 216x2, 232.8x2
3 min rest between sets

EDT Block
romanian deadlift 6X165 , 6X165 , 4X165 , 4X165 , 3X165 , 3X165
leg sled alternative 6X140 , 6X140 , 4X140 , 4X140 , 3X140 , 3X140
3 minutes rest between sets

static hold ab crunch
3 sets 20 sec hold, 3 minutes rest between
set 1 85lbs
set 2 85lbs
set 3 85lbs
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