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Post by RobRegish »

Packin it away... :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

chest day today, bit of a let down. i slept well the past 5 nights but felt a little slow today.

bench- 95x10, 120x5, 145x3, 160x1, 180x1, CNS trick with 225

New PR 200x1 unassisted. felt too easy so i tried 210 and locked out about half way up. maybe should have done more with the CNS trick. either way, im certain i can do 205, just let down i didnt hit 210.
15 lb increase in bench is still great though, ive always had a hard time increasing my chest strength.

ill weigh in tomorrow and put up a review on nolinksplease.com. hopefully that will get some more people on board :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. Way to go!

That's +10/15lbs on the bench and +30lbs on the squat in about 6 weeks. VERY significant any way you look at it. I'm curious to know about the weight, but I'm guessing it's got to be UP given those #'s!!

Nice work, and I appreciate the nolinksplease.com posting. It's really odd. Between you, Brainsquirt, Draco, Persch etc. EVERYBODY is hitting new highs in size/strength and yet..... the word on BP is still muted.

Geez for $35, you'd think this would be generating a little more interest. I guess I've learned why everyone else is selling pills claiming miracles..
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Post by MSR9889 »

im doing my best to tell everyone i know because i cant get over how much this program helped me.

weight this morning was 205, so up 11lbs with some fat gain. ill have to eat cleaner on round 2.

and if youre interested
https://forum.bodybuildingsupplements.com/showthrea ... =122043911
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Post by MSR9889 »

breakfast was 3 mini egg and cheese omelets and a couple pieces of melon
snack was 2 scoops xf whey and some cheddar pretzels
dinner was 2 over baked chicken breasts (no breading) and a cookie
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Post by MSR9889 »

so im going to start workout #1 of the maintenance phase tomorrow with legs and back and want to make sure i have everything clear.

so 5x5 squats using 215 lbs
leg sled (same as leg press?)- load it up, heels high and just hold the weight for 6-10 seconds. should me knees be bent?
seated cable row 5x5
machine curls- hold the weight while contracted for 6-10 seconds, up to 45 seconds
calf press- hold the weight for 6-10 seconds
cable crunch- hold the weight for 6-10 seconds

and thats it right?

and then for chest/shoulders, when i do the static hold for the close grip bench am i just basically holding the weight up?
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Post by RobRegish »

You've got the Cruise training down..

Q: Leg sled (same as leg press?)- load it up, heels high and just hold the weight for 6-10 seconds. should me knees be bent?

A. Yes, same as leg press machine. Usually inclined at about 45 degrees. Knees should be slightly bent about 2" or so under lockout.

Q: And then for chest/shoulders, when i do the static hold for the close grip bench am i just basically holding the weight up?

A: Yes. But again you're holding the bar about 2" or so from lockout so a slight bend in the arms.

You will be able to hold a TREMENDOUS amount of weight in these positions and it grows quickly. It builds an incredible amount of strength/tension in that range (plus or minus 5 degrees) and will contribute to overall hardness of the muscle.

Let me ask you a question though...

Do you want to keep rollin' like this (accelerated size-power-strength) or go in a different direction?

If the former, take a week off and we'll run with The Blueprint Periodic for Strength. You're perfectly set up to slide into German Loading Pattern #2 if that's the case.

If the latter, we'll move on into the Cruise. Just let me know...
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Post by RobRegish »

And I appreciate your kind words in the nolinksplease.com post. Between the success you, Persch889, Brain, Draco and others are having I am on cloud nine.

BP still hasn't turned a profit, but this is all the payment I need. At age 40 my best days may be behind me, but I always wanted to contribute and this is my little way of giving back.

Couldn't be happier for you..
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Post by MSR9889 »

i would like to keep gaining strength, but i would rather get lean/cut if i had to choose. i also need to use up the dicana i have due to the terms of the promo thermolife had a while back, so i could either run that while eating at maintenance or while dieting. how well do you think i could gain while eating at or slightly below maintenance? my bf% fluctuates between 15 and 18%, so maybe i could still run the program with success while leaning out. i would like to try the 100/70 thing you mentioned while continuing to see how everything turns out.
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Post by RobRegish »

I think you could pull BP periodic off with maintenance calories, perhaps slightly below. Your strength gains may not be staggering but with some savvy manipulation I'd bet we could do it.

Here's what I'd like you to sleep on..

Take a week off. Observe the recovery suggestions I make (sauna, massage, chiro or just plain relaxing..whatever that may be). You can then begin German loading pattern phase II with your new 1RM's. Consider shaving 5lbs off each to be conservative OR, if you really felt like you had gas left on those lifts base the new program off of your new 1RM's.

The key here is going to be diet, no question. The 100%/70% strategy is a valid one but it'll take some feeling it out in order to make it work. For example, you may find that 3 days of 100% and a day or two of 70% suite you better than the 100% workout days/70% off days recommendations. I'd still suggest 70% days be your "off" days.

You'll also want to arrange for most of your carbohydrates/calories coming around the workout. For it's at this time that they'll have the most "punch" insofar as anabolic activity.

While not a true "low fat" diet, fat will necessarily be lower here as you'll want to get a higher % of carbs to fuel your workout efforts.

One big factor that works in your favor with this approach: Overload is still delivered.

All too often, the mistake trainees make when trying to lose some chubb is to 1.) lower calories too fast and 2.) lift lighter. That second error is the real killer. With fewer calories in play to build muscle tissue with/preserve nitrogen retention, they've lost all hope by removing the "signal" to grow/preserve the muscle they've got: progressive overload.

IF strength/muscle loss does start to happen you'll see it in your bench first. Curiously enough, reports are fairly common where squat deadlift poundages actually improve while dropping a few lbs.

Give that some thought and let me know what you think....
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Post by MSR9889 »

sounds good to me. ill need to order some kreanabolyn soon. is the second loading pattern the same, legs followed by dimel deadlifts and chest/back for workouts?
i definitely plan on eating healthier as well, rather than just eating less and ill be sure to focus on the alkalizing veggies. im going to reduce my dairy intake as much as possible.
also intra workout, i think im going to start using purple intrain. i had pretty ridiculous energy using it a few days ago and i love the high vitamin b dose.

for recovery, im trying to find a chiropractor on campus and i plan on doing a lot of stretching.

also i have some coconut oil i think. maybe i can replace some carbs with that on training days.
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Post by RobRegish »

German loading #2 you're mostly doing 4 sets vs. 6 in German 1 so your energy can be better concentrated there, which I like.

I typically superset bench/squat for the 4 work sets and satisfy those first. Assuming 5-7 min in between sets you're done with those in around 30 min. Sometimes up to 45 min.

The remaining amount of time I devote to one rowing movement for an equal number of reps. So if you did 24 push reps for the chest I typically do the same # of reps in a rowing movement. Either on the vertical plane (chins), horizontal (DB rows) or somewhere in between (tbar rows).

4 sets of 6 when working in the 70-80th percentile. 6 sets of 4 when working in the 85th percentile and above.
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Post by MSR9889 »

so each workout i do legs chest and back? i wouldnt be able to superset bench and squat due to the setup and traffic of the gym. it would be much easier to superset with db rows or tbar rows.

also, do i need to start over with the famine phase and 3 days of feeding before starting the new loading program?
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Post by RobRegish »

No need to start over with famine.

And yes, you'd be doing legs, chest and back in one workout (although pyschologicall/physically, the back work isn't as intense).

You can split bench/squat workouts up, but keep an eye on how that extends the length of the loading pattern.. Its for this reason I so love the hip belt squat/working out at home!
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