starting next week, couple questions

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starting next week, couple questions

Post by islandboy90 »

starting the program next monday
just a couple questions, I know they're probably in the ebook but I'm out of town and cant pull it up right now.

1- is there a calculator like the 5x5 where I can plug in a 1rep max?
or how should I decide what weights to choose for the different days rep ranges?

2- As for the week before do I just record my resting heart rate and eat normal? do I take any supplements before feast phase besides a multi?

thanks alot.
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Post by RobRegish »

Hi Bobby,

1- is there a calculator like the 5x5 where I can plug in a 1rep max?
or how should I decide what weights to choose for the different days rep ranges?

A. Our 5 x 5 variation is predicated (some lifts) on your 1RM established at the end of Feast. We'll address this just prior to initiating Cruise.

2- As for the week before do I just record my resting heart rate and eat normal? do I take any supplements before feast phase besides a multi?

A. Spot on for the rest week measurements. Do take care to establish your maintenance intake during the rest week. Simply weigh yourself day 1 first thing in the AM, add up all calories for the day through Saturday (if starting on a Monday). Then, divide by 6.

If you wake up Sunday and your weight is within a pound or so of Monday's #, presto - there's your maintenance intake :)

ON the supps before feast (meaning during Famine), I'm a minimalist here with a Multi, greens product such as Alkaplex from AskMass if NOT using one of the live, juiced fruit veggie drinks I outline in the Famine stickies.

You MAY want to consider a strong cup of Java prior to the workouts. Just a suggestion and I'll leave that up to you.

MOST IMPORTANT: If you at all feel sick, off or just not right - DISCONTINUE Famine. You can't make gains if you're sick and getting traction during Feast is that much more difficult if you take Famine too deep.

Hope that helps!
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Post by tufluk »

Im not sure if there's a 5X5 calculator on here but here is one I found useful

On the rest week before, you do eat normal. take your resting heart rate each morning for 3 days and establish an average. This will be the baseline to use during famine to tell if your body is under stress.

During famine its best to keep it simple with supps, bearing in mind the idea is to deplete muscle substrate. I take a multi and a fish oil. Rob also recommends lecithin granuals.

hope this was useful
best of luck for your run
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Post by islandboy90 »

works for me,
thanks guys
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