Dozer's First BP Run!

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Post by RobRegish »

It will return in spades Dozer... I promise you here and now. I will be here every step of the way too....
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Post by bulldozer »

Here are the supplements that I will be taking

-Animal M-Stak
-Thermolife E-BOL
-White Flood
-Purple Wraath
-Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000
-MGN Pure Whey Isolate
-Universal Liver Tabs
-Now ADAM multivitamin
-Optimum Nutrition Fish Oil

So there is my stack. I was planning on running M-Stak as my preworkout Ecdy dose, seeing as how there is some ecdy in there, and it is designed to be taken preworkout as well. I really like the product and have had good results with it. I have a can left and when I run out I will be using the E-BOL. Now I was planning on using both, and taking the E-BOL post workout and with 2 meals, for a total of three pills, half the dosage suggestion. Then when I run out of M-Stak, I will use the whole serving of E-BOL per day. Would this be ok? Will I still see a benefit from E-BOL at half dose? Also I plan on taking 3 scoops of Wraath(=21g of BCAA) and 2 scoops of BCAA 5000(10g) per day following BCAA protocal #1.

Now here is my dilemma. I have not yet received the rest of my stack. I only have the whey, M-Stak, WF, and PW. I even ran out of my multi. I didnt expect my package to take so long, but with the holidays and military post office, its taking awhile. The reason I ordered the liver tabs was to follow the 7-10 protocal for the beginning of feast. Also I wanted to load up on the Ecdy, but I need my E-BOL. So what should I do. Do I proceed with feast. Or wait until the rest of my stack arrives. If I do hold off, what do I do until then? I really want to do this right, and give myself the best shot of succeeding. Which is why I ordered what I did, the beginning of feast said liver tabs so I got them. Will my results be any different if I did/didnt start off with the rest of my stack? Any suggestions?
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Post by RobRegish »

Wait until you get your stuff :)

You'll have plenty to work with there. Once it lands I'll help you put it all together. Hope that helps!!
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Post by bulldozer »

Alright so I will wait until the goods come in. What should I do in the mean time? Eat normal? Continue with famine?
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Post by RobRegish »

If you are in Famine now continue with Famine. Supps should be at a minimum here with a multi, fish oil and perhaps a greens supplement if not using a "live" fruit/veggie detox drink.

Once the goods arrive start pounding them down (provided Feast is underway). Do NOT under any circumstances start/stop a BP cycle b/c certain supps haven't arrived.

BP isn't about supps. Never was, never will be. Yes they help and mightily so if using the right ones when and where you need them. Shotgunning stuff though? That's for the birds. No implying that's you so please don't take offense.

If I had $.10 for every wingnut who PM's me on stressing out over whether doubling his dose of "Pink Magic" is going to make or break him, I'd be a rich man....
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Post by bulldozer »

No offense taken. And like you said certain supps help depending on where, and when you take them, which is why I chose to purchase the ones I did.

So continue on with famine? Im a little confused, as I have been on famine for almost a week now, and it says not to take famine too far, so what do I do? Also should I do the workouts again? Im not sure how long it will take for my shipment to come in, could be anywhere from a couple days to a week.

Thanks for the help.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK, I wasn't clear where you were with Famine. If you're done with it, transition to Feast as per the book. That's 3 full days devoted to destroying all you can eat buffets in your area, BTW. Then, initiate bridge workouts 1-5 into Feast.

Add the supps when they arrive. Simple.

Now on the buffets, here's my directive:

You are to pick ONE local all you can eat buffet. Proceed to absolutely destroy the food consumed vs. price paid loss prevention threshold. Your goal is a minimum 1 year ban from that establishment. Ideally a lifetime ban but no less than 1 year.

Report back please. Excited to hear of your buffet destruction... :)
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Post by hally83 »

Hey Dozer, im in the Australian military and am also in the Ghan. I know what u mean by postage - but u should see the aussie postal system... takes around 2 weeks!

Sounds like ur doing well - im about 1 week ahead of you atm and am already seeing some definition in my arms and chest. I noticed u wanted to specifically focus on a few areas... Rob does do personal BP programs for a fee... but us military guys get it abit cheaper than the rest so its really a no brainer.

Keep us updated. :D
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Post by bulldozer »

Hey Hally good to hear from ya! Ive met a couple Australians, and I like you guys, friendly and cheerful! Two weeks, that is awhile, when things go smooth I usually get a package in a week, but these holidays are slowing everything down.

Wow one week in, and your seeing results already! thats good stuff, keep up the hard work! Its stories like yours that got me hooked on in the first place. I cant wait to get back in the gym!

Ill be sure to keep all posted! Good luck to you, and if you got any tips please share them!
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Feast: First 72 hours 8-10 Jan 11

Post by bulldozer »

So not much to report. Im sure all you who have a BP before now how these 72 hours go. Catch up on sleep, and of course eat until you feel like your going to explode!!! I know I did. Im not sure if I gained my weight back yet. I will find out tomorrow when I go to the gym and weigh myself just prior to my first workout on feast! I cant wait!
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Feast:WORKOUT 1: 11 Jan 11

Post by bulldozer »

Today was the day that I finally got to step back into the gym. I was so excited I jumped out of bed when I woke up. I was so happy to be back among the iron.

So I woke up and took my Animal M-Stak about 45 mins prior to training. Just to point out, I lift in a fasted state. Warmed up on the stationary bike for 15 mins, while I sipped on my PurpleWraath/White Flood mixture.

Heres todays training:

Weight: 69.0 kg on the dot! Not quite back up to where I was pre famine, which was 71.4 kg but I will get there. Im not sure how far down I was after famine, but Im climbing back up!

Bench Press:185x8

Immediately Performed 1 set of slight incline DB pullovers:22kg DBx10


Immediately performed one set of Stiff Legged Deadlifts:185x8

EDT Block 1 (15 mins)

Incline DB Press: 26kg DBs/6,6,5,5,4,4,4
Cable Row: 55kg/6,6,6,6,6,6,7
Totals: Sets/7, Reps/77

EDT Block 2 (15 mins)

DB Shoulder Press: 20kg DB/ 6,5,5,4,5,4,4
Barbell Shrugs: 205/ 7,6,5,5,5,5,5
Totals: Sets/7, Reps/71

EDT Block 3 (15 mins)

Leg Extensions: 20kg/ 5,6,6,6,6,6,6
Leg Curls: 25kg/ 5,5,6,5,6,6,6
Totals: Sets/7, Reps/80

Man this workout was intense, but I felt so great getting back into it. I had to remind myself to slow down and get enough rest to hit my reps on the big barbell exersices. Next time I need to slow down and really focus on the big lifts. I was rushing all my warmups and then ran right into the max set. Need to slow it down next time. The EDT blocks were intense. I could definitely feel the fatigue setting in towards the end. I laughed at how hard it was to get the weights up, but it was awesome. I need to up the weights on a couple of the exersices, but I did pretty good for my first time through.

Did I do it right? Everything felt great, but I didnt do too much did I? I know Im definitely going to be hurting, but it was to be expected. My next workout, depending on how I recover, will most likely be on Friday.

Also good news I finally got my supplements in! My box was waiting for me at work when I arrived. So heres the plan:

M-Stak before workout on training days. 30 mins before a meal on off days.

E-bol: dose 3 pills with one postworkout, and then with 2 high protein meals on training days. On non training days, 3 with meals. Until M-stak runs out then I will take the full 6 pill dose. Doses taken with Fish Oil pills (2 of them)

Purple Wraath/BCAA powder: 3 on/3 off loading protocal. I try to time it to coincide with my training days, because I train fasted, first thing after I wake up, so I rely on my BCAA's to help maintain the muscle.

How does that look? [/b]
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Post by RobRegish »

"Did I do it right? Everything felt great, but I didnt do too much did I? I know Im definitely going to be hurting, but it was to be expected. My next workout, depending on how I recover, will most likely be on Friday.

Also good news I finally got my supplements in! My box was waiting for me at work when I arrived. So heres the plan:

M-Stak before workout on training days. 30 mins before a meal on off days.

ebol ecdy: dose 3 pills with one postworkout, and then with 2 high protein meals on training days. On non training days, 3 with meals. Until M-stak runs out then I will take the full 6 pill dose. Doses taken with Fish Oil pills (2 of them)

Purple Wraath/BCAA powder: 3 on/3 off loading protocal. I try to time it to coincide with my training days, because I train fasted, first thing after I wake up, so I rely on my BCAA's to help maintain the muscle.

How does that look? [/b]"

A. Looks very good :) See here for two useful post on AUS customs and your Ebol dosing!

Mixelflick's Analysis of Australia's Import/Customs Issues ... =australia

Kre-Anabolyn/ebol ecdy Dosing in The BP - Rob's OPINION :) ... php?t=1069

Damn that Rob/Mixelflick guy is helpul, ain't he? :)
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Post by bulldozer »

Thanks for the help again Rob or was it Mix? That answered my questions perfectly!

So I woke up today, and HELLO SORENESS!!! My goodness I feel like I got hit by a freight train! I mean it was to be expected seeing as how I havent been in the gym in about 2 weeks, except for the 2 workouts I did in famine. I dont remember being this sore in awhile! I remember I was asleep I woke up briefly to go to the bathroom and wow I felt it, then as soon as I woke up for good, man I was hurting. I know Im looking at friday to lift again, but judging by how I feel, that might wait until Saturday! I was always the type who felt I had to be in the gym all the time or else I was progressing, but reading the BP and others' logs I realize how truly important rest days are, and that frequency is not that important. I remember first going through the BP I laughed when it said some people would only train once a week, I was like that seems counterproductive, but the way I feel now, that just might happen.

As a side note, I found it funny that E-BOL is actually in orange capsules just like the bottle. I didnt think it would be.
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Post by RobRegish »

So happy I/Mix could help.. :)
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