A word on managing workout frequency during Feast/Cruise

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A word on managing workout frequency during Feast/Cruise

Post by CaptainCrunch »

Speaking just for me, I insert the extra rest day the second I feel progress slowing down and/or any of the following crop up:

1.) Dis-inclination to train
2.) Niggling little injuries settle in
3.) Minor cold/cough coming on
4.) Weight jumps from workout to workout start to slow down
5.) Sleep patterns are disturbed relative to norm
6.) General dis-inclination with the routine/diet etc.

These are your signs. In time, BP teaches these things such that they become intuitive. This isn't easy, and I still struggle with explainging it to guys.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

I can generally tell its time to take a week off then famine by pain in my left elbow and right lumbar

they are generally the first to go.. followed by the right knee

slowly i begin to deteriorate :P
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Re: A word on managing workout frequency during Feast/Cruise

Post by RobRegish »

CaptainCrunch wrote:Speaking just for me, I insert the extra rest day the second I feel progress slowing down and/or any of the following crop up:

1.) Dis-inclination to train
2.) Niggling little injuries settle in
3.) Minor cold/cough coming on
4.) Weight jumps from workout to workout start to slow down
5.) Sleep patterns are disturbed relative to norm
6.) General dis-inclination with the routine/diet etc.

These are your signs. In time, BP teaches these things such that they become intuitive. This isn't easy, and I still struggle with explainging it to guys.

THIS!!!!! Great work!!!
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Post by doolee »

I agree! I can rarely manage a full 8 hours of sleep in college. The extra rest days helped, and definitely showed in my lifts!
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Post by RobRegish »

Great post.

Absolutely fantastic...
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