Your thoughts on the warrior diet

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Your thoughts on the warrior diet

Post by bigpelo »

My next run will probably be a cut. I have read a lot lately on the warrior diet. Would it be beneficial? People who have use it: was it good? Would it be good with a blueprint run?

It seems like this diet have similarities with the blueprint in regards of the famine/feast/detox and such...
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Post by DaCookie »

Rob likes it as far as I am aware.

I dont think personally I would use it, even if I was in a 9 till 5 job, but thats where I think it is best suited.If you have a job like that and are a very busy person.
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Post by beefcake66 »

I've dabbled with it, it's not a bad gig if you love eating huge meals and dont mind working out mostly fasted.

You're allowed to snack on a small amount of fruit and nuts throughout the day so it's not total brutality for your 20 hours of undereating/fasting, but its hard to shove 3000 clean calories in such a small window (thats why fast food was created... :D )
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Post by craw69 »

Original Warrior Diet (following recomendations from the book) is not very well suited for those looking big mass gains; but modifications (usually higher protein during undereating and using lots of aminoacids/hydrolisates) are getting very very popular right now.

Coach Thibaudeau (from T-Nation) is now making open recomendations for a WD using casein hydro during undereating;
Wesley Silveira (aka Iron Addicts) has a book on how to mod the diet to something more bodybuilding-oriented;
Michael Keck broke a PL record last year (think it was national level, although some say it was world, I did not check) using a WD mod and is also preparing a book on how to addapt the diet

These are just a few of places that you can take a look on how to tweak the diet and make it more bodybuilding goal oriented. I personally have been following the diet for almost 8 months and loved it since day one; LOTS of energy during the day, extremely practical and made awesome gains regarding body shaping/recomposition. Its kinda hard to follow it for 190lbs+, and *in my opinion* it only shows it pottential with some kinda heavy investments into aminoacids, especially for undereating and workout time.

Hope that helps somehow; also, english is not my first language, sorry for dumb grammar mistakes :D
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Post by bigpelo »

Thanks everyone! good review and info. Also Craw, your English is good enough for me considering it is not my first language either :)
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Post by DaCookie »

Yes if you take it on definitely take BCAA throughout the day
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Post by the_buffer »

DaCookie wrote:Yes if you take it on definitely take BCAA throughout the day
What he said. I've done it without and had a serious loss in lean mass.
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