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Post by RobRegish »

Yes and your resting heart rate (waking)

Not sure why you're surprised at the drop in blood pressure. As weight goes does, BP usually does too...
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Post by tnubs »

Oh man, I was so off. When I read heart rate in the book and online I was thinking blood pressure. Now everything makes way more sense!! Lol
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Post by RobRegish »

Glad I could help :)

One tip: I use an automatic blood pressure cuff that measures BOTH! Highly recommended!!
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Post by tnubs »

yup, the cuff i have measures both so it comes in quite handy

the last day of famine was rough and i messed up and ate some ice cream the night of the last day. today was the first traces of protein and i was expecting something spectacular like swelling up but nothing that intense. ive done low carb before and when i re-introduce them i blow up like i just took 2 weeks of dbol.

so im trying to pre plan my first feast workout and im having some trouble setting it up. so i do bench/pullover then ideally i would need some way to hit shoulders, traps, and arms.

so for the EDT id do:
dips/cable row
db shoulder press/vertical row

static holds on top position of dip and chinups

then do the crazy belt squat thing
and im not sure what to do for the EDT

thats a lot of volume for upper body. what changed would you make? id really prefer something i can do monday/wednesday/friday with so lower volume and high intensity
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Post by RobRegish »

so for the EDT id do:
dips/cable row
db shoulder press/vertical row

static holds on top position of dip and chinups

then do the crazy belt squat thing
and im not sure what to do for the EDT

For the EDT block, I recommend only one for lower body:

Hack squats (quads)
Romanian Deadlifts (hams)

That in combination with a static ab crunch finishes your lower body workout. The combination of two compound lifts for legs is exhausting to say the least. Especially if you're pouring in the requisite intensity!
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Post by tnubs »

see, my only problem is i can no longer do deadlifts due to my lower back problem. but ill figure something out. so the two EDT's for upper body wont be too much volume if im trying to hit the gym 3x a week?
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Post by RobRegish »

Shouldn't be, but if you even suspect it cut it back to just one OR cut the volume in both by half.

That should fix your problem (if in fact, it is a problem).. :)
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Post by tnubs »

Awesome workout today. My e-bol came in around noon today so i took my dose right then and another one 3 hours later(preworkout), both with protein and carbs. Last one post workout with my banana and protein.

-Bench: 185x10 superset with pullover machine 125x20 (way underestimated what i was going to be able to do)

-Dips and chinups w/10lbs
6/6, 6/6, 6/5
-Chinups and Dips w/10lbs (reverse order)
4/6, 4/6, 4/6
-Db shoulder press (50lb DB's) and Ez bar curl (60lbs)
6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6
-15 min bike

Im happy about those numbers, especially the bench. I really didnt have the energy to do an intense leg workout after this, tho. I thought my chin/dip strength would be similar but dips were easy and the chins were difficult so i tried changing the order midway through that EDT, maybe next time i should just use more weight on the dips. I feel like when i max out, my bench will be dramatically stronger.
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Post by RobRegish »


GREAT work man and all the credit in the world to you for delivering the goods. Right here for you if you need me...
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Post by tnubs »

So i probably listened to my body and took another day off but i figured just reducing the volume would keep me happy.

Bench 210x5 / Machine pullover 170x10 (shoulda gone heavier)

chinup w/10 lbs superset with dips w/35 lbs
6/6 then added 5 more pounds to chinups(15lb total) and did one more 6/6

row machine, neutral grip, straight set
6 plates x 10 reps

db shoulder press
50's x 15 reps

Static holds with 225 on smith machine (bench lockout) as well as top of chinups

i should have gone heavier on bench, like 215x5 or tried for a 6th rep at 210, but i had a girl spotting me and didnt want to have to use her help (gym was empty and she was scared lol) but im glad i got the number on bench, havnt gone heavy in a long while so i was a bit surprised i got it and didnt struggle too much. so overall, good workout. cant wait to try to rep out 225 on friday. i havnt even touched that much in months. so far, blueprint rocks. my training was pretty stagnant before but with all these variation in rep ranges, im feeling stronger and going outside my "comfort" zone and really trying. about the EDT blocks, are these for hypertrophy or just to hit all the muscle groups. im going to have to reduct my load to either one full EDT or do just straight sets so that i can recover better. Maybe ill alternate between two EDT so i do the same one less frequently.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great feedback, great observations.

I think you're on the right track for sure :)
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Post by tnubs »

oh yea forgot to add, im going to start doing the p90x leg day twice a week as my cardio/ leg workout. my right knee pops ever time i extend my knees trying to do the bike and it really scares me that i might do more damage. (my bodys so messed up). the waist belt squat thing also felt really awkward so i think im going to start with the p90x and throw other leg movements later into the cycle
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Post by RobRegish »

By waist belt.. do you mean hip belt type movement?

IF so, PLEASE stick with that. It WILL feel awkward at first but in short order, your CNS will get it down and it's ALL upside from there.

Let me know. I hope I interpreted that correctly...
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Post by tnubs »

yes, exactly what i meant. i tried the one meant for doing dips/chins with. i guess ill keep using it and see what happens haha
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