Swedishfish - Round 1

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Post by RobRegish »

Zeroed in on one thing...

186 g

248 g

Get those carbs UP to at lest 1:1 Carbs to Protein. Ideally 1.5 or 2:1. Why?

B/C if you feed your body protein it gets real good at burning.... protein for energy and not glucose. This isn't good. It's costly, metabolically throws off a LOT of waste and inefficient.

Not throwing stones so please don't take it that way. Just trying to help... :)

Otherwise, you're doing great!
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Post by Swedishfish »

RobRegish wrote:Zeroed in on one thing...

186 g

248 g

Get those carbs UP to at lest 1:1 Carbs to Protein. Ideally 1.5 or 2:1. Why?

B/C if you feed your body protein it gets real good at burning.... protein for energy and not glucose. This isn't good. It's costly, metabolically throws off a LOT of waste and inefficient.

Not throwing stones so please don't take it that way. Just trying to help... :)

Otherwise, you're doing great!
Evening Rob,

I realize my carbs are low, but on non-training day I don't really see the purpose of eating a ton of them, if my body doesn't need them in such excess?

I realize you aren't throwing stones - just trying to sort this all out. I think I have competing ideologies going on, where Martin and the leangains approach advocate for cycling macros based on training, you would like to see my carbs higher and my training less-than fasted, is that a fair summary?
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Post by RobRegish »

Certainly a fair summary!

Consider the following then on non-training days: Front load them in the AM when your insulin sensitivity is highest. Especially so AFTER cardio if performing then.

Hope that helps :)
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Post by Swedishfish »

Quick update before work:

I've dropped the IF protocols and eating schedules etc...I figured to try and mix and match the BP with another persons ideas on everything is just too much. Plus it doesn't make much sense, it's like taking religion and astrophysics at the same time and then trying to explain the universe using both. They just don't match up.

So as of today I started back up on Purple inTrain (3 scoops intraworkout). Unfortunately I don't have a budget for more supps right now, so the 'Formula' will have to wait. Hopefully PiT will get the job done, it's got about 27g of Waxy Maize and Hydrolyzed whey for di and tri peptides.

Also as of today I'll be eating a post-workout meal, so I'll be dosing protocol and slin-sane with that.

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Post by RobRegish »

Great work!!
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Post by Swedishfish »

Feast Day 6
Weight: 199

47 g
432 mg
1970 mg
299 g
38 g
270 g
76 g

Got those carbs up to almost 1.5:1, need to work on cooking more grains, maybe will make homemade pizza crust soon.

Dinner (Homemade Turkey Meatballs w/ Buckwheat soba noodles):

Well got up this morning and felt better than yesterday, so it was gym time. Today's workout was a little easier than Day 1 just by nature of the exercises (never done squat and DL in the same day before). Numbers were as follows

Push press 135
Walking Lunge 40
Bench Press 155
BB Row 135

TF2 2 Scoops in the AM / 2 scoops pre-dinner
E-bol 3 pre-workout / 3 post-workout
Reversitol v2 1 in the AM / 2 pre-bed
Slin-sane 1 pre-post meal / 1 pre-bed

10g BCAA + 5g L-glutamine & 1 scoop protocol pre-workout
1 scoop PSU & 1 scoop GreenMag on the way to the gym

30g BCAA + 10g L-glutamine sipped all morning

I'm still pretty confused about these lifts. Doing legs two days in a row, the rest periods, the rep counts. I don't want to give too much away here, I'm just naturally skeptical, especially with how sore I've been. I'm curious how this turns into what I've heard so much about.
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Post by RobRegish »

The "secret" is rest days.

As you grow stronger you MUST insert them.


On a 1on/1off? Goto 1on/2off at the end of 10 days. Then, re-evaluate every 10 days.

If you need guidance, PM me :)
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Post by Swedishfish »

RobRegish wrote:The "secret" is rest days.

As you grow stronger you MUST insert them.


On a 1on/1off? Goto 1on/2off at the end of 10 days. Then, re-evaluate every 10 days.

If you need guidance, PM me :)
So far thats the protocol I've been following, with some light cardio movements and stretching on the days in between to try and help with the soreness. It's only been a week of feast and only 4 days of actual liftings so I'm probably just being skeptical / impatient.

Update tonight after stretching.
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Post by Swedishfish »

Feast Day 7
Weight: 200.4

41 g
600 mg
2275 mg
353 g
35 g
273 g
67 g

Between oats and potatoes the carbs are coming up steadily. Hopefully I can keep them there, might have to start taking some liquid carbs.

No food porn today, too many leftovers. Hopefully making some cookies and homemade pizza dough this weekend though.

No official lift today. Just some cardio and stretching to prep for tomorrow.

10m on the recumbent bike
Stretching, some light squats to get some blood through my quads
25m on the ergometer - nice stead paced 5k
More stretching, shoulders and quads were the focus, a little bit of back as well

TF2 2 Scoops in the AM / 2 scoops pre-dinner
E-bol 2 meal #1/ 2 pre-cardio / 2 post-cardio (pre-dinner)
Reversitol v2 1 in the AM / 2 pre-bed
Slin-sane 1 pre-post meal / 1 pre-bed
Appnut FreeTest 2AM / 2PM

30g BCAA + 10g L-glutamine sipped all day

Looking forward to a really solid nights sleep tonight before another grueling workout tomorrow. Hopefully my legs are as willing as my mind is.
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Post by RobRegish »


Fantastic work man. Can't say it enough... :)
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Post by Swedishfish »

Thanks for the encouraging words Rob.

Updates on the workout #3 coming tonight. A quick note about today, I woke up this morning to weigh in and was flabbergasted! 203.8! Almost 4 pounds in a 24 hour period? I can only assume this is water from increased carbs as nothing else have changed. So right now I'm like WTFBBQ. Like sloop I spent the better part of the last 2 years losing a lot of weight and recomping some, so the rate at which I'm adding weight right now is very disconcerting.
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Post by bigpelo »

I think your weight gain is a glycogen storage increase from the carbs you add up to your diet and from the training your putting your body into.
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Post by Swedishfish »

Feast Day 8
Weight: 203.8! Yikes!

64 g
933 mg
1949 mg
226 g
33 g
257 g
44 g

Still plagued with carbs. I don't know if its from losing weight or what, but I can't get enough of them. I'm going to have to hit up the store this weekend and troll until I can find something I can eat everyday.

Workout #3 - same set/rep as workout #1
Got recovered just in time for this one, actually went quite well compared to the first day. Even did an extra set of deadlifts by accident, forgot I was done.

weights (again listing only weights to protect investors):
Lat pulldown 137.5, 150, 150
Squat 225, 225, 225 (much better than last time
Pushup 45, 45, 45
Deadlift 245, 245, 245
Shrugs 245, 245, 245
Calf Press 180, 240, 240
Hanging Leg Raise
Decline Crunch

TF2 2 Scoops in the AM / 2 scoops pre-dinner
E-bol 3 pre-workout / 3 post-workout
Reversitol v2 1 in the AM / 2 pre-bed
Slin-sane 1 pre-workout / 1 pre-bed
Appnut FreeTest 2AM / 2PM

GreenMag + PSU + Protocol + 10g BCAA + 5g L-glutamine on the drive to the gym
3 Scoops PiT during workout

30g BCAA + 15g L-glutamine sipped all day

Might attempt Workout #4 tomorrow to ensure proper rest period for coming week.

Homemade pizza dough is fermenting overnight, lasagna and pizza this weekend. Mmm carbs.
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Post by RobRegish »

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