Supplement timing can be key...

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Supplement timing can be key...

Post by askmass »

From time to time I am asked about how successful one can be running low doses of some of our items, and here on the BP forums it's posed about Kre-Anabolyn more than anything else.

I'm here to note that one single cap of Kre-Anabolyn (KA) daily can have a very significant effect on your performance, IF you time the dosage perfectly with your biggest meal of the day (heavy carbs and protein, both).

Here's my recent non-intentional trial-

During the end of the year we were running very tight on Kre-Anabolyn, to the point I would not even spare myself a couple bottles for personal use. I was taking straight up Kre-Alkalyn (2-3 caps daily) instead for the period, and it was my first extended break off of KA in some time.

Last week, when my bottle of the Kre-Alkalyn emptied I was finally able to pop open a fresh bottle of KA and decided to go ultra-low dosage as a simple trial of sorts. One cap daily, with a full and rich dinner.

I'm not really knocking Kre-Alkalyn, but the difference to me has been nothing short of amazing. One cap a day, and I'm leaping forward on the road and already much fuller again in upper body mass.

Real ecdy works, and our unique KA substrate focused formula has won me over all over again with the tough one cap test.

Timing is key, but for those wondering if you can stretch out a bottle the answer is a resounding YES if you ask me. Not saying it will match 2-3 as most often prescribed, but one a day is still very powerful.

Modesty aside, it is my belief that no other ecdy styled product comes close to real Kre-Anabolyn in today's marketplace.
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Post by JlCh »

Interesting. I'm usually always looking for ways to draw out the use of the supps. This is going on the assumption we take it on off days, but:

How big of a difference would there be in taking 1 cap a day on off days/normal dosing on lifting versus normal protocol on both? Once again, not sure the dosing protocol yet, just figured I'd toss that out there.
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Post by RobRegish »

It's an interesting question and I'll be honest - I don't know. Not a lot of data out there on it right now. It may very well be and if so, that's great. It will allow those of us on a limited budget to get the most bang for the buck.

I am now in favor of bigger men (200+lbs) considering just 2 on off days and 3 on training days, centered around the workout.

That seems to be working very, very nicely.
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Post by BrainSquirt »

AskMass, Crazy question - What parts of the plants are the constituents of KA from?
Many thanks.
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Post by beefcake66 »

If a 200lb man takes 2 on off days and 3 on workout days... what would you suggest for a 120-140lb female?
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Post by askmass »

beefcake66 wrote:If a 200lb man takes 2 on off days and 3 on workout days... what would you suggest for a 120-140lb female?
Since it is non-androgenic, the same dosage rules generally apply for both sexes.

Unlike something like Nitro AKG, Kre-Anabolyn dosage is not directly based on body weight. At least not to a great extent.

I think you could see very good benefits with 1 on off days and 2 for gym days at that weight, however.

A lot of factors come into play, though, and within the context of BP feast it does run somewhat counter to Rob's recommendation and research.

On one hand, some people want to pop 6-8 KA a day and we are very confident that anything past 4-5 tops for very advanced athletes is a waste. On the other hand, we also get asked a lot about going ultra-low, and my personal findings point to that being more successful than even I believed prior to actually trying it.

Heavier dosing during a phase like BP feast, and a little lower for extended runs is a good general rule of thumb, I believe.

Best to you, BC.

BrainSquirt wrote:AskMass, Crazy question - What parts of the plants are the constituents of KA from?
Many thanks.
Good to hear from you, Brain.

We never do isolates of herbs, and instead focus on active, full spectrum extracts.

The best insight on the full formula is found here in the Q&A-
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Post by RobRegish »

BrainSquirt wrote:AskMass, Crazy question - What parts of the plants are the constituents of KA from?
Many thanks.
It's full spectrum Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract. That means the levseins complex contained therein is left untouched... meaning nature's fingerprint is preserved.

And in my book, that's a very, very good thing!
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Post by BrainSquirt »

I wasn't clear enough on the question. I get and appreciate 'full spectrum'.
The question was about which parts of the plants (root, rhizome, stem, bark, leaf, flower,etc.) the various constituents of KA come from. Thanks.
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Post by RobRegish »

I'll let AskMass handle that one.

He'll likely be "out of pocket" though... :) Not being coy, he's got something great there.

I'd keep quite too....
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Post by askmass »

RobRegish wrote:I'll let AskMass handle that one.

He'll likely be "out of pocket" though... :) Not being coy, he's got something great there.

I'd keep quite too....

In all honesty, the labs that run our products are under very strict non disclosure agreements with stiff penalties in place if they do not protect our proprietary work and research. Otherwise, some would be tempted to sell it off to the highest bidder.

By the same token, employees and agents of the company are legally bound in the same way not to disclose proprietary formula details in a public (and only very limited and controlled private) setting.

And yes, it is competing corporate companies that try to rip us (and each other) off. And yes, they do scour about looking to hack away at winning formulas as a rule.

They can reverse engineer to a point if they want to spend big money to do so, but they can not get our sources for raw ingredients - or, are unwilling to pay for that high grade of ingredient.

For example, we went to extraordinary lengths and expense to secure a new 2 year contract for legit RCE just last year. It is VERY tough to source the real material with verifiable actives in peak potency. And further, I will confirm that no one else uses the same extraction technique as we do.

Sometimes, it seems easy enough to figure out where the most potency rests in a particular herb. But the regional origin, climate and time of harvest is often the most crucial thing of all. So is highly refining it while optimizing and preserving natures balance to our way of thinking.

Take our Yohimbe, for instance. It costs substantially more than what you'll see at the local GNC, because the source material is peak grade and it is extracted and concentrated the right way. It is a time consuming and costly process and big investment on our part.

Our yohimbe also works (and in minute dosages, at that) whereas the ones from the store do little to nothing even when popping a near fistful of pills.

You would not believe the number of calls I'll get in a typical year from competitors nosing around pretending to be a customer trying to figure out our source for something as seemingly insignificant as the Colostrum used in Alpha EFX. My stock answer is that it's an organic dairy, which is true, but they will never get any details beyond that.

Sometimes, a company will make up buzz words and appear to detail out parts of herbs in an effort to look high tech, but that is virtually always a case of manufactured hype and not any form of true disclosure in the sports nutrition realm.

Probably not the exact answer wanted, but it's what I am free to give.

All the best.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

John, if you don't mind me asking...

can you disclose the % extracts, mg amounts, and all info regarding

-Adaptogen N

Thank you, I am not from a competing company.


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Post by Big.jazayrli »

On a serious note, I may soon include MASS yohimbe supreme in my arsenal. I have played around with yohimbe HCL all the way up to 12mg, still didn't get any "feel" which really scared me at such a high dose. Not to mention the price to use such a high dose far more than exceeds the price to use MASS's version
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Post by drhowe9 »

what is the yohimbe supreme used for?
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

drhowe9 wrote:what is the yohimbe supreme used for?
sexual health, increased fat oxidation, numerous things

really an amazing product when its actually effective
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