Swedishfish - Round 1

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Post by RobRegish »

Very nice!

Keep up the great work!!!
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Famine Day 1 - BP Day 9

Post by Swedishfish »

Famine Day 1
Weight: 198.2
Waking HR: 56 BPM

23 g
10 mg
554 mg
310 g
52 g
39 g
200 g

So much fiber! So little protein :( This is gonna be rough, already feel weak and cold.

Back in the Gym today for Famine Workout #1. To protect the copyright I won't list the exercises or weights. In general the workout went well, lost some strength over rest week but that's to be expected. Today was lower reps so it wasn't too tiring. I imagine Friday will be much tougher.

Still no supps.

I can already feel the soreness in my legs, and a little weakness when going up and down stairs. I'm used to fasting so the hunger wasn't an issue, but the fiber and the cold might get on my nerves. For some reason when I don't eat very much my body heat is just not there. 52g of fiber makes for some interesting evenings...any suggestions?
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Post by RobRegish »

Watch that cold like a hawk. Personally, I dose 2 grams of Vit C every two hours. If you're spending a lot of time in the John now, you'll be spending more with that strategy. Think Hurricane Katrina, category 5

Devastation: Catastrophic :)

Works for me though...
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Post by Swedishfish »

Sorry. When I said cold, I meant literally cold, not like the virus cold. I feel healthy, just colder in my hands and feet than usual. I've just started wearing an extra sweatshirt around the house, no big deal.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK phew.

That's good news :)
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Post by Swedishfish »

Famine Day 2
Weight: 195.8
Waking HR: 60 BPM

36 g
18 mg
663 mg
284 g
47 g
45 g
184 g

Diet was easier today. Found some walden farms ceasar which helped get all the veggies down. Also substituted some carrots and celery for 1 tb of peanut butter which does wonders for my cravings for real food. That warmed skim milk is great as well.

No Training today. Not really feeling workout 1 as much as I'd hoped, tomorrows shorter rests and higher reps will be much tougher though.

Still no supps.

Other than some headaches/light headed-ness during my fasts that I'm not usually accustomed to, nothing really to report. My nolinksplease.com package came today with some e-bol among other things. Looking forward to feast, started planning where I'm going to go. Anyone in the Saint Louis area know of a good pig out?
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Post by RobRegish »

Great job. For me, it hits HARD day 3 so be aware...
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Post by Swedishfish »

RobRegish wrote:Great job. For me, it hits HARD day 3 so be aware...
Consider me aware'd.

I was reading a couple logs on nolinksplease.com and noticed the dosing scheme recommended for e-bol, namely before and after workout. I was also reading their little pamphlet which says to take it right before a largish portion of protein.

My immediate problem is that I train fasted and eat all of my meals in an 8 hour window, does it make sense to super dose e-bol at 6 caps before my first meal? or 4/2? I'm looking to nail this down soon so I don't stress about it leading into feast.
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Post by RobRegish »

Given that diet, I think it makes all the sense in the world to concentrate your Ebol dosing around the workout.

1 dose an hour prior
1 dose immediately after the workout
1 dose an hour later at your solid food, sit down meal

Doing so will put the product in its optimal environment, especially so given the diet you're using.

Hope that helps!
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Post by Swedishfish »

Makes perfect sense. I trust your wisdom on this one as I know very little about ecdy products. 2 pre, 2 post, 2 with my post workout meal. Sounds good. Thanks rob.


Workout 2 today was brutal, I can only imagine how much worse workout 3 will be.
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Post by RobRegish »

You may not need it. Make sure to check in with me the day before. If you're weight is down 1lb/more a day and/or your RHR is elevated close to 8 BPM above baseline, you get a waiver on workout #3 :)
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Post by Swedishfish »

Right, I was going to bring this up tonight in my post but since you mentioned it I mind as well ask. My weight dropped significantly almost immediately the first day (from 198 --> 195), but my RHR didn't change significantly, until today. But today my weight is back up to 196, but my RHR was closer to 80 today, up from 60 previously. It seems my body has gone all wonky on me?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah those are big variances/swings. Listen if your RHR has jumped that much, you get a pass on workout #3. You're there man, you're there!!
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Post by Swedishfish »

Haha alright man. I'll take it again tomorrow morning just to make sure it wasn't a fluke/some weird adrenaline thing. If it's still elevated tomorrow I will begin Feast friday. If not I will continue as planned.
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